Attack on the Jedi Academy Part 2

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Meanwhile, back in space, the Hapan and First Order fleets continued to battle. The first transport had successfully made it's way to hyperspace, thanks to the protection of the Jedi starfighters and the six Hapan starfighters which had come to aid them.

Although one of the Jedi starfighters and two of the Hapans had been destroyed and the transport had been slightly damaged by torpedoes from the enemy fighters, they still managed to destroy enough of them to allow the transport to escape.

Prince Isolder watched the escape of the Jedi transport from the bridge of his ship.

"Well, that's one Jedi transport evacuated" he said.

"My Lord, we have lost about four Hapan Battle Dragons to one of the enemy worldships" says one of the Hapan officers.

"Damn, that's not good. If only we had a way to combat them. Well, I sure hope the Resistance manages to find out how to do so, or we're screwed. Well, we must deal with it"

"What do you want us to do, sir?"

"Create a shield with the Hapan Battle Dragons to hold off the worldship's canons. It may not be very effective, but its better than nothing"

"Yes, sir"

Further in front of Isolder's command ship, a Hapan Battle Dragon was engaged in combat against a First Order battlecruiser. Starfighters from both sides fought each other between the cruisers.

The TIE and Colossal fighters were soundly beating the Hapan Battle cruisers, as they had superior numbers and stronger starfighters. They also stood back from the Battle Dragon in order to avoid being hit by it's cannon.

As a result, the Battle Dragon found it hard to hit the First Order fighters.

"Bring us closer to the enemy!" ordered the Battle Dragon's captain.

The Battle Dragon flew closer to the TIEs and Colossal fighters. The ship's turrets and cannons shot down a number of the TIE fighters.

However, the Colossal fighters fired torpedoes at some of the ship's turrets at its wings, destroying them. More TIE fighters came from the First Order battle cruiser, and they aided their comrades in shooting down more of the Hapan star fighters.

They managed to destroy about a dozen of the Hapan fighters, and the rest of the Hapan fighters turned and retreated, along with the Battle Dragon.

"Chase the cowards!" ordered the battlecruiser's captain.

The battlecruiser and the fighters chased the Battle Dragon. The battlecruiser fired its cannons and turrets at the Battle Dragon, damaging it.

The interior of the battlecruiser shook, and the alarm began to ring as a result of the attack.

"Evacuate! Save yourselves!" yelled the captain.

The officers escaped the bridge and attempted to head to the escape pods while the captain stayed and waved his hands to direct the officers away.

A number of the officers made it to the escape pods and managed to escape. However, some of them still died along with the captain when the ship was blown up by the battlecruiser's lasers.

Dozens of Hapan Battle Dragons combined their shields to defend from the worldship's cannons and turrets. The shield was strong enough to hold off the dark energy blasts.

One of the Colossal commanders watched the Battle Dragon's cunning strategy.

"A great strategy, this! But that shield won't hold forever! Eventually it will break, and then the Hapans will be doomed!" said the commander.

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