Chapter Seven

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I shot up when I felt someone shaking my shoulder. Frantically looking around I realize that it was all just a memory.

"Still having nightmares?" I look over my shoulder to see a concerned Natsu. I even out my breathing and nod my head. "I know how to make you laugh this morning." A mischievous look passes over his face.

"Oh yeah? Prove it Fireball," I egg him on.

We went into Lucy's room to see her still asleep, and I lean against the door frame and crossed my arms. He has a calculating look with his tongue sticking out with a flame in hand. Happy flew over to me and landed on my head.

"Are you sure that's a good idea Natsu," he asked the dragon slayer. I put my hand over Happy's mouth so he doesn't wake up Lucy before Natsu could finish his plot. I already have hunch of what he is going to do.

"LUCY! FIRE!" He yelled. Lucy's eyes snap open as he threw a small flicker near her head.

"Ahh," she screamed. I stood there laughing silently. Then a dark aura passes over her. "NATSU!!!" The next thing the poor fire mage knows is his face is being kicked and he is thrown into the wall.

That did it. I began to burst out laughing, holding an arm around my side and holding onto the door frame for support as I laugh. A few tears began to drop, and it only became worse when Lucy looked at me like I was crazy.

It took a few minutes before I was able to calm down to talk again, "You're right Fireball. You getting your ass kicked without the use of magic is funny as hell."

He just looked really proud of himself as Lucy went into the bathroom. I figured that I would use it after her. Happy flew back over to Natsu and the both sat at her desk.

"So, do you two always break in," I ask smiling.

"Yup," they said in unison.

I shake my head, "So what's the occasion this time?"

Natsu decided to go snooping around in Lucy's kitchen, leaving Happy to answer my question. "Master wants everyone to go to the guild today for a meeting."

I tilt my head, "A meeting?"

"Yup," Natsu answered with a his mouth full from a sandwich.

"For what?"

"Don't know. It's just what Gramps said," Natsu ate another sandwich.

'Why do I have a feeling that I know what he plans to do?' Natsu and I talked for a bit while Lucy was in the bathroom. I was amazed how much they have been through without me at the guild. Before long, Lucy yelled at Natsu for going through her food and I got through my bath quickly.

As soon as we finished, we were on our way to the guild for the meeting. Happy kept making fun of Lucy on the way there, while Natsu was having an average conversation with her. I begin seeing how he acts around her and it piqued my interest.

'I think that they would be a cute couple,' I thought as we walked.


Lucy and I sat at the bar while Natsu went to fight Grey. "So that's your alarm clock," I ask her. "Natsu and Happy barge in your house and scare you?"

"It seems to be that way," she laughed nervously.

"I'm glad you both could make it." I turn to see Mira smiling sweetly.

I raise an eyebrow, "You're not fooling anyone Mira. You didn't earn the name She-Devil for nothing. As for right now, do you know what the meeting is about?"

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