Chapter Twenty-Eight

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After a few hours of catching up, I flew up and relaxed on the mast. The sky is looking a little brighter than before. 'Morning.' All the spirits returned to the Celestial World a little while ago, and everyone else went to take a nap.

Kida sat beside me, "You do realize that they all called you 'Princess', right?"

I sigh, "Yeah. I know. I tried to tell them not to, but you know how they are. Especially Virgo. That girl doesn't know how to drop a title."

"I guess you have a point on that," she said. "I suggest that you tell the guild about your old title, Princess."

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes. "You know I hate it when people call me that."

She shrugs, "Oh well." I raise a brow. "Hey you don't like arguing about it."

I laugh, "Yeah you got me there. Come on, let's get a quick nap before we have to dock the ship."

~~~Timeskip: after a two hour nap.~~~

I step out into the cool air, with Kida still asleep on top of my head. I stretch my arms out as I take in our location. The guilds and extra dragon slayers are still below deck, and if my hearing serves me right, then they're all eating breakfast.

I look up at the sky to see the stars dim compared to the night time. Then again, the sky is brighter. Walking to the rail that runs along the high deck, I look over the rest of the deck. I wasn't surprised to see Laxus standing there.

I wake Kida up and sent her to check on everyone else, which earned me an ear-full of complaints. Once she was gone I dropped down from the railing and walked up to Laxus.

"You never struck me as a person that can get away from the Thunder Legion," I said and crossed my arms.

He turned to look at me, "Are you going to answer my questions?"

Sighing and looking out over the ocean, "I really can't."

"No," he argued. "You just won't."

I shrug, "What can I say? I've kept both a secret for over four hundred years. It's not so easily explained."

"Okay. How's your mark doing then," he asked. If I wasn't mistaken, he sounded smug about it.

"It's fine," I lied. The damn thing has been the cause of impossible sleep. Every time I would drift off, it would burn uncomfortably and therefore I don't get any real sleep. "Besides, we're about to arrive and I have to work on docking the ship."

"Have fun," he waved me off as he walked away.

I roll my eyes and watch as we got closer to land. "Akima?" I turn to see Mokorov jumping up on the railing.

"What's up Old Man," I ask smiling kindly.

"About this fight," he stated. "What's the full extent of the deal?"

I sigh, "It goes out to whoever fights me. If I win, no one questions me about my enemies any further. If they win, then I'll answer any question that they have regarding that subject, and Cobra demanded that I make it to where they all can dare me to do one thing as well."

"Sounds good, but I would like to add to it." He faced me with his hands folded behind his back.

I groan, "Fine. What is it?"

"If you are beaten by Fairy Tail, you will become the next Guild Master."

Sighing I nod, "Very well. Since it's you, I'll accept. However, if I beat all Fairy Tail wizards that participate, then you remain as Guild Master until the day you die. As in a full six feet in the ground. Not on your supposed death-bed."

We both laugh a little and shake hands on it. It's good to joke around about some things, even if they were never a joking matter to begin with. I look back out over the water at my homeland and shook my head at the thought of the fight to come.


I jumped off the ship to the solid wooden dock that The Sea Dragon was pulled up to. Tying it up was easy enough and I had Kida help me with the plank to let the others off. Everyone got to the ground, excited for what they might see.

I roll my eyes as Lucy was in awe and was the most happy. "Hey Lucy," I called to her. She turned to face me. "Fair warning, you will be fairly powerful while you're here."

"I know, I can feel it," she laughed and spread her arms out. "I wonder why though?"

I laugh nervously, "My homeland is very connected to the Celestial Spirits, remember. I think I've explained it before."

"Oh yeah. Sorry," she smiled nervously. I nod and walked up to the three masters of the guilds: Mokorov, Sting, and Jellal.

"I've already said who has to go against me in this fight, but if there is any additions, then that's fine. But for those who will not be fighting, then they have to remain with the ship. So there is no confusion," I said as I crossed my arms.

We all reached an agreement in that, and I was on my way through the woods that surround the dock. Not many saw me leave, but I made it clear that I will have a head-start in hiding away from those who aren't fighting.

"This is going to be fun. I hope Laxus won't do anything stupid," I mutter the last part to myself. "Oh well. Tally-ho."

Kida: It's about time you got back to the story. I feel so neglected.

Cobra: I have to agree with the fuzz-ball on this one. Quit your daydreaming!

Me: W-Well.... I'm sorry. Things have been hectic.

Laxus: No excuses. Get back to it. I need my questions answered.

Me: But Laxus! *falls on floor whining* I want to eat ice cream first!

Cobra: Sometimes, I wonder if you are even slightly sane.

Me: *jumps up* NOPE! NOT AT ALL!

Kida: *sighs and shakes her head* Unfortunately, she is speaking the truth. Such a child at times.

Me: Hey! You're the same way!

Natsu: Fight me, Akima! You haven't given me any fights in forever!

Me: *knocks him out in one punch* Such a child.

Kida: Hypocrite.

Me: *growls and smiles* Fine. Have it your way. Bye my pretties! *chases Kida in the air* Come back here you feline!

The Past Becomes Present  (Laxus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now