Update Soon and A Rant

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Update soon, I promise jt will be worth it, I hope. I've become more skilled with my writing ever since I joined amino, and not gonna lie that's why I haven't been updating, because of amino. Heh. And of course I am failing a class and that I got accused of plagiarism by a long term sub; when I actually wrote the five page freaking story that didn't have to be five pages! She doesn't want to listen to the students and puts grades in the WRONG way. *sigh* I've never had a C in English in my life.....I'M AN ARTS STUDENT I SHOULDN'T HAVE A FREAKING C IN ENGISH, THE PLACE WHERE I FEEL MOST PROUD IN WHAT THE HELL!!

I have a 53 in Geometry....whoops. Retarded school put me in Algebra 1 again so I had to gi fix it with the guidance councilor and they only had Honors Geometry left..if I wanted a regular then I had to change the freaking courses that I chose...bitch, no. So I had to take this dumb ass Honors class, and now, haha....phew...I don't try.

Can you tell I haven't been in little space??? Because I definitely haven't it's hard, truely. And the only times I have been, I've only been in little space for about five minutes....but anyways.

I made new friends this year named Isabella, Emma, and Dannabella (Danielle/Danny). They are the most wonderful people ever and Isabella is a squishy foam ball, I love her to death. Danny is gay as fuck and I love it. Emma......phew...hentai headass, but I still love herrr. I met Izzy and Emma the beginnint of the year. 1st period we all have orchestra together, then all of a sudden I hear someone playing Butterfly on the piano. I was scared because I didn't wanna seem like a weeb...but if I knew the song and they knew the song...they were weebs too so I went at it..and there they were; two people, Isabelle playing Butterfly while Emma sat there beside her looking clueless because she can't play for shit. And I met Danny through Isabelle one morning at breakfast. Isn't it weird. Just imagine, if I didn't push myself to go over there to the piano; if I would've just stood there with one of my other friends and just listened and not say anything, I wouldn't have some people to keep me smiling each and everyday. I meet a lot of people on the internet that I love dearly, but just imagine, in real life people can actually change you. I laugh A LOT at 7:30 in the morning now, and I actually have people to share something with, rather than keep stuff in and hear winning and complaining about how people don't care about "those Asian dudes". I love the people I met, and I can officially say that I'm not antisocial.

People are put in your path for a reason. Don't break something so precious that was meant to be there.

I wont leave, because I'm not ready to let go.

I love you. Thank you❤.

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