The First Order Withdraws

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Tenel, Finn and Rose were attacked by another batch of speeders in the train. The speeders, which were black with glass cockpits, fired at the train. However, Tenel blocked the blaster fire from the speeders with her lightsaber. She was careful to redirect it at the speeders.

Finn and Rose helped by blasting at the speeders from the interior of the ship. Finn hit one of the speeders in the bottom, and the speeders lost control of itself and crashed on the wall of the train.

The other three speeders aimed at the front of the speeder, but Tenel blocked their shots. One of the speeders got closer and closer to the front of the train, and Tenel jumped up at it. She slashed through the cockpit of the ship at the pilot, killing him.

Tenel then got into the cockpit of the speeder and made it go slower, causing the other speeders to get ahead of it. Tenel targeted one of the speeders and fired at it, causing it to crash at the train track in front.

Finn and Rose held their breath as the train slightly missed the tumbling train track.

Tenel drove behind the other speeder, which was maneuvering very fast, realizing that a Jedi had hijacked the other speeder. The train turned to the right, following the tracks.

Tenel targeted the last speeder and fired at it. The speeder immediately exploded.

Two more speeders came from behind and fired at Tenel's speeder. Tenel used the Force to dodge the blasts from the speeders.

But the speeders fired at the train tracks in front, destroying part of them and causing a gap for the train.

"Damn!" yelled Finn in fear.

Finn and Rose ran to the front car of the train. Finn sat down in front of the monitor and attempted to maneuver it past the train track.

The train's command car just barely made it through the broken track, with the other cars attached to the train falling down to the chasm below.

"We're almost at the tractor beam!" yelled Finn.

The two speeders continued to fire at Tenel's speeder and at the lone train car. Finn and Rose brought their rifles up and fired at the incoming speeders.

They mostly missed the speeders, and when the speeders fires back, Finn and Rose took cover in the train's metal seats.

Tenel turned her speeder around and fired at one of the enemy ones. The enemy speeder was hit in the cockpit and crashed on one of the walls.

The lasts speeder, however, hit the blasters of Tenel's speeder, causing it to catch fire. Tenel turned around and jumped at the train, while taking out her lightsaber. She ignited it and threw it behind her at the speeder.

The speeder hit it's pilot in the head, killing him. The speeder was about to hit the car, but Tenel landed and extended her hands, stopping the speeder. She then hurled it behind the car as it exploded.

A few moments later, the train stopped, having reached it's destination. Tenel, Finn and Rose got out of the train and saw an entrance to a very large room.

The room had walls lit with green and white lights, and there were several metal towers spanning the room. The towers were split in two at their middles. A centre tower, which was larger than all the others, sat at the middle of the room.

The room was filled with stormtroopers and Colossals.

Tenel, Finn and Rose walked over to the entrance and hid out of sight.

"We can't engage all of them in combat. Stay here, and I will sneak over to the control and deactivate the tractor beam myself" said Tenel.

"Are you sure?" asked Finn.

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