Plunder of the Jedi Academy

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Back at the First Order transport at Tython, Kylo Ren and his Knights contacted Supreme Leader Snoke on the ship's hologram.

As the Supreme Leader's blue, grotesque features appeared on the hologram, Kylo and the rest of the Knights bowed down along with the Praetorian guard. They then stood back up.

"Kylo, Sakitus, the Jedi still live" said Snoke.

"Yes, Supreme Leader. Forgive us. We managed to damage the Academy and kill many of the Jedi. However, Master Luke escaped along with his wife Mara and dozens of other Jedi..." replied Kylo.

"Unacceptable! This is the second time that you have failed to obliterate the Jedi! They should all be dead by now! I am disappointed in you, Kylo. You fail to do what your grandfather, Darth Vader did, and yet you wish to be like him. Pathetic!"

Kylo kept his head bowed in shame.

"What should we do next, Supreme Leader?" asked Sakitus.

"Even when they are sill alive, the Jedi are decimated and cannot stop the dominant position that we now hold in the galaxy. The next phase of our galactic conquest will take place. Our reserves of Ortanium are starting to run low, so we will need to replenish them. We have charted a number of planets in the galaxy which have good supplies of Orrtanium. However, since the Resistance has stolen our files, it is very likely that they will also find out about these planets, and they will surely want the Ortanium reserves as well. So they will establish mines to extract the Ortanium in one of the planets.  We will find out where they are mining the mineral, and then we will attack them in order to both win the planet for ourselves and destroy the Resistance once and for alll. Meanwhile, we will send another force into the Core Worlds and take Coruscant. As the bulk of the Resistance's fleet will be fighting ours in their hidden base, they will be ill equipped to stop us from getting into the Core Worlds and taking Coruscant and all the other important planets in that area. We will finally take the galaxy and reestablish the Empire of old, and at the same time we will defeat the Resistance and replenish our Ortanium supplies! But for now, I have an important task for you both. You will head into the Jedi Academy here on Tython and plunder the Force Artifacts and holocrons inside. They will serve us well" ordered Snoke.

"Yes, Supreme Leader" replied Kylo.

Kylo headed over to the circular holodisk and turned it off. Then he turned to the Knights of Ren and Praetorian Guard.

"You all know what to do! The Supreme Leader has given us a task. We head to the Jedi Academy and plunder it!" ordered Kylo.

Kylo walked out of the ship, and the Knights of Ren followed him, along with the Praetorian Guard.

They walked past the trees to the river where the entrance to the Academy stood. As the bridge was damaged, the Knights of Ren and Praetorians jumped onto the rocks off the destroyed stone bridge using the Force. Kylo and Sakitus went first.

After all the Knights and Praetorians had gotten past the river with the Force, Kylo walked over to the stone door blocking the way to The Valley. It had several cracks. He touched the cracks in the door with his gloved hand.

"This door protects The Valley of the Jedi. However, the door has been broken by the battle that has taken place here, and by the disappearance of the Jedi. It will give way with the energy of the dark side" said Kylo.

Kylo conjured a dark side power at the door, and the cracks turned red. Sakitus went to the door and did the same thing. Eventually, the stone door collapsed, revealing The Valley.

Kylo and Sakitus walked in, with the Knights of Ren and the Praetorian Guard following them. They looked at the trees and the small marshes in the area. Some of the trees that had been damaged by the First Order's attack had their wood charred, and the leaves had been burned off.

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