The Second Galactic Empire & Finale

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Supreme Leader Snoke and his forces headed triumphantly to Coruscant. The planet was surrounded by First Order battlecruisers and frigates, along with three world ships.

The First Order's leaders gathered at the Senate building. After landing on the planet in a grand shuttle, Supreme Leader Snoke walked out, surrounded by the Praetorian Guard. They all towered over the human First Order stormtroopers who sat outside.

Snoke and his Guard walked into the Senate building, where a bunch of Senators were gathered. They discussed the recent events amongst themselves. Their opinions on the occupation of Coruscant were varied: some supported the First Order, while others were afraid of the occupation.

"Make way for Emperor Snoke!" ordered Sakitus.

The Senators in the building parted to make way for Snoke. He headed into the Senate Chamber along with his guards.

Snoke stood on the central area of the chamber along with Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma and General Hux. The Praetorian Guard also stood on the platform.

Around the chamber, the Senators had already gotten themselves on the various platforms. They continued to argue amongst themselves.

Sakitus put up his hands.

"Silence!" he ordered.

The whole chamber stopped silent.

"The galaxy has been in chaos for too long. Many years ago, the Old Republic was failing the galaxy. It was corrupt and lacked the resolve to bring order and justice. But one visionary took control of the crumbling Republic and reorganized it into the first Galactic Empire. This man was named Sheev Palpatine, and he brought order, justice, freedom and security to the galaxy under his Empire. Unfortunately, the Empire was attacked by a terrorist group calling itself the Rebel Alliance. This terrorist group destroyed the Empire's greatest technological achievement, the Death Star, and it also destroyed the replication of the superweapon, causing the death of both Palpatine and his second in command Darth Vader. Without a man to rule the Empire, it ended up crumbling as the Imperial warlords fought amongst themselves to control it. And the terrorists established the New Republic a year later. This New Republic was just as chaotic, corrupt and inefficient as it's predecessor, and the galaxy once again descended into chaos. But now we, the remains of the Empire, have come from the far edges of the galaxy to reestablish order and justice in the galaxy! No longer will disorder prevail in the galaxy! I, Emperor Snoke, proclaim a Second Galactic Empire!"

Emperor Snoke stood up and raised his hands as the crowd clapped and cheered.

"But it is not over yet. The rebel group known as the Resistance is still at war with us. They have allies of their own in the Hapes Consortium. However, they are no match for us. Before long, they will be hunted down and destroyed for their treachery!"

More cheering was heard in the chamber from the Senators.

Snoke turned to General Hux.

"General, we must begin an invasion of the Hapes Consortium. They are a valuable ally for the Resistance, and they must be destroyed for their treachery. I want our forces replenished and put together"

"Yes, Supreme Leader" replied Hux.

Thrace Solo sat on one of the far platforms of the chamber along with the Naboo Senator Orlana Shamis. They all wore black cloaks to blend in.

"It's ironic, isn't it? We brought down the Empire, only to have it brought back less than a generation later" whispered Thrace at Orlana.

"Yes. And yet the people still respond with thunderous applause. But we will not stop fighting" replied Orlana.

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