Little Traumatic

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Trigger Warning:
·Attempt Self harm
·Crying (I put this for Min Yoongi's sake)


Yoongi sat on the bed with his laptop in on his lap. It's been days after since the baby space, and almost a week since the website incident. His mind has been foggy every since, he couldn't concentrate on anything, dancing, producing, rapping/singing. He was completely mess, and he knew it.

Yoongi has been looking website after website, asking the same question over and over again, Why do they think of me this way?

After looking at the last website, he gave up, he put his laptop away and sat on the bed staring at the wall. He had bags under his eyes, and his figure was getting even skinnier. He refused to eat a good meal, eating only Ramen every so often because he was 'fat'.

The members forced Yoongi to stay home and not go to dance practice with them, they wanted him to rest so they came up with an excuse for Yoongi not going.

"What's there to do?!" Yoongi semi-yelled out of boredom getting off of the bed, he got up and made his way to the bathroom, he looked into the mirror and frowned. He remembered all of the names he was called, from the fansign and the webpages he looked into.

"I am ugly." Yoongi looked at his face in the mirror, his flawless skin was breaking out with pimples and bumps.
'Ugly bitch'


'Can't rap, fake'

'Just die already'

Yoongi stood, he looked vulnerable, angry, sad. Yoongi backed up until his back hit the wall, he slid down on the floor. His brain was going in all different directions, his heart was beating 1,000 (exaggerating) miles per minute.

"No one wants me, no one wants to be around me," Yoongi chuckled to himself. He stood up and walked back into his shared room, and sat on the bed.

Everyone hates Min Yoongi so damn much? Everyone don't know what Min fucking Yoongi is capable of doing.

Yoongi's thoughts wondered around, he got up and grabbed the forst thimg he could find, he threw the chair at the mirror watching it shatter, he grabbed frames, glassware, toys, his phone, he grabbed everything he could've and broke it.


Yoongi grab a fist full of his hair and pulled at it while tears streamed down his face. As Yoongi was crying, his Ipad was was ringing, Yoongi made his was to his desk and seen the caller,




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