Little Paranoia

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Part 2.

Yoongi sat up in his bed looking at the door trying to listen for any types of noise. He got up carefully and walked slowly towards the door like someone was in there home and he was trying to catch the thief. He opened slowly and rushed to turn on the hallway light so he could see. His mouth was beginning to get drier than it was before. The reason he wanted to leave the room was because he was thirsty, but he was afraid for some reason.

Yoongi checked behind him trying to see if anyone was there or was trying to follow him, after seeing that no one was there he made a run for the kitchen and turned the light on add quick add possible.

Yoongi sighed and leaned against the counter closing his eyes. "Damn." After taking a little break he look in the fridge and grab day can of soda. He was about to go back to his room, but then realized; it was going to be dark.

He gulped and tightened his grip on a cold can of soda. How could he have forgotten that he had to turn the lights off before he went back to bed. The thought of being in the dark scared him and what made it worse was that he would always think that someone was following or trying to get him. Yoongi took a sip from his soda and sighed. He moved his left foot trying to get a headstart, but fear stop him. He whined feeling a headache coming on from his paranoia and that highly sugared caffeine is hand. He sat down on the floor trying to think of a strategy, but nothing came to mind he was dead tired. That's when is headspace kicked in.

Tears started to run on his face, it started off as a silent cry but soon escalated into something with more volume but not enough for anyone else to hear. He sighed deeply in the middle of his crying, trying to stop it but it only made it worse and there had to be someone up, at least one or two people.

Foot steps toward the kitchen could be heard which caused Yoongi to shake out of fear not knowing if it was someone he knows or someone who's trying to get him.

Jin woke up to the sound of a distance crying, a cry he knew all to well. He got up out of bed and went over and turned on the light trying to see if the younger was in his bed, but nothing but a stack of pillows being covered with a black cover was shown. He stepped out into the hallway seeing that the door was already open and the light was on, he made his way to the kitchen. He rubbed his eyes seeing Yoongi sitting on the floor in a black shirt and blue boxers, with a spilled soda near him.

"Oh baby what's wrong?" Jinn asked with his sleepy night voice tried as hell. He picked up the little who was making grabby hands and held his butt for support.

Yoongi burried his head into the elders neck sleepily, getting Jin's neck wet from tears, but Jin didn't mind. Jin seen the spilled can of soda and sighed.

"My O.C.D. is going to act up.... I'll handle it tomorrow." Jin took a step to go back to the room with the younger but heard a whine come from him. Jin looked around trying to figure out what was wrong but ended up with the same question.

'What's wrong with him?'

Jin look around for the last time then observed before putting the pieces together. 'Ah drink!' Jin finally thought.

He grabbed bottle out of one of their cabinets and sighed, he needed to put Yoongi down. Usually he could do anything with Yoongi in his arms but it was nighttime and his sleepy mind wouldn't allow him to do so. He sat Yoongi down on the counter and regretted it immediately. Yoongi's face turned back into a frown, and this time he started with loud, stentorian cries.

"Aish, Yoongi baby I'm getting you something to drink. Can you wait for Eomma? Please baby?" Yoongi didn't hear, he was still crying loudly. Jin sighed tiredly and set the bottle down and picked Yoongi up again, trying to calm him down so he wouldn't wake up anyone, but he knew that would aslo be a fail as well.

The sound of footsteps made its way to the kitchen. A person with  bold-colored messy hair,  gray sweats and a long sleeved white shirt, stood at the entrance of the kitchen. He rubbed his neck and groaned from his tired state.

"What's going on?" The person spoke with a deep nighttime voice; the voice that could drive any girl crazy if more specific. Yoongi opened his eyes and made grabby hands at the person that stood in front of him and behind Jin.


Jin turned a biy and seen an overly tired Hoseok standing st the entrance trying to see what's going on. Hoseok walked to the duo and grabbed Yoongi hand.

"Here Hyung give me Yoongi and do whatever you're going to do." Hoseok spoke more on an order rather than a request. He took the little out of his Hyung's arms anf bounced a bit, calming him down.
Hoseok wiped Yoongi's hot tears and sat down at the table putting him on his lap.

"Come on baby; stop crying, you're too pretty to cry." Yoongi laid his head on Hoseok's shoulder; even thought he couldn't hear it loud and clear, he listened to the sound of Hoseok's heartbeat. He was dead tired and the bags under his eyes showed it all.

The sound of the microwave stopping filled the second eldest's ears. Soon Yoongi was being lifted and placed on Hoseok's left hip; he seen something in the younger's right hand while he held Yoongi with his left arm. Milk.  Yoongi licked his lips looking at the cute panda transpartent bottle.

"I got him Hyung go back to bed." Jin nodded and went back to his and Yoongi's room. Hoseok turned off the kitchen light and walked to the bathroom. He grabbed a blue ABC's pull-up and walked back to his shared bedroom after turning off the hallway light.

Turning on the light he laid Yoongi on his bed and removed his blue boxers from his lower half. Yoongi whined cause of the cold air hitting him, but was met with warmth when the blue pull-up replaced his blue boxers.

Jimin groaned pulling his cover over his head. "Turn the light off Hyung~"

"In a minute." Hoseok positioned Yoongi more upward on the bed and laid Yoongi's head on the fluffy pillows and under the covers. He got up and turned off their bedroom light and returned in bed with the bottle still in his hand.

Yoongi waa positioned on Hoseok so he could easily take the bottle in his mouth. Hoseok was astonished by the way the elder was sucking on the nipple of the bottle so greedily. Like he hasn't had anything to drink in ages. He pulled the bottle away so Yoongi wouldn't get sick.

"Baby slow down or you'll get a tummy ache, okay?"

"Seo-Seokie..pwease miwkie!" Yoongi pleaded which broke Hoseok's heart. When has Yoongi ever begged like this over milk?

By the end of the night, Yoongi was sound asleep on Hoseok's chest. The sound of the outside the only sound present.



나는 장말 피곤해. Je suis fatiguée parce que j'ai travaillé vraiment dur à l'école et je n'ai pas beaucoup dormi la nuit. Tant pis. 감사합니다!

Partie trois bientôt !


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