Finding Little

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"Oh my God." Hoseok huffed in frustration. He looked the figure he saw that was once in the distance and found a sleepless man. Hoseok bit his lip wondering of he should ask.

"Excuse me."

"Oh hello young man."

"Have you seen a-"

"Green haired, pale looking young man?" The old man interrupted Hoseok. Hoseok nodded vigorously.

The man stood up and motioned Hoseok to follow him. Hoseok was hesistant to follow The old man led Hoseok to a house. Hoseok looked at the old man with a confused expression.

The old man laughed. "I am not homeless. I live with my daughter, I go out and take walks at night." the old man opened the door and Hoseok followed.

He led the two into the livingroom. Hoseok's eyes landed on a resting pale young man. "Oh thank God."

The old man sighed. "He was laying down in the middle of the pathway through the alley. Looked like he had been through hell."

"Thank you so much...Th-Thank you." Hoseok went over and picked up the fairly light man, yoongi resting his head apon the younger's shoulder. He walked outside again and felt a shifting under him and seen Yoongi's head pop up in front of him. Hoseok gasped as he saw the open wound on Yoongi's lip taking even further notice of his black swollen eye and scratches near it.


"Oh my God baby are you okay?!" Hoseok examined for more bruises and noticed only scratches on his arms and and ankles.

"I-it hurt." Yoongi's cries were like how jimin felt if you were to say he had no jams. Hoseok rocked the little back and forth. He felt so bad and he knew he was responsible for the situation no matter how much Yoongi denied it.

"I know ba-baby's okay H-Hobie is here." Hoseok let out silent cries. He took out his phone and pressed the contact 'Extraterrestrial'.

"Hoseok hyung where are you?!"

"I-I got him."

"Where are you?"

"Go to XXXX-street and the and you will see me."

"Okay...Hoseok hyung?"


"Is he okay? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'll see you soon." Hoseok hung up the phone and put it back in his pocket. He felt the silent snores and seen Yoongi had placed his head back on his shoulder and fell asleep.

Hoseok waited, rubbing Yooongi's back and holding his neck for support, he looked up and seen no stars were out in the night and the moon was hidden behind the trees. It wasn't long before he seen a black van pull up beside him.

Jin had stepped out of the passenger seat and opened the door for them to get in. Hoseok managed to get inside the van with a little difficulty but pulled through.

Yoongi was wearily stirring out of his sleep. "Where we go?" Yoongi spoke, his voice a pitch higher from little space and a little hoarse from waking up.

"Just lay back down okay? We're going home."

~Short chapter I'm done with messing with Yoongi for now. I reallt want some fluff so YEAAAAAA
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