IGotSetUp (Part Two)

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Yoongi watched the crazy Got7 members as he sucked on his paci. Jackson was currently being scolded for awakening Jimin, who was still crying from the scare. Everyone, except Yugyeom, BamBam, and Jinyoung, was now awake and in the living room.

Jimin cried as Mark bounced him on his lap, trying to calm the little down while sending the Chinese rapper multiple glares. Yoongi covered his sensitive ears to block out the overly loud noise, while Taehyung and Jungkook just laid there on their tummy and took turns as they played mario cart on the Nintendo DS that was Yugyeom's. The boys didn't really care that Jimin was crying his lungs out, nor did Yoongi.
"Jackson, I swear to God-"

Jungkookie gasped and looked up from his game. "No no! No allowed to swear cause den the boogey man get you and take you away cause swearin not nice!" Taehyung secretly snorted but continued to race around the track in his game. He was the one who evilly told Jungkook of that false tale, and he enjoyed it because A, he wouldn't get in trouble, and B, he loved the confusion on people's faces.

Mark apologized willingly, then looked at the crying younger in his lap. He honestly looked adorable,his red tear-strained cheeks and his swollen lips as he cried also broke his heart. Yoongi, on the other hand, was use to so much crying that he couldn't even pay it any mind. He just wanted his bag so he could play with Mr. Wiggles and possibly have a small teaparty with just him and his elephant.

Yoongi crawled away towards their backpacks and grabbed the elephant one. He opened it up and to his surprise, Mr. Wiggles was right there in front of his face. He took the precious animal out of his bag then crawled back to where the others were. He tugged on Jaebum's pant leg, causing him to look down at the little.


"Dis is Wiggles! Buh you say Mistur Wiggles cuz Wiggles no wike it when people no say Mistur-" Yoongi rambled. Jaebum looked at the small animal then back at Yoongi to finally realize that he wanted a Yoongi.

"He wikes nana an' booberies!" Yoongi showed Mr. Wiggles to Jaebum as if he just got the stuffed animal, but he still had a sparkle in his eye. Jaebum snapped out of the cute trance one he heard the pure silence of cries. He took a glance at Mark and seen him fast asleep with the younger in his arms. Jimin's tears were making Mark's shirt turn a deeper shade than it originally was, but figured that the eldest was asleep himself, he must have not cared about the shirt that much. Jackson tiptoed out of harm's way, knowing that he still would be scolded later. 

Taehyung huffed and whined, feeling his tummy growl. He got up and walked over to Youngjae who sad on the couch quietly with his head thrown back as if he just finished practice and needed an hour break. Taehyung tapped male on the shoulder, causing the other to sit up straight and ask, "What is it?"

" 'm hungryyyy," Taehyung whined and stressed the ending if the word. Not much longer, Jungkook was standing right beside him, whinning to the male that was on the couch.

"Fine, fine. What do you want to eat?"



"Wait, Kookie, crackers aren't food-" Youngjae chuckled to himself. "Anything else?"

"Hmmmmmmmm... cheesy san'whish!" Jungkook threw hisbhands in the air excitedly. Youngjae stood there confused. What the fuck was a cheesy sandwhich? A sandwhich with just ch-

"Ohh-A grilled cheese~" Youngjae stood up then went to the kitchen where he was followed by two littles who wanted to whine and complain.

Jaebum had placed Yoongi on his lap, listening to Yoongi stumble out his words and place is words out of order, but was able to make out what he was saying.

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