Chapter Twenty-One

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We sat around talking for a while. Apparently, they just wanted to see my new house and we agreed --with my permission-- that my house is the girls refuge if we want to get away from boys. I don't know how often that will be, but they understand to not pull a Nalu. (^^ sorry. I can't resist. I see Nalu and Bixanna.)

The Nalu being when Natsu just breaks into Lucy's home at his own accord. Everyone laughed at my explanation of what happened the morning that I woke up at Lucy's and Natsu's prank. Lucy is fuming all cute-like and blushing. 'Yeah. I see them getting together.'

I know Natsu and Lisanna use to be the puppy almost-couple way-back-when, but I think she and Bixslow will get with each other. Especially with their similar thoughts of Evergreen and Elfman.

It was overall a really nice chat for us women. We had fun before they left to get ready for the fight. I guess they're all coming with, and by all, I mean the guild. Apparently everyone in the guild sees this as a break or a training time.

"Alright. My boat can hold everyone," I told them. I gave them the description and directions to my boat before they left to pack.


I arrive at my ship The Sea Dragon in my black trench coat. Kida flew me up onto the dock and I grabbed the walk-board and set it up so the others can board. Luckily The Sea Dragon is a fairly large ship.

Panicking and complaining got my attention to the walkway. Erza is dragging Natsu by his scarf, backwards toward my boat.

"You'll be fine Natsu," Erza said as she continued walking toward the ship. I had informed the women about a spell I have on The Sea Dragon. It makes it to where motion sickness will not be affected.

"Like hell! I can't already feel the ride," he mumbled.

I raise a brow, "Worried about motion sickness?" She nodded. "Natsu, I guarantee that you won't be sick." He just ignored me and resumed clawing the ground to get away. "Okay Erza, let the little boy go. If he doesn't want to board the ship to fight me, then I guess Grey really is better."

Natsu froze in his attempt to escape and slowly turned. "What," he said in a low voice.

I shrug, "You heard me Salamander. Hell, I think Gajeel will do better than you even. But as I said-"

"Take that back!" He now right in front of me holding my coat in one hand and his other is in a fist covered with fire. But he is on the ship.

I smile, "Okay. I take it back. Now, I'll have Kida show you to your bonks." The realization that crossed his face was priceless. "Welcome aboard my motion sickness free ship, The Sea Dragon!"

The rest of his team came up, with an impressed Erza. "You insulted his ego. Very smart."

I smile back, "It's not that hard to affect that kid's ego. Say someone is better, he'll attempt to change it real quick. Be it by beating the "better" person, or the one who made the comment."

"That sounds like Natsu," Lucy commented. We all laugh, except for Natsu who was having a field day with having no motion sickness while on a boat.

"For heaven's sake," Carla complained. "That idiot is going to burn down the boat before we can even sail."

I laugh, "Believe it or not, this boat is as old as I am. I've had quite a few fire magic-happy mages on my boat. It doesn't take any damage from the fire. If anything, it absorbs it like I do."

"Why does it do that," Lucy asked.

"Well," I rub the back of my neck nervously, "it helps power up to go through a portal. My homeland is sort of somewhere that is similar to Edolas. Only, no one there is alive anymore. The Sea Dragon takes any magic shot at it and stores it for the use to go through the portal."

Lucy and everyone hand their jaws hanging slack, except Carla. 'I'm guessing that she knew about my world to a point.' Kida was able to snap them out of it and showed them to their rooms.


It took a couple hours before everyone was on board. Mokorov sat on the railing by the wheel. I tap his shoulder. "Hey old man."

"Yes, child?"

"Want to see something cool," I ask. He nodded. I point my index finger to the front large sail. "SHOW YOUR SPIRIT SEA DRAGON!"

The ship began to have a blue glow and as the sails lit up, the Fairy Tail emblem showed in white, glowing against the sail. Everyone stood on the dock and oohed and awed at the beauty of it.

"SHOW OUR ALLIES!" Just like that, Sabertooth and Crime Sorcier's emblems showed in white on the higher points of the flag. Everyone cheered in excitement. "I thought we should travel in some style." I took the wheel and steered us to open water. "TAKE US HOME!"

I released the wheel and let it sail. Mokorov began to worry about steering the ship. I had Kida explain that it is really a living magical being that can steer itself. That is if Kida and I have it do so.

Grabbing the net, I climbed and steadied myself on a beam that holds the main sail. I'm so happy about being back out at sea again. It's the rare occasion that I truly feel free. I saw the waves push at the ship, drawing it out into the open ocean.

Everyone was having fun, and so was I, until I felt a zap on my lower back. I yelp and almost fell off into the water. I look next to me to see Laxus leaning against the mast lazily while balanced on the beam.

"Are you trying to make me go over board," I ask scowling at him.

He shrugged, "You would've caught yourself."

"And your point is? It's still not right," I told him standing straight and crossing my arms. "You're lucky that I'm not a rookie."

Before I can continue to protest, he zapped me again, which made me fall. Instinctively, I grab onto a dangling rope and swung to land behind the wheel by Mokorov. The old man looked a little surprised to see me, but I look up to see Laxus.

Giving him my middle finger, I said lowly, "Watch it Sparky. This is after all, my ship." I saw him laugh and heard it too. I look at Mokorov to see him smiling. "I'll be in my room. Enjoy the ship. We'll be on it for about three days at the least."

And just like that, I went to my room that is right behind the wheel. I lock my door and requipped into pj's; black shorts and a grey sports bra. Crawling into bed, I laid there for a few minutes before my mark began to act up.

I press my hand over it as it throbbed. It's worse that last time for sure. I lay there curled in a tight ball, waiting for the pain to finally subside. I used my pillow to muffle my silent cries. 'Damn it! I hate it when that snake is right!'

Me: Well, there's another one my pretties! Tally-Ho!

Kida: Finally! I can talk! *plops down on top of my head*

Me: *fakes sneeze* Oh man. Sorry Kida, I think I really am allergic to you. *laughs with her after she baps my nose*

Cobra: Must you keep dodging the subject of you and Laxus?

Me: *stars in eyes* Purple leprechauns with a pot of pink pixies and own a blue and green puppy.

Cobra: *sweat-drops* What the hell are you talking about?

Me: *continues with bigger stars in eyes* Fuzzy calico bunnies wearing pink tutus and combat boots. All carrying machine guns and bazookas, and being led into battle by Scottish crickets in kilts riding the backs of purple and pink ponies.

Kida: *smiles amused* Yup. She's fine. She is avoiding the subject like the plague.

Cobra: Are you sure her mental health is okay?

Kida: *shrugs* You're the mind reader. But she will be fine. At least no one can question her creativity and imagination.

Cobra: Good point.

Kida: Until next time everyone!

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