Meeting the Last Jedi

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Luke trained Rey for five months in the Force, until receiving a vision from the Force ghost of his father while in meditation.

Luke knelled next to the ocean, in meditation with his eyes closed, when the spectral form of his father appeared in front of him.

"Luke, my son..."

Luke opened his eyes and saw the blue ghost of Anakin Skywalker hovering over the water.

"Yes, Father?"

"Your niece, she must continue her training along with the rest of the Last Jedi. They are in the planet of Tython, deep in the Core Worlds. They have trained hard over these last years, learning even more knowledge from the ancient Jedi" said Anakin.

"Yes, father. I will bring her there" replied Luke.

Anakin's ghost disappeared.

Luke met Rey at the top of the island, the same area where they had met each other five months earlier, to give her these news. He wore his Jedi robes along with a big black backpack that had all of their supplies.

"Rey, you have trained hard with me as a Jedi, and you have picked up the Jedi teachings and the Force really well. I believe you are ready to meet the remaining last Jedi" said Luke.

"In what planet are the Jedi hiding?" asked Rey.

"Tython. It is another ancient world of the Jedi. Millennia ago, Tython was home to a thriving Jedi Academy, and it was the centre of the Jedi Order. But it was then abandoned. The last Jedi rediscovered it while running from the Knights of Ren. Your training shall continue there with them. We must depart now" said Luke.

Luke led Rey down the mountain into the stone ruins of the ancient Jedi Temple. They walked inside the temple and past the area where the sleeping bags had been. On the other side of the temple interior there was an entrance to a cave. They navigated the cave passage before emerging in an underground hangar.

Luke's X-Wing stood there, filled with dust due to its lack of use. Behind the X-Wing there was a cave opening to the planet's atmosphere. R2-D2 had already gone into the astromech socket.

Luke climbed into the cockpit of the ship, while Rey climbed onto the back cockpit of the ship. Luke piloted the X-Wing out of the hangar, into Ahch-To's atmosphere and into outer space.

In outer space, Luke set a course for Tython. The X-Wing made a hyperspace jump to Tython.

They arrived at the greenish-blue planet, and Luke piloted the ship into Tython's atmosphere. Tython's lush forests with different coloured leaves and its many plains and mountains came into view.

"This planet looks very beautiful" said Rey.

"Yes. There is also a lot of history in this planet. The Academy is located in a hidden valley" said Luke.

Luke landed the ship on a lakefront that was behind a chain of blue mountains. The mountains formed a giant wall.

Luke, R2-D2 and Rey got off the X-Wing. Luke walked to the mountain with Rey and R2 following behind him.

"So how are we going to get to the Jedi Academy? Is it nearby?" asked Rey.

"Yes. Follow me. I know how to get to the Academy" said Luke.

Luke crossed a rock bridge that went past the lake. At the end of the bridge, Luke closed his eyes as he extended his hand and touched the rocky wall.

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