The First Order's Files

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General Leia had flown the scientist's ship safely out to Endor's atmosphere. Commander Cray lay recovering on the ship's medical bay, being cared for by a medical droid and Lieutenant Connix.

Leia imediately set a course for The Hapes Consortiumon on the ship's navicomputer. The ship made a hyperspace jump, arriving at the border of the Transitory Mists.

At that time, Lieutenant Connix headed into the cockpit.

"How's Commander Cray doing?" asked Leia.

"He's recovering well. The Medical droid has put some medicines into his leg and bandaged it to help him heal" replied Conix.

"Good. Now what we will do next is very important. We must analyze these files with the Resistance and Hapan leaders and come up with a plan. I will contact Prince Isolder and the Hapan fleet"

Leia contacted Prince Isolder in the ship's comlink. A short time later, the hologram of Prince Isolder appeared on the projector.

"Prince Isolder. How did the Jedi evacuation go?" asked Leia.

"We managed to evacuate a number of the Jedi, but likely the majority were killed when the First Order attacked. Master Zoltan is dead, and Rey has turned to the dark side according to Master Luke..."

Leia's heart sank as she heard that Rey had turned to the dark side.

"It can't be" she said in disbelief.

Prince Isolder stopped speaking, noticing Leia's horror and disbelief.

"I'm sorry, Leia. It must really be terrible to hear this. But the bulk of our fleet managed to escape, and we are now traversing the Transitory Mists on our way to Hapes. Did you get the files away safely?" asked Isolder.

"Yes, but it's a long story. I can explain when we get to Hapes" replied Leia.

"Good. I am glad to know that there is still hope for us in this war. See you in Hapes, General" said Isolder.

"You too, Prince Isolder"

Leia turned off the comlink, before starting to fly the ship into the Transitory Mists. She used her navicomputer's map to successfully navigate her way through the Mist, before setting another course for the planet of Hapes.

The ship made a hyperspace jump for Hapes. When the ship arrived, General Leia flew it down onto the planet's surface.

After landing on one of the Fountain Palace's pads, General Leia got off the ship and headed off to the medical room. There, Commander Cray lay on one of the beds. His leg was bandaged, and a medical droid stood beside him.

"We have arrived in Hapes, Commander. Will you be able to head to our meeting?" asked Leia.

"I will come, General. Although I am injured, the droid has given me some medication on my leg" replied Cray.

"The medication will be enough for him to walk to your meeting" added the droid.

Cray sat up on his bed, and he put his hands on the bed too help him stand up. He managed to stand.

"Let's go" said Leia.

Leia, Cray and Connix walked off the ship with R2-D2 and C-3PO. There, they were greeted by four female Hapan envoys wearing blue robes.

"General, you had to steal a ship to get here?" asked one of the envoys.

"Yes. Now let's head on, the plans are in R2-D2" said Leia as she pointed to the astromech droid.

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