Declaration of War

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Note: This happens while Rey is training with Luke on Ahch-To!

The situation in the galaxy was dire. Even though Starkiller Base was destroyed by the Resistance, it had achieved the goal that the First Order had built it for: to destroy the New Republic's capital of Hosnian Prime. Adding to that, the First Order still had their fleet intact, and their fleets and armies only grew stronger.

The New Republic was in a state of emergency as a result of the destruction of its capital planet, as it had also lost the Senate and a substantial portion of its fleet.

On the planet Coruscant, an interim Semate gathered in the Senate building, composed of the remaining Senators who had not been killed during the Hosnian Cataclysm. They were joined by the Resistance leaders such as Admiral Ackbar, Major Ematt, and Admiral Statura. The Resistance leaders sat in one of the many circular platforms inside the building's Convocation Chamber.

Leia stood on the center platform of the chamber, as the interim Chancellor of the New Republic. She wore a long gray cloak and had her graying brown hair tied on a bun. Beside her stood Amilyn Holdo, a Senator of the planet Gatalenta and leader of the New Republic fleet. She had her short curly hair dyed purple and wore a purple cloak.

On the other side of Leia stood Senator Thrace Solo of Corellia, cousin of the late Han Solo. He had blue eyes and gray hair with a beard, and wore a blue shirt with a brown jacket.

The chamber was loud with heated discussion among the Senators. They argued on the tensions across the galaxy as a result of the destruction of Hosnian Prime and the growing power of the First Order, and of Leia's role in the Senate. Their words showed much fear and unease.

"May we have order?!?!" yelled Holdo.

Suddenly, the heated discussion stopped in the chamber, and all the Senators looked at the centre of the chamber and began to listen.

"You all once called me a warmonger for overestimating the threat posed by the former Empire. You were all content with the peace that had been won after the war, and you thought that the Empire could no longer pose a threat to the galaxy. As you wanted to focus your efforts on preserving peace in the galaxy rather than dealing with the threat of the First Order, you demilitarized your fleet. But now you can all see that I was correct about the First Order. Free from our supervision, they built a weapon called Starkiller Base, which managed to destroy Hosnian Prime, the capital of the New Republic. With it they destroyed the vast majority of the Senate and a large portion of our fleet along with it. Now the New Republic is in a state of disarray and emergency. As there is no centralized Senate anymore, the different worlds in the New Republic will have to fend for themselves for a time until we can restore order. Know that this was all your fault. I warned you about the First Order time and time, but you dismissed them as just a small terrorist group. We cannot ignore the threat that they pose to the galaxy anymore. We must take action immediately!" said Leia.

Leia's bravado caused the Senators inside the chamber to stop and listen to her, and many of them voiced their agreement with her.

"What we are calling for is the remilitarization of the New Republic's fleet and army. We cannot seek peace with the First Order, as they seek to destroy us completely and to reestablish the Galactic Empire. The Resistance must become the New Republic's official army, and our fleet and army will become theirs. We must use all our forces to battle the First Order. Despite losing Starkiller Base, the First Order is still going strong. Their fleet and army is still intact along with their leadership. They will attack us soon, and we must be ready for them. We must remove the sanctions on production of capital ships and starfighters so that we can produce enough firepower in order to battle the First Order, and we must heavily fund the military effort" added Holdo.

"We must also recognize that we are at war against the First Order. They have violated the Galactic Concordance by destroying our capital world. Recognizing this war and our enemy is the first step to fighting the First Order. We need to protect the galaxy. You can either continue to allow the First Order to cause further damage in the galaxy, or you can step up and fight. Which will it be? Will you all finally see reason?" asked Thrace.

The Senators across the chamber cheered in compliance with Thrace, and their shouts echoed around the chamber.

"War! We must go to war against the First Order!"

"Leia was right!"

"Down with the First Order! We must have war!"

Leia smiled, relieved that the Senate listened to her after all those years.

"Good. We will begin devoting our fleet to the Resistance and combining our forces into one. We will mobilize our fleet and build up our forces in order to be ready when the First Order attacks next. As of right now, we are officially at war with the First Order" said Leia.

The Senators in the chamber cheered again.

The New Republic began to prepare for war against the First Order. They built up their fleet, which was merged with the Resistance's. With the New Republic's help, the Resistance fleets and armies became more numerous and better equipped to battle the First Order.

At Leia's command, the fleets assembled outside of D'Qar, and were made up of Mon Calamari Starcruisers, along with small Corellian frigates.

From the bridge of the Home One, General Leia watched the assembled Resistance fleet along with Admiral Statura, Admiral Ackbar, Vice Admiral Holdo and Major Ematt.

"Our fleet is nearly assembled, General Leia. What do you want us to do once we are ready?" asked Admiral Statura.

"We must find the First Order fleet and attack them soon. Even though their superweapon is destroyed, they still know where our base at D'Qar is. Despite the merging of the New Republic and Resistance fleets, D'Qar is still important to us, so we must not allow the First Order to attack it. For now, we should station our fleet on the edge of the Western Reaches and the Outer Rim. I have a hunch that the First Order will attack near that area soon on their way to D'Qar" replied Leia.

"Striking the First Order before they can. That's a good idea, General" said Major Ematt.

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