Little Worried

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Foreshadowing in this one so watch out.

Short because the next chapter is intense.

Not kidding.

Yoongi was out of it the whole ride back to back to their house. Everytime a member said something to him or asked a question, it woukd take at least two minutes for him to respond. He barely slept which all the members noticed, he barely ate, which was also noticed, but they knew if they were to address it he would just ignore it.

Yoongi was so tired, he was so sure that he could die from it, die from it all. He just wanted it to end.

Once they pulled up to the house everyone got out, but Yoongi turned a different direction.

"Hyung where are you going?" Taehyung asked with concern.

"To the studio I'll be home soon." Yoongi said while walking away.

All of the members looked at each other, unsure if they should let him go.

Yoongi was listening ti the beat, but something was missing. Yoongi banged his head against the stand as he was going crazy. The only sleep he got was the sleep that turned into nightmares, he was now afraid to sleep, and that was his specialty.

"FUCK!!!" Yoongi yelled out if frustration.  Yoongi was on the verge of ripping all of his hair out, he wasn't much of a crier in big space so he dared himself not to cry. He knew if he became little, little him would suffer more.
Soon after he got right back to work despite how he was feeling, he knew he needed to get the work done. Yoongi know his body wasn't completely healthy like anyone elses', he was an idol so of course he was going to have some problems. But right now he felt like he woukd drop any minute.

His eyes started to get heavy, and his body began to go limp. It wasn't long after that, that he fell asleep on his keyboard.

"Jiminie can you go with Taehyung to get Yoongi-yah, its been 3 hours since we got home and 3 hours since he's been in there." Jin sighed, he was worried, he knew that the younger wasn't in his right state of mind, but they can't force him into anything he doesn't want to do either.

"Sure Hyung, I'm ready Tae." Jimin said, he left out with Tae to retieve their Hyung.

Yoongi didn't move, he was dead asleep on the keyboard. Luckily it wasn't even plugged up. Taehyung and Jimin artived at Yoongi's studio, Jimin gapsed happily and worriedly that his Hyung was hunched over passed out asleep.

Taehyung tapped the elder, "Hyung wake up," Yoongi didn't move (\_"(-_-)_/).

"Is he dead?" Taehyung slapped Jimin's shoulder, he picked Yoongi up and positioned him on him like a koala bear, "You get Hyung's stuff, I'll carry him." Jimin did as told and grabbed his hyung stuff, the two walked home.

"We're Home!" Taehyung called out knowing that Yoongi wouldn't hear.

"Did you get- Oh my God!" Jin rushed over and took Yoongi from his arms. Namjoon and Hoseok walked over to see what was going on.

"He's so cold," Jin complained while feeling his forehead. Hoseok noticed Yoongi's eyes fluttering.

"He's waking up!" Hoseok exclaimed worriedly. Yoongi's eyes were fully opened opened, yet his mind was as small as a rock.

"Baby?" Yoongi began drooling, the members started to worry, this never happened before. Of course, Yoongi has woken up in baby space before, but in his condition they didn't know if was a good thing or a bad thing.

The members were taken back because Yoongi started crying, Jungkook rushed and grabbed Yoongi's soother and placed it in the baby's mouth. Yoongi spitted the paci out and began to scream, even when he himself didn't know what was wrong. Jin walked into the living room and sat on the love couch with some of the members following.

"Maybe he's hungry?" Jimin said more of a question than a suggestion. Taehyung come into the living room with a warm bottle, it didn't shut Yoongi up completely, but it made his crying lessen. Hoseok came back with Yoongi Mr. Wiggles, his Kumamon fleece blankie, and his mittens.

Jungkook helped Hoseok put the mittens on Yoongi's hands, while Jimin draped the blanket over his body. Jin took the bottle from Taehyung and put it to Yoongi's lips. The only sound in the room was the whining that came from Yoongi while he drunk his bottle.

"Hyung, I'm worried." Namjoon said while looking at the baby's scrunched up face, "I don't think it's healthy for him to be in baby space when he hasn't been eating nor sleeping."

"Maybe it's just nothing, maybe he's just trying to relax," Jungkook suggested, "It could be nothing big."

"His body language isn't the same though," Taehyung stated.

"Also he's been having nightmares," Jin sighed, what's going on in that head Min Yoongi? Jin asked in his head.

"Jungkook, I really want you to be right this time."


Not angsty because the REAL shit happens next chapter. I'll put up a warning.

Love you all💖💖.

Love you all💖💖

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