Negotiations with Hapes

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"The negotiations will take place tomorrow. It will be evening soon, and we would like to give you hospitality here. Ithara Cay will show you to the palace's guest quarters. Follow her" said Isolder.

Ithara walked to the door out of the room as the Jedi and Resistance leaders cleared the way to let her pass. After she got to the door, the Jedi and Resistance leaders left the throne room and followed Ithara up some steps to the third floor of the palace.

There were several long hallways with several doors on that floor. The hallways were lit with dish-shaped white lights on the walls.

"These are the guest quarters of the palace. Choose the rooms that you want, provided that they are vacant of course. The rooms with green lights on the door handles are vacant. There is a maximum of four occupants per room" explained Ithara.

The Jedi and Resistance leaders chose their rooms, heading into the vacant ones. Most of them went to sleep.

Rey was shackled to a gray table in a dark room at Snoke's worldship. Looking around the room, she panted in fear.

Suddenly, Snoke walked through the door into the room along with Kylo. Snoke wore his gold robes, and towered over Rey. He walked over to the table where she was shackled, while Kylo went behind Snoke.

Rey turned away from Snoke.

"You know, I will not turn to the dark side" she said.

"Oh, but you will. When you cannot take the torture anymore" replied Snoke.

Snoke stuck out his hands and unleashed a flurry of red lightning at Rey. Rey screamed in pain, turning her head and body hysterically. Snoke laughed as he tortured her. Kylo watched from a distance.

"You will submit!"

"Never! I won't turn to the dark side!"

Snoke unleashed more lightning at Rey, and she continued to scream.

"This is but a taste of the dark side's power. Soon, you will join me willingly"


Snoke laughed as Rey continued to yell in pain.

"Rey, the days of the Jedi, the New Republic and the Resistance are over. They are weak, and cannot withstand the power of the First Order. Their capital world is destroyed. There is no hope for you and your friends"

"That is not true!"

Snoke hurled more lightning at Rey.  As he looked at Rey, Kylo's expression turned to a pleading one, almost as if he was begging Rey to turn to the dark.

"There is such resolve in your resistance, but deep down in your heart I can feel it. The desire of the dark side. You are hungry for it. If you join us, you can be more powerful than you have ever imagined. You possess great potential in the Force, which would be wasted if you continue to be a pawn of the Jedi! We can bring order to the galaxy, order that the Resistance and New Republic cannot bring!"

"Rey, please!" pleaded Kylo, who was in tears now.

Snoke Force pushed his apprentice at the wall. He then touched Rey's forehead, attempting to extract memories from her mind. Frowning, Rey turned her body around in pain.

"Speaking of the Jedi, I must know where they are hiding. You know where their planet is, and you will give me their location"

Rey faced Snoke in a frown, tears rolling down her eyes.

"I will not give you anything!"

"You may have been able to resist my apprentice, but I am the leader of the Colossals and one of the most potent Force users in the galaxy. There is no hope in resisting me"

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