Chapter Seventeen

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I ran as fast as I can. A smell began to fill my nose. 'Smoke. Not again.' I'm fast enough to get there by foot. All of a sudden, I sensed Laxus near me.

"Hey shoot me with some lightning, Sparky," I said quietly, but I knew he heard me. I felt electricity flow over me and I absorb it. Just like last time that I absorbed it, I was able to use Lightning Body.

I was in front of a burning building in no time. It was a shock to me, especially when I smelled the smoke and it nearly choked me. 'It's the same thing that was mixed to burn down my house.' Movement in my peripheral vision got my attention.

A growl escapes my throat as I chased the man running from the scene. As I got closer I can smell the scent all over him. That pissed me off. A louder growl burst from me as I grab the back of his shirt and threw him in the opposite direction of where he was running.

Once he was a good ways back my body morphed into a wolf, tearing my clothes in the process. I stalked out of the shadows toward the man who began the fire. When he saw me, fear was easy to smell.

I growl, showing my canines. "You started the fire. You also are the one who destroyed my house. Why?" He began to retreat backwards, trembling in fear. I growl and snap at him. "Answer my question."

"I suggest you answer her," Laxus's voice came from beside me. "She will bite."

The guy went from being afraid to being a lunatic, laughing like some crazy person. I sensed his spirit and realized that he really is insane, but not in an illness sense, but a-

"Murder," I growl out. "You are a cold-blooded killer."

Smiling insanely he said, "So you notice. I should have figured as much. But that should be something you can relate to."

That got to me. "I'm not a killer like you. I don't hunt innocent people," I bare my teeth more and my hackles rose.

"Take it easy Akima," Laxus muttered. "He's baiting you."

I lowered my head, keeping my eyes on the man. "I'm aware what he's doing."

"Do you want to call the guild," he asked.

"Sure." I lift my head and let out a loud howl that I know dragon and demon slayers can hear. There was no mistaking the answer I got.

"Akima!" I hear Natsu's voice call out.

"Damn," Laxus said. "That's one way."

It was only seconds before team Natsu arrived on scene. "What happened?" He looked worried and when he saw the fire. "Awesome! I get a meal!" At that he ate all the fire, putting it out. Grey showed up next and froze what Natsu missed.

"What in the blue blazes happened here," Carla flew over with Wendy. Then she saw me growling at the man who went back to pretending to be afraid of us. "Who are you? And Laxus how do you have a wolf?"

Keeping my eyes on the man I answered her, "I'm not just some wolf. It's me, Akima."

"Oh. Well that explain's Natsu's reaction," she said. "But who is the man?"

Laxus answered for me, "He's the one behind the fires." A look of shock passed over her features, and she flew over to the man while keeping her distance.

I stalked closer to protect her, keeping my head closer to the guy than her. When he made a move to run I raise my hackles again. "Don't even think about running."

Carla spoke after he settled back down. "Why are you burning the houses. What do you have to gain?"

He just laughed. Laxus spoke up, "There's no getting answers from him right this second. It's probably best to take him back to the guildhall. Akima, back off." I let out a low growl. "Come on, Shorty. Back up so we can grab him."

The Past Becomes Present  (Laxus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now