Little Bad

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Yoongi was in his room because he was being punished for his actions, he had through multiple tantrums and threw cups and items across the room because he couldn't get his way. He even threw Mr. Wiggles at Taehyung's forehead.

"When you have calmed down and can tell me what you have done wrong, then you can come out," Is what Jin had told him and left. It's been 20 minutes since he told him that, and every 5 minutes Jin came back to ask him the same thing, "Are you ready to talk?" but Yoongi would always say something smart in return like, "Are you weady to hear?" or "Get ou' my face!"

Namjoon was out of the country for work and wouldn't be home until two more days, but that didn't stop him from calling every night, day, and in between to check on his members. Jin sighed, he was tired of Yoongi thinking he was the boss, but he couldn't and didn't want to be mean, he was Eomma. The nice, caring, loving Eomma, he didn't like punishing him because he felt it wasn't in his nature to, that's why Namjoon mainly punished him when he was here.

Jin went back to their room to check on Yoongi when he seen him throwing his stufies all over the place.

"Pick it up darling," Jin said ordered sweetly but Yoongi crossed his arms and role his eyes, he turned his back so that's all Jin could see.

"Yoongi-yah, pick it up." Jin tried to sound more stern but it didn't work, he walked out of the room and grabbed Hoseok.

"Can you help me with Yoongi, he's acting up in the room too."

"Hyung, you really need to learn to have some backbone." Hoseok sighed and went into Yoongi and Jin's room. Hoseok enjoyed being needed but when it comes down to punishments and Jin he didn't know what to say, he tried teaching Jin about punishments but at the end it all ended up in an argument about macaroni or nuggets. Hoseok walked into the room and seen how destroyed both sides of the room were.

"Yoongi I need for you to pick up this mess you made, okay?" Hoseok said more of an order rather than a question, he wasn't going to tolerate being treated the way he treated Jin, the only reason Yoongi is acting the way he is because his Appa is away and he believes he can get away with anything he could. Yoongi turned around and hopped off of his bed, he stood in front of Hoseok and looked at him as if were challenging him.

"No." Hoseok felt his eye twitch, he calmed down his nerves and inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly, "Yoongi, I'm going to give you this opportunity to say sorry and pick up your mess, if you do your punishment won't be as bad as it is now."

"I say NO!" Yoongi folded his arms and furrowed his brows.

Hoseok's method was always the red, yellow, and green light method. Red light meant to NOT take action and give him chances and opportunities, yellow light meant to calm yourself and give him less opportunities and make them clean up their actions, green light was anything possible to make them clean up their actions right away a.k.a. major punishment.

"Yoongi, if you do what I asked I will only take away TV time for two days and you will have a ten minute timeout."


"Yoongi, you will pick this stuff up now." Yoongi shivered at the away Hoseok spoke, he knew that he was going to get a major punishment and that's what made him even more scared. So Yoongi did the very thing he knew he was best at, crying.

"Yo-Yoongi sowwy H-Hobi Yoongi-Yoongi pi-pick up!" Hoseok sighed, he was relieved that Yoongi got the message, but he still had to go through with the punishment, "I'll stay in here and watch you pick it up, you will say sorry to Eomma and Taehyung and stay in timeout for fifteen minutes and no TV for today, okay?"

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