Space Battle in the Javin Sector

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The Resistance found the First Order advancing with it's fleet to the Javin Sector. The Javin Sector was a strategically important sector, and included the planets of Javin, Bespin and Hoth.

The First Order arrived at the space sector with a new fleet composed of a Colossal Warship, eight First Order Resurgent Class Battlecruisers and ten frigates, altogether numbering 20 ships, along with hundreds of First Order TIE and Colossal fighters, with some being inside the capital ships. The Colossal Worldship was the same model as Snoke's own ship, the Supremacy, although it was slightly smaller. However, it was still massive, being twice the size of even the battlecruisers.

On the bridge of the Colossal Warship stood General Hux, the commander of the First Order fleet, along with a Colossal commander, Sakitus Lin. Sakitus wore gray Colossal armor, and had long white hair placed in a ponytail. Glass lined the walls of the circular bridge, giving a nice view of the sector's bright stars and planets. A computer room stood below them, where Colossals and First Order officers sat working on navigational computers.

"Javin. This vital and resource-rich sector will be nothing but an asset to our cause. However, the Resistance fleet will surely attack us here. If we can use this ship's primary superweapon to raze their fleet, then this battle will be won easily, and we will further weaken the Resistance and the New Republic" said Hux.

"And you have an advantage that the Resistance does not. You have us Colossals. We are a strong and technologically sophisticated race, bred for war. Our worldship will be like nothing they have ever seen, and they will help us win this battle and destroy the Resistance's fleet!" said Sakitus.

"Sir, the Resistance fleet is approaching" said one of the First Order officers.

"Camouflage the worldship and charge up its superweapon. When it is charged, we will unleash hell on them" ordered Hux.

The worldship turned invisible and flew away. Suddenly, the Resistance fleet arrived from hyperspace. They had eight Mon Calamari Star Cruisers and eight Corellian frigates. The Resistance Starfighter Corps, led by Poe Dameron, also arrived, and was composed of X-Wings, A-Wings and Resistance Bombers.

"Black Squadron, Red Squadron, and Blue Squadron, we have arrived at the Javin Sector. It appears that the First Order wants to take the sector for it's strategic importance and in order to get further to D'Qar. Well, we are going to give them more than they bargained for, like we did at Takodana and Starkiller Base. Let's go!" said Poe Dameron to the intercom.

"We've got it, Black Leader" replied Snap Wexley."Noted, Black Leader" replied Jessika Pava."Noted" replied Nien Nunb.

The other members of the Black, Blue and Red Squadrons let Poe know that they heard him.

The Starfighter Corps flew closer to the First Order ships. However, the First Order TIE fighters also flew at the Resistance starfighters, and both sides began to fire at each other. The Battle for the Javin sector had begun. The two fleets flew closer to each other, preparing to engage.

The Resistance leader Leia Organa stood on the bridge of the Home One ship, along with Admiral Ackbar, Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo, Admiral Statura and a number of other officers. Leia herself stood behind the navicomputer, wearing a an admiral's suit with a cape. 

"Leia, what is our battle plan?" asked Admiral Statura.

"We must proceed cautiously. Admiral Ackbar will tell us the plan" replied Leia. 

"We should be on the defensive and draw in the First Order ships one by one first. This will allow us to focus on a few ships at a time, rather than having to take on the whole fleet at once" said Ackbar.

"That is a good plan. All ships, head to that nebula nearby and go on defensive position. We are going to let the First Order come to us, and we will give them a real fight!" ordered Leia through the intercom.

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