Little Sassy?

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This chapter somewhat focuses on Yoongi AND Jimin. Mostly Jimin but you know this is a Yoongi story so the genius has to be included.
And also my chapters are always going to be LONG ASF (don't underestimate my abilities) so who ever don't like it 👍.

Hoseok was in his room sick from the previous night before. He clentched on to his stomach and whined. He spread out on the bed like a starfish before grabbing his phone. He looked up some illnesses that involved stomach cramps, and vomiting. He tapped on a website and scrolled down a list until he seen a specific illness that matched what he was experiencing.

Namjoon woke up with the sun beaming in his eyes.

Namjoon groaned at the vigorous light which was revealed by someone opening the curtains. "Jin Hy-"

"WAKE UP APPA IT TIME FOR BREAKFAST!" Yoongi giggled and jumping on the bed. Namjoon noticed that he was just some a pair of pull-ups, which meant Jin already gave him a bath.

Namjoon groaned. "Baby what time is it can't we go back to bed?" He pulled the covers over his face.

"Appa it morning time duhh!" Yoongi pounced on to Namjoon legs on both sides of him, earning a groan from the younger. Namjoon sat up pulling the covers from his face. Yoongi cupped his hands betweeen his cheeks performing the best aegyo he could.

"Fine let's go." Yoongi cheered getting off of the younger and watched as his Appa stand up from the bed.

Yoongi gripped Namjoon's huge hand attempting to make him move. "Let go before Eomma get weeeeeaaaaally mad." Namjoon chuckled and swept the little off of his feet and placed him on the hip. "Alright alright.."

Namjoon walked to the kitchen with a half naked Yoongi. He was met with Jin who was already dressed, baby blue shirt that was tucked into his black ripped jeans that hugged his buttocks firmly and a pair of black Dr. Martins that use to be Namjoon's but were too small for his feet.

"Morning hyung."

"Morning Namjoon-ah." Yoongi pouted. "Yoonie here.

Jin turned around with his right eyebrow raised. "Yoonie? Looks like someone feels more little huh?" Yoongi hid his blushed face behind his hands. "Yoon-ah~" Jin sung to get the younger's attention. Yoongi nodded behind his hands smiling.

Namjoon put Yoongi on the floor and laughed watching the little run into the living room to play with whatever toys that were in there.

"How's Hoseok feeling? I know he hasn't been feeling well." Jin turned to the younger to speak. "He-"

"HYUUUNGG!" Jin looked in the direction which and where his name is called. He sighed as he noticed hoseok was crying. "What's wrong Hope?" Jin questioned.

"Jin H-Hyung I looked up the th-things a-about what happens if I have st-stomach a-a-ache or when I'm th-throwing up and when I-I looked it up.... it-it s-said I had...i-iron poisoning!"

Jin mentally slapped himself. "Hose-" Jin was cut off by Hoseok crying even louder.


Hoseok continued to cry.

"I don't want to die!"


"Jin Hyung i love you! It says I will die IN 3 HOURS!"

"JUNG HOSEOK CHILL!" J-Hope looked up at his Hyung sniffing. "Have you taken any medicine?" Hoseok nodded yes. "Pills or liquid?" Jin sighed holding his temples.

"Liquid." Jin shook his head hysterically. "Your not going to die. Iron poisoning is when you overdose on pills that contain a certain amount of iron in it." Jin explained.

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