Chapter Twenty-Two

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I'm standing at the front of the ship, watching the water as it crashed into the ship. I couldn't sleep, so I got dressed again and came out to see it empty. Everyone must have gone to bed. The cold air is refreshing for me, and I lift my shirt enough for the cool breeze to hit my mark, without it being obvious of what I'm doing.

A shock going through my back made me pull my top down quickly and turn to see Laxus watching me from a few feet away. I turn away to look back out over the ocean.

"What do you want, Laxus?" My thoughts are taking up my mind again, 'I must distance myself from him. I can't let him get to me.' A zap to my lower back made me yelp and turn to scowl at him, only he's right in front of me. "L-laxus?"

He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me so I'm on my feet in front of him. His face is bent down, close to mine.

"Wake up."

~~~End of Dream~~~

My eyes shot open and I sat up, panting and my mark burning. 'Damn it! That's new.'

"Are you alright?" I look next to my bed to see Laxus standing there with a little concern etched on his face. He was leaning over my mattress close to me.

I nod slightly, "Yeah, I'm good. What are you doing in here? I thought I locked the door."

"You did," he answered. "You were crying out like you were in pain, and I was the only one outside."

I just realized that I am in a sports bra and short shorts and quickly requip into my sweats and tank top. Thankfully, my mark wasn't able to be seen from where he's standing.

"Well, I'm okay. It was probably just a nightmare," I said waving it off like it was no big deal. He looked at me in shock. "What?" I look behind me to see if someone snuck up behind me, and turned back to face him.

"Why do you say it like that?"

"What like? Really Laxus, you need to be more specific," I said as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. I look at the time to see it being almost five in the morning.

"Like you think it's nothing to have a nightmare that puts you in physical pain," he said shortly.

I shrug, "I guess that if you live as long as I do, you get use to it. I hardly notice them anymore." What happened next made me wonder if I was still dreaming. He pulled me to his chest and hugged my smaller frame. "L-laxus?"

"You're crying again." That news shocked me. "Don't tell me that you actually didn't notice it this time."

I give a small laugh, "Nope. Damn it's been a while since I've cried. I've got admit, I really hate it more that you manhandling me, and that says something."

His hold tightens, it doesn't hurt or anything, it's just, 'Different and warm. I actually wish that it would last forever.' That thought was like a bucket of cold water. 'SHIT! I'm falling for the brute.' I press against his chest, separating us.

"Well, I better check everything," I said as I wiped away the last of my tears. He stood and left my room, closing the door behind him.

I stood, but quickly collapse back onto the bed. My mark feels as if someone is stabbing me with a burning iron rod. I had to bite on my arm and bury my face in my pillow to silence what screams wanted to escape. I just hope that it worked.

Footsteps ran to the door and I panicked, but I can't do anything. I was only slightly relieved that it was only Cobra and Kida coming in. Kida closed and locked the door behind them.

Cobra bent over me. "Damn it, Akima," he hissed through his teeth. "Calm down. You're going to have to tell him. I wasn't lying when I told you that it was going to get worse. The more and stronger you push him away, the more it hurts."

The Past Becomes Present  (Laxus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now