Little Responsible

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Yoongi wasn't a 24/7 little, he had work and a life as well but that didn't stop him from taking a nap and sucking a paci every now and then, but today wasn't one of those days. He felt very big and proud and tall (forgive me).

Yoongi walked inside the house after having a nice 2 hour walk outside in the sun getting as much air needed. Faint crying could he heard, he walked and opened the door to the triplets room to find Jimin crying on his bed. He was in a yellow sweater that was oversized making him have sweater paws, white shorts, and a black choker, his face was puffy and it glistened from his newly formed tears.

"Hey, okay?" Yoongi stood at the door awkardly.

"L-Leave Ji-Jimin." Jimin sat up straight with tears still pouring from his eyes. He looked so adorable it could kill anyone.

"Where did they go Jiminie?"

"Dunno." Jimin continued to cry.

Even though it was awkward for Yoongi, he knew he couldn't leave Jimin like this. Yoongi walked inside the room and laid down with the little. It looks as if the younger just woke up, but Yoongi stayed by until he got out the last few tears.

"N-No li-little?" Jimin hiccuped.

"Nah, not today Jiminie." Yoongi pulled Jimin so he was laying on his chest.

"No leave Jiminie, otay?" Yoongi smiled wryly, he wrapped his arms around the younger comforting him.

"Jiminie hungry."

"Want some waffles?"

"Apple sauce too!" Yoongi got up off the bed with Jimin happily following along. He took out the apple sauce and poured a reasonable amount in a bowl.

"Jiminie!" Jimin happily sat at the table, Yoongi settled the bowl of apple sauce in front of Jimin and watched while the little ate, making sure he didn't make a mess, he got an idea before going to make the waffles.

"How about we go out today Jiminie. You wanna go to Kamong Cafe and get some waffles?" Jimin nodded his head rapidly as he finished his apple sauce.

Arriving at the cafe was no problem. Jimin kept still in the taxi, in fact he was quiet as well. Getting out if the taxi was a struggle, Jimin basically bolted out of the taxi and ran to the cafe. Yoongi kept walking his normal pace, as long as he was within Jimin's distance he was okay with anything.

"Can I have one Americano and a strawberry ice cream waffle..Jimin?"

"Str..St-ah...Strah..." Jimin gave up and pointed to the drink he wanted. He tried not to make his little self obvious but it was hard when you couldn't pronounce something so easy when you're not big.

"And a Strawberry Banana juice please." Yoongi paid for the both of them and sat down to wait with the little.

"T'ank you" Jimin looked up at the elder nervously.

"For what Jiminie?"

"F-For taking care of Jim-Me."

"I'm a little Jiminie, I know how it feels to be lost in headspace alone sometimes, so if you ever need me when I'm Big Yoongi just call me." Jimin smiled big and swung his legs under the table, "Thank you Hy-Hyoong," Yoongi laughed lightly at Jimin's off pronunciation.

Soon after, Jimin spotted the waitress with their food in her hands, the ladg set the drinks down then put the plate of waffeks that had ice cream on the side.

Jimin's eyes looked as if he's seen God. The plate was almost too pretty to touch, his mouth was watering, the only thing he wanted to do was devour what was right in front of him.

Yoongi picked up a knife and fork, he cut all of the waffles into little pieces (not before taking a picture of course). Jimin watched as Yoongi cut the waffles, he loved how Yoongi cared for him, usually in big space Yoongi would secretly show his affection but he was but now showing it well.

Yoongi held a piece of waffle on the fork in front of Jimin's face, Jimin happily ate the waffl smiling at the elder. Yoongi sipped his Americano as his phone suddenly went off, he picked up his phone showing the new message from Jungkook.

Man Baby:
Hyung, Jimin is home alone and Seokjin Hyung is worried. Can you watch him just in case

Yes Please:
Too late to ask, and I'm yelling at all of you when
you all get home.

Man Baby:

...Gtg 😅 🚌       🏃💨

Yoongi scoffed and put his phone away, he watched as jimin picked up a spoon and began to eat some of the ice cream, Yoongi ate a piece of waffle smiling at the younger, it wasnt even breakfast time but he didn't care, Jimin was smiling happy.

After they ate they were heading back to the house, Jimin held Yoongi's hand since they decided it was a nice day to walk aroubd outside and he was afraid to lose him.

Jimin covered his mouth with his sweater paw as they walked around, Yoongi turned Jimin around seeing that his furry coat was unzipped and it was getting chilly, he zipped Jimin's furry coat and continued to walk with him.

"Yoonie? Who you wike?"

"What are you talking about Jiminie?" Yoongi furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Who you wike?"

"As in?"

"Wike Eomma an' Appa."

"Hmm....I don't know yet Jiminie. You do you like?"

"You Yoonie!" Jimin giggled.


I' m sorry this is shorter than normal but i just became ultimately sad and since some of you seen some of the chapter already, why not?

Sorry I planned to write more but I just couldn't, I'm sorry. Hope I didn't disappoint which I know I did.

 Hope I didn't disappoint which I know I did

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I love you❤

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