Little Spoiled

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"I want Fwuffy Fwoggy!" Yoongi pouted crossing his arms. Jimin and Yoongi were at the store for only 2 things,

Toilet paper

But Yoongi came along and he knew that they would get more than expected.

"No Hyung!" Jimin stated, he didn't want to explain to Namjoon about how he just had to buy it for him. "Yoongi Hyung it's 10 am let's not do this," Jimin whined, he just wanted to get back to the house, he was tired because

A.) It was still fucking am

B.) He never likes getting up

"Pwease?" Yoongi pouted, he had his hat on and it covered his eyes a little so no one would recognized him that much.

"No." Jimin stated, he grabbed Yoongi's wrist and took him to the register to pay for the stuff.

"I tell." Yoongi crossed his arms and spoke but not loud enough for the lady to hear.

Once Jimin paid for the items, he grabbed Yoongi's hand and walked out of the store. Yoongi whined the whole walk back to the house about not getting whaf he wanted and that he was gonna 'tell my Appa on you'.

"Hyung! Come get your child!" Namjoon walked out of his room to see Yoongi with his arms crossed.

"What happend?"

"He's mad because I wouldn't let him get a toy," Jimin shook his head and went to place the items where they belong.

"Baby you have plenty of toys, you just don't play with them." Namjoon picked up the little and placed him on his hip. "B-But dey get lonely Appa," Yoongi pouted more, Namjoon took off Yoongi's hat and kissed his forehead repeatedly.

"I know baby, maybe next time." Namjoon put Yoongi on the ground and walked into the living room with him. Yoongi ran over and jumped on to Hoseok's lap.


"Yes Yoongi-yah?"


"Yes puddin'?"


"Yes cupcake?"


"Yes snickerdoodle?"


"Yes sweetness?"

"Dada-" Hoseok flipped the elder so his back was on his lap and began to tickle him, "Yahhhh what does my honeybear want?" Yoongi giggled, he sat up so he was straddling the younger.

"Yoonie wan' kisses!" Yoongi said as he puckered his lips into duck lips, Hoseok chuckled but facilely pecked them sweetly.
The two both heard whining, Hoseok looked over Yoongi's shoulder and seen an upset and pouting Taehyung.

"What's wrong Tae?"

"It not f-fair!" Taehyung pouted poking out his lip even more, "I-I want cuddle Seo-Seokie," Tae crossed his arms upset that Yoongi was on his lap and not him.

"No!" Yoongi yelled, "Dada mine!" Yoongi sqiushed Hoseok into an unbreathable hug and laid his head on Hoseok's chest. Hoseok looked over Yoongi's shoulder and seen tears leaving Taehyung's face. He couldn't say no to Tae, the way his cheeks and ears turned red and the pout that was presented on his lips, Hoseok was soft.

"Awe Tae come here," Hoseok patted the seat beside him, Taehyung got on the couch and cuddled into Hoseok's side, "No~" Yoongi whined.

"Yoongi stop being mean, Taehyung is your friend."

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