Little Scared

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Jin was watching TV while Yoongi was on his IPad doing work. Jin looked over and noticed the younger's eye bags and droopy eyes,

'Yoongi hasn't napped today.'

Jin shrugged it off, he knew the younger would fall asleep and nap soon enough, it's what Yoongi is known for. Not because he's 'lazy' or he was a little, Yoongi just worked hard everyday and deserved as many naps needed to work the next day.

Yoongi saved his work on his IPad and went to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and seen his dark eye bags and flushed cheeks, he wanted to fall into little space so badly, but he didn't want to risk being a bad boy so he didn't, or at least tried to. He splasged water on his face then patted it with a dry towel, he went the triplets' room seeing Jimin was the only one in the room and on his phone.

Jimin was the only one that didn't ignore him that night even though he was in babyspace. Jimin looked up from his phone, "Hey Hyung, what's up?" Yoongi walked over and laid in bed with the younger, he laid his head on Jimin's chest and fell asleep. Jimin smiled and held the elder as he slept.

After an hour, but thirty minutes for Jimin, the younger began to wake up from his nap. Jimin tried get up slowly seeing that Yoongi was still asleep, he felt something wet against his sheets and quickly but gently got up.

"Oh God," Jimin brushed his hair back with his hand and sighed. Yoongi had an accident in his bed. Jimin was about to get Namjoon but decided not to bother the elder. Jimin gently slid off Yoongi's pants but heard sniffs from the elder.

Yoongi began to cry out, tears ran down his face and his cheeks began to turn red. Jimin looked and seen his red bed sheets, the pee stain was spreading even more now.

'He must've peed when I first fell asleep.'

Jimin let Yoongi finish peeing, the smell wasn't pleasant but he stayed and waited. After Yoongi finished, the elder's cries were more clear to hear. "Awww little prince that's okay, we all have accidents." Jimin kissed the top of his head before picking him up and taking him to the bathroom. He knew that Yoongi was in babyspace and would need a lot of attention by all of the members.

Yoongi's crying came to a stop when he seem Jimin filling up the tub with green apple scented bubbles and his favorite ducky, pale, boat, and balls.

"See baby, no need to cry. I'm gonna clean you up reaaaal good and then we're gonna dress you up in something comfortable then we can play!" Jimin said as he sat Yoongi on the toilet and stripped him of his clothes, he sat the younger in the bathtub once it was finished filling, he decided to get in as well since the pee got on him also. He began bathing the elder with his baby soap while Yoongi splashed the water a bit.

Jimin smiled and hummed a nursey rhyme washing Yoongi's neck and chest which made Yoongi whine a bit. Jimin kissed the top of his head and continued to wash him.

After their bath, the younger placed a towel around his waist then dried Yoongi off and wrapped him up in a black and pink fluffy towel, he picked Yongi up and proceed to take him to his room but was stopped by a tall muscular young man.

"Hey Jimin, hey baby boy!" Namjoon attempted to kiss Yoong's head but he heard him whine and saw that he hid his face in Jimin's chest.

"Baby what's wrong?" Namjoon asked concerned. Usually Yoongi would turn to anyone if he or she wanted him.

Yoongi started to tear up. He was suppose to be big today but the members didn't need to know that, he was so scared of being bad that his big self didn't really want to sleep, and if he doesn't sleep much it would most likely to mean that he would pass out and wake up in headspace.

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