Kylo Ren's task

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General Hux flew Kylo Ren back to Supreme Leader Snoke on Kylo's own shuttle. It was black, and had two wings in the bottom and one on the top. The injured Kylo lay on a bed in the back of the shuttle. He was severely injured from his duel with Rey in Starkiller Base.

Snoke was at his capital ship, the Supremacy. It was dark gray and diamond shaped, and at it's top had three towers the size of skyscrapers, with the middle tower being taller than the rest. The ship had a large circular canon at it's front, while the ship's twenty red-lighted engines were on its back. It was massive, being the size of 30 First Order battlecruisers.

Hux flew the shuttle into one of the ship's hangars. The hangar was lined with dark gray metal walls, and was lined with red and white lights. A dozen TIE fighters, along with another dozen grey fighters with yellow cockpits and circular wings, lay inside it.

Hux carried Kylo off the ship. He was greeted by a squadron of First Order troopers and four extremely tall beings with bleach white skin, pointy ears and short white hair. They wore dark gray armor with circular helmets. The helmets had black visors.

"General Hux, Supreme Leader Snoke would like to see you and Kylo" said one of the beings.

"I will go, Veedus, but Kylo must be healed first. He has been gravely injured from his duel with the scavenger in Starkiller Base" said Hux.

"Very well. I shall bring him to heal in our regeneration centres, but you must make your way to Snoke now. He is a patient man, but does not like to be kept waiting for long" said Veedus.

"Yes" said Hux as he bowed.

Hux walked past the hangar's sliding front door. He traversed the ship's hallways lined with gray walls and white and red lights on them. He also walked past several sliding doors. First Order stormtroopers and more beings like Veedus patrolled the halls.

After a long walk across the vast ship, he arrived in a hall of three elevators, with a large dark chasm lined with red lights and a metal walkway. He took the middle elevator, the largest one, which took him up the ship's tallest tower to Snoke's throne room.

Inside, Snoke stood tall on his big metal throne. The front of the throne room gave a small rectangular view of the stars in outer space outside, with gray metal walls surrounding it. To the left and right of Snoke's throne stood red walls along with steps leading to the lower level of the throne room. Four guards wearing red plated armor with round helmets and sporting red swordstaffs stood beside Snoke.

"Praetorian Guards, leave us" ordered Snoke.

The guards walked to the red walls, before walking down on the steps to the lower level of the room.

Hux walked to the throne and stopped in front of Snoke, bowing.

"General Hux, you have failed to stop the Resistance from destroying Starkiller Base. It was our most powerful weapon, one that we built together. We were about to destroy the Resistance with it and conquer the Galaxy!" yelled Snoke angrily.

"Forgive me, my Lord. I take full responsibility for this" said Hux.

"I am disappointed in you for allowing this to happen. It's destruction is a setback on our plans to conquer the Galaxy. My species, the Colossals, made an alliance with your First Order with the hope that you would be competent and useful to us" said Snoke.

"Yes my Lord, it was a mutual agreement. Together, we will conquer the Galaxy and reestablish order to it. But have we not been anything but an asset to you and your Colossals? What of the destruction of Hosnian Prime, the capital of the New Republic, by Starkiller Base? Surely that will weaken the resolve of the New Republic. And you Colossals must have more weapons in your arsenal" said Hux.

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