Little Sweet

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^^ Don't play it yet.

"Hyung are you sure?"

"Yes Namjoon. We are just going to a fansign I will be fine."

"Hyung-" Jimin started. "You do realize they're bringing gifts." Yoongi shrugged.

"And a lot of toys-"

"I will be fine! Jin Hyunggg tell them to stop."

Jin shook his head. "Alright Yoongi-ya just don't fall into head space."

"Seems like we underestimated Yoongi hyung." Jungkook whispered over to Tae.

"Yea looks like he is doing good."

Yoongi was signing an album smiling. He genuinely loves seeing his fans happy and that made him happy also.

"Suga oppa." Yoongi looked up the fan that called his name in front of his eyes. His eyes widen a bit as the fan gave him his gift.

The fan gave him a kumamon bear with the words 'I love suga' stitched across the scarf. He took the bear and stared at it for a bit. He took the young girl's hand and locked his fingers with her showing his famous gummy smile.

"Thank you!" Yoongi's voice got a bit higher. He watched as she moved on to the next member. He stared at the bear for a while before holding it tightly still showing his famous smile.

"TaeTae loook!" he spoke into the mic getting all the members' attention intead of one.

"And there he goes." Jimin laughed.

"Woah! That's so cute." Tae played along.

"Yoongi hyung." Jungkook hinted.

"Yea kookie?" Yoongi asked temporarily ignorant of the situation.

"Why don't you give it to the staff and get back to it after we get done with the fansign."

Yoongi looked around for a minute, realizing that he was at the fansign which meant he had to try to at least sound big until it was over.

"Oh yeah! Great idea J-Junkook." he allowed the staff to take it. If it were any other day, at home he would've put up a fuss.

All of the guys stepped into the car taking their seat, with Jin in the driver's seat and Namjoon in the passenger seat. Yoongi was finally free, to speak how he want, to be excited the way he wanted to be, and to be extremely cute the way he always was.

"Appaaa! Lookie lookie!" Yoongi was showing off his new flower crown a male fan had given him.

Namjoon turned around slightly from the passenger seat enough to get a glims of Yoongi. "I see baby. That's really pretty!"

"I know Appa it reallyyy pwetty."

"Not prettier than our baby boy of course." Jimin smiled pinching the little's cheeks.

"No one cuter than Yoongi!" Yoongi squealed. 
After the short drive they arrived to a restaurant to eat.

Yoongi sat between Namjoon and Jin holding his Kumamon bear in his arms.

"Eomma can Yoongi have i' cream?"

"No baby it's bad for you." Yoongi pouted.

"But..Yoongi want i' cream." he lowered his head, lip still pouted.

".........Ya! Fine after you eat your food though."

Yoongi brought his head back up and smiled "Thank you Eomma."

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