Chapter Four

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Levy, Erza, Mira, Lisanna, Lucy, Cana, Wendy, Carla, Biska, Evergreen, and I went into town to try on various dresses. It was pure torment for me. I hate shopping for girly things. It takes up too much time and it is pointless. Why are we trying to be formal anyway?

Even though I am weary around Lucy. She is a Celestial wizard and I happen to know a lot of spirits. It's all thanks to my dragon slayer magic and my past. I don't want Lucy digging into my past, and only Mavis was the only one in the guild who had any idea of my true power and capabilities. Mokorov, Laxus, Mira, Erza, and Gildarts- basically the S-class wizards and the old man -knew that I was a dragon slayer. No one knows exactly what kind, except Mokorov.

"What do you think," I ask doing a small spin in a dress. 'Hopefully this will be over soon.'

"That's really pretty on you, Akima," Lucy complimented. "I have an idea." She pulls out one of her keys, and I automatically start panicking on the inside. "CANCER!"

Cancer showed up, kneeling to me. "Hello baby. How can I help you?"

"Uh..... What?"

Lucy scolded and yelled, "Really?! Your contracted to me!" She exhaled a deep breath before giving directions. "Can you fashion her hair to go well with her features and dress please."

In a split second my hair was fixed differently. A collective crowd of gasps and awes surrounded me. Lucy and Wendy claps their hands in excitement. "You're ready," Levy said.


I keep my coat wrapped tightly around me to hide my dress. "Why is this so formal anyway," I ask the other girls as we walked back to the guild.

"We always do an average drinking party, so it's nice to do a formal one. It's also Mokorov's birthday tomorrow, so it's a nice change," Mira answered.

Realization dawned on me. "Oh. It doesn't mean that I don't like this any less."

We went through the double doors to see a well decorated guild hall. All the men in suits and looked like they went through the trouble and actually dressed properly. All eyes turned toward us, and I am behind Evergreen, Mira, and Lucy. Cana leaned toward me, "You know, someone is staring."

"Akima," I look up to see Kida flying toward me in a violet and silver dress. "Why aren't you dressed?"

I roll my eyes, "Chill out Kida. I'll show my 'fabulous' dress tonight." I walk toward the stage at the opposite side of the guild. I stayed along the walls and outside the group. The other girls began socializing already.

I felt a small hand grab my own. Looking down to see Asuka smiling up at me. She is wearing a pink top that ties around her neck and a white skirt that goes to her ankles.

"Do I know you," I ask playfully.

She began to look sad, "It's me, Asuka."

I lightly laugh, "It's okay Asuka. I remember you." Asuka smiled again and began trying to hug my legs. I can't fight her so I just pat her head and encourage her to go back to the group.

I went through the door that goes to the back of the stage. As I look back to close the door, I saw Laxus in a black suit and a purple shirt and black tie. He's leaning against a pillar, drinking a glass of some alcoholic drink.

I shook my head, in hopes to clear it and closed the door with only Mira following me to the back of the stage. "Are you ready?"

I laugh coldly, "You all owe me big time for this. And as for being ready, give me two minutes." She nodded and left.

I walked over to a chair that's off to the side by a full body mirror. I pull off my coat and sat it on the chair. I looked at myself in the mirror, and realized that the others are right. I looked good.

My blue dress flowed down with a slit up my leg

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My blue dress flowed down with a slit up my leg. A silver sash is around my middle and a silver strap is over my right shoulder. The fabric is soft and beautiful. My long hair half pulled up and has silver beads in my hair. The arm guards became bracelets on my left hand, and a ring on my right ring finger. High-heel shoes with silver stones cross over the top of my foot and around my ankle.

I shook my head. 'They are really going to owe me. I hate dressing up like a barbie. Now I'm having to sing, all because I kept complaining.' I inwardly groan at what they are making me do. Walking over to the center of the stage behind the thick red curtain. Looking down I saw a microphone and picked it up.

'I hope this turns out okay.' I can almost laugh at my own predicament. 'Once I'm done singing I'm going to get a drink, then hide in a dark corner. Away from everyone.'

Me: Take deep breathes, Akima.

Happy: Why are you talking to yourself?

Me: Shut up you stupid cat. It's called self encouragement.

Happy: You're weird.

Me: Thank you, now leave me alone.

Happy: Why?

Me: Because I said.

Happy: Why?

Me: Because I can.

Happy: Why?

Me: *grabs and shoves him in a barrel and sits on the lid* Finally. Some silence.

Natsu: Hey Akima. Have you seen Happy?

Me: Yup. He pulled a vanishing trick. *crosses arms and legs*

Natsu: Really? Any idea where he went?

Me: *shrugs*

Natsu: *looks around* Happy. Where are ya buddy?

Me: *in thoughts* 'Hahaha. This is fun. I'm so mean. But then again they can annoy the hell out of me.' *aloud* Bye everyone!

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