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"Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle, wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle~" Yoongi sung shaking his butt, "Yoongi-yah come get your pull-up and boxers on," Hoseok sighed at a naked Yoongi. They all had to go to a meeting then to an interview, but Yoongi was making it extra hard because he didn't want to get dressed, and they were suppose to leave, now.

"Yoongi please?" Hoseok asked walking up to the little, already tired because he's been chasing him.

"No!" Yoongi ran away to freedom, but it all faded away when Taehyung caught him.

"Let's go," Taehyung and Hoseok went into Yoongi's room, Jin packed Yoongi's carrier with his business stuff and grabbed his own bookbag with Yoongi's little stuff and his own in it. Yoongi was laid on the bed, Taehyung opened up the pull-up and attempted to get Yoongi's foot in but Yoongi turned around and started to crawl away. "Yoongi-yah come on or we're going to be late," Taehyung grabbed Yoongi while Hoseok tried putting the pull-up on him this time.

Hoseok managed to get one foot in but Yoongi began kicking, "Nooo Yoonie no wanna go!"

Hoseok managed to stop Yoongi's kicking and pull the pull-up on to his lower half. Yoongi stole the boxers that they were going to put on him and threw it across the room.

"Come on guys we're five minutes late on the road," Namjoon walked in, Yoongi turned back over and stood on his feet jumping on the bed. "Yoonie no go!" Yoongi protested, Namjoon brushed his hair back in frustration, "Baby let's go then we play later."

"No!" Namjoon picked the boxers up off of the floor and scooped a jumping Yoongi up in his arms. He placed Yoongi in his lap and forcefully pulled the boxers on him.

"Where are his pants?" Taehyung handed Namjoon a black set of jeans and a red button up floral shirt. Yoongi whined while he was being dressed, but he knew he didn't stand a chance against his Appa.

"Alright let's go." Namjoon stood and grabbed Yoongi hand, walking to the living room. He helped put his shoes on and they all left.

"Hungwy." Yoongi pouted and crossed his arms, Jin sighed and reached into his black bag and grabbed some goldfish crackers.

"Here," Jin poured some into his hand then put the crackers away. He knew Yoongi would make a mess if he put it in his hand, so Yoongi grabbed a few out of his hand and ate few at a time.

The meeting was going well, Yoongi paid attention and didn't distract anyone, but Hoseok seen Yoongi's hands between his thighs which meant potty. Hoseok's eyes widened a bit, he couldn't do anything because the meeting was going on and it's disrespectful to ask to go.

Yoongi looked as if he was going to cry, his legs where shaking a little but not to much for anyone to notice and he was biting his lip. Hoseok felt bad, he wish he could help but that would get them all in trouble.

After the meeting they all say in the car driving to the interview that was 30 minutes away but it was too early to go. Yoongi sat in the car with his lip poked out and his hands between his thighs.

"What's wrong Suga baby?" Jin asked with worry, Yoongi's lip began to tremble and tears spilled from.his eyes.

"I-I peepee," Yoongi began to cry, he felt embarrassed that he couldn't hold it in, but more than that he thought that they were going to be disappointed in him.

"It's okay baby we are almost to the house, we only have two more hours until the interview so we can get you all cleaned up." Taehyung soothed. Once they arrived at the house Namjoon helped Yoongi clean up and smile while at it.

Yoongi ran over to a sleeping Hoseok and jumped on top of him, Hoseok groaned in pain from the sudden impact.

"Yes baby?" Hoseok tried to regain reeling in his stomach, "Wets pway!" Yoongi smiles brightly making it hard for Hoseok to refuse. Yoongi ran to the closet and pulled out the play-doh set, he ran back and gave Hoseok a green cup of play-doh while he had pink.

Hoseok thought of what he could do before tossing it around forming a green ball, Yoongi pulled and separated the doh into 6 pieces, he tossed his pieces one by one flattening it out instead of making little balls. He shaped them inti the shape he wanted amd handed Hossok a piece.

"What's this baby?" Hoseok looked at the doh and realised thatbit was in the shape of a heart.

"Yoonie wove you!" Yoongi pecked his cheek before running back into his room where Namjoon and Jungkook were talking. He held his hands behind his back and pursed his lips together waiting.

Namjoon looked over at the door and seen Yoongi, "Something wrong pumpkin?" Yoongi ran over and squealed, he handed Namjoon and Jungkook their hearts and kisses both of their cheeks before running to the bathroom.

He opened the door free willingly not caring who was in the bathroom. He ran over to Taehyung who was sitting on the toilet and pressed the heart to his forehead, surprised that it stuck.

"What the-" Yoongi pecked his lips before running out to find Jimin and Jin. Yoongi ran to the kitchen and found Jimin standing on the stood trying to grab a pack of fruit snacks. He tapped Jimin kn the shoulder making the younger turn around in confusion.

"Oh hey love, what do you need?" Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hands and placed the doh on his palm, he stood on his tippie toes and puckered his lips waiting for a kiss. Jimin smiled and pecked his lips then watched the little run off.

He had one more person to meet, and that was...Eomma. Yoongi ran around looking for Jin but he couldn't be found. He checked the laundry room, the kitchen again, the rooms, but he was no where to be found.

"Sucky!" Yoongi crossed his arms and pouted, he grew highly upset that his Eomma wasn't there to accept his hard work. He rechecked everywhere but still no sight of Eomma, Yoongi lips turned into a frown, he began to cry because he really wanted to give the heart to his Eomma and it meaned so much to him that he should have it.

Hoseok stopped whatbhe was doing and walekd to Yoongi, he picked him up and bounced him trying to calm him down.

"Awe puddin pop what's wrong?" Hoseok cooed quietly. Namjoon and Jungkook came out of the room finished with their discussion. Namjoon was about to proceed to the kitchen but heard Yoongi's cries and went to him instead.

"What's wrong with our Suga baby now?" Namjoon pouted trying to make the little laugh but it didn't work.

"E-Eom-ma!" Yoobgi cried into Hoseok's shoulder. The rest came out from what they were doing and went to the living room to see what was going on.

"What's wrong with our baby?" Jimin asked sitting on the couch, "He wants Jin Hyung." Jungkook answered.

"E-Eom-MA!" Yoongi cried harder into Hoseok shirt making a wet puddle on his shoulder. Yoongi's eard were a bright red, which meant he was REALLY upset. Hoseok bounced a little more, even swayed trying to calm him down but it was no use.

Ten minutes had past, but Yoongi's cries turned into sniffs and whimpers. They all heard a click to the front door and seen a tall figure heading their way.

"Yoongi has been crying for you," Taehyung stated, Jin furrowed his brows and tapped Yoongi's shoulder.

"Has my baby been crying?" Yoongi turned around and made grabby hands at thr elder. Jin picked him up anf dried his tears, "What made my baby so upset, I was only gone for a twenty minutes." Yoongi opened his palm and showed Jin the heart he made for him. Jin smiled and grabbed the heart, "Baby why get upset over this?"

"E-Eom-Ma, Guk-ie, Appa, Ch-ChimChim, TaeTae, an-an' Hob-bi Yoonie he-heart." Yoongi hicupped, everyone cooed at Yoongi's words, it made them feel special and thankful that Yoongi felt that way.

"Baby we love you so so so so so so so so so much!" Jin kossed all over his face making Yoongi throw a giggling fit.

"Wove you!"

"We wove you too baby."



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