Breaking into the Lumys Installation

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The Resistance prepared to send Finn, Rose and DJ to the Lumys Installation. Finn and Rose were given stolen First Order officer uniforms by DJ. They tried the uniforms on in one of the Fountain Palace's dressing rooms, which had mirrored walls. They then stood next to each other. Finn's suit was gray, while Rose's was blue.

"You should be able to fit in well for a time with those disguises" said DJ.

DJ put on his new clothes in the same room. He put on a black First Order officer's uniform complete with a black officer's hat and black glasses.

"All right, Finn and Rose. This is the cover story. I am Officer Javian Mardan, and you two are Lieutenants Noah Gallix and Zanna Armit. We are heading into the Lumys Installation in order to inspect the files in the base's data vault. I have created profiles for you in order to make the cover story convincing" explained DJ.

DJ showed a datapad to Finn and Rose, which had their faces along with their cover stories. Finn and Rose read through the datapad.

"Does it look like a convincing cover story?" asked DJ.

"Yeah, sort of" replied Finn.

"Good. Then let us head outside to the hangar. Our shuttle is waiting" said DJ.

Finn, Rose and DJ left the room on their disguises and headed all the way to the hangar outside. There, a gray First Order cargo shuttle with four wings waited for them.

The shuttle's stairs dropped down, and a Resistance mechanic came down. He was a young swarthy man wearing brown worker clothes.

"Thank the galaxy that we have this shuttle. It's all ready for you. Just head in and put the coordinates for the Lumys Installation in the navicomputer" said the mechanic.

"Thanks" replied DJ.

DJ entered the ship through the stairways, and Rose and Finn followed suit.

"I'll pilot the ship. I know how to get us there" said DJ.

DJ got into the cockpit of the ship, while Rose and Finn sat down on the ship's cushioned seats with their disguises.

DJ then brought the shuttle off the ground of Hapes and flew it past the planet's atmosphere into outer space.

"Remember the mists surrounding the cluster" said Finn.

"Yes, Finn. I know" replied DJ.

DJ took out a small portable disk from his disguise pocket and put it into the ship's navicomputer.

The navicomputer displayed the entire Hapes Cluster, along with all the paths leading out of it. DJ flew the ship into hyperspace on the system's western edge, before following one of the paths out of the system.

DJ followed the paths on the navicomputer as he flew past the purple mists. In order to avoid them, he made several turns with his ship.

After getting out of the Transitory Mists, DJ made a hyperspace jump for the Lumys Installation. The ship arrived at the First Order base.

The Lumys Installation was large and shaped like a giant ring, with its hangars in the center. Red and white lights emanated from the base. TIE fighters, Colossal fighters and Resurgent-class Star Destroyers flew around the base.

DJ flew the shuttle on top of the base's magnetic field. The hangars were enclosed with blue magnetic fields, as was the circle in the middle of the ring.

DJ turned on the ship's comlink and contacted the base's security.

"May we enter the base? This is Officer Javian Mordan of the First Order, and I'm here with Lieutenants Noah Gallix and Zanna Armit. We are here to inspect the files in the base's data vault" said DJ.

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