Chapter Twenty-Six

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I open my eyes slowly and pressed a hand to my forehead. Everything is spinning. "Kida alert everyone that it's safe!" I had to close my eyes and lean on the railing. "Damn. I really hate that portal. Was it this bad to go to Edolas?"

I heard everyone clamor onto the deck and I felt Mokorov and Jellal stand next to me. I just kept my hand to my head and my eyes closed. As soon as I know I won't fall on my ass, I should be fine.

"Are you okay child," Mokorov asked. I nodded my head. "Do you need to rest?"

"No old man. I'm just really dizzy right now. It happens every time I steer through that portal," I explain. "Welcome to Vaharra. My home land."

I lifted my eye lids to look out over the dark purple water. The sky is it's usual royal blue for a night sky. Even though-

"Good afternoon everyone," I called out.

"Afternoon," I look behind me to see Laxus. "Maybe you do need to rest if you are having a hard time telling time."

I shake my head, "Two things; one, it's afternoon right now. The sky doesn't really change other than darker to show for night. Two, next time I give an order on MY SHIP, then I suggest you listen to it. What I say to do is for your protection, along with everyone else's."

Turning I walked down the steps to talk with Natsu. He saw me and his reaction was a surprising one. He bowed his head and looked away.

I roll my eyes, "Chill out Fireball. You may have been the one to see my roar, but don't go being scared of challenging me now. In about a day or so, we'll be docking to fight our battle."

He looked up and proceeded to attack me. I dodge and laughed. 'I should've known better.'

"Fight me, Akima! I saw what you did. Show the others," he yelled.

I smile and looked around at the surrounding faces. "Just the roar. Nothing else. This way it's fair, since you've seen it." He nodded. "Nobody panic. Okay?"

I unfurled my wings from being closed and took to the air and faced the sails. 'I need to give the ship more magic energy anyway.'

Getting in the same position as before, I called out, "FAIRY DRAGON ROAR!" Once again the white beam shot out. The sails absorbing every bit of it greedily. Once done I landed on the deck by Natsu and retracted my wings.

"I was going to do that again anyway," I said. "It would be needed to be able to go back home." Everyone looked at me in complete shock. I just shrug and went up to my room. "I'm going to get some rest, old man. See you all in a little bit. Kida, please make sure that no one destroys The Sea Dragon." She nodded in understanding.

"Wait just a minute, Akima!" I turn to see Gildarts standing there with his arms crossed. I raise an eyebrow. "Just how powerful are you? And what was with the 'Fairy Dragon Roar'?"

I shrug, "My roar is one of many roars that I have. Each one varying in power. As for how powerful I am, I'm not really sure how to describe it, or even who to compare it to."

He sighed, "Very well. How about this, when we land, we do a power play. An aura stand-off."

I smile and laugh at the idea of it. "Sure. It sounds like fun." I turn and went in my room to rest.


When I look out the window in my room, the sky is darker than when I went to sleep. I wasted no time to go out on the deck. I look up to see the starlit sky. The beauty of it is breath-taking. 'I forgot how it looks until now.

A splash sounded next to the ship. I went over to the railing and was surprised to see Ariel. She was not happy, by the looks of it.

"Sorry," I laugh nervously. "Mira nabbed me and I had to steer us through the portal."

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