Refuge in Hapes

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Half of the Resistance's fleet had escaped D'Qar. There were four Mon Calamari starcruisers, eight GR-75 transports and nine Resistance transports left.

They had arrived near the Kaliida Nebula, which glew with bright purple and reddish-orange stars. Giant brown nebray mantas with round wings could be seen in the distance of the nebula.

Leia gasped in delight, happy that she had escaped. Sharing Leia's gratitude, the Resistance soldiers inside the transports and starcruisers cheered.

"We made it! We're alive! Wohoo!"

"It's good that we are celebrating having escaped, General Leia, but many of our commanders have been killed, including Admiral Ackbar and Major Brance. Half of the Jedi strike force was also lost" said Statura.

"Yes. And we will need a new place to recuperate. Our fleets and armies are devastated by the First Order, and they will chase us until our fleet is too weak, then they will be able to conquer the galaxy. We can't be on the run from the First Order all the time. They will just chase us around the galaxy and eventually catch up to us" suggested Vice Admiral Holdo from her cruiser through the intercom.

Leia sighed.

"Yes, but I really don't know where to go. I never thought of a backup base for the Resistance. Maybe we should ally ourselves with one of the galaxy's major powers. We're going to convene a meeting about what to do next along with the Senate. It is imperative that we decide fast" she said.

Meanwhile, Jedi Knight Tenel Ka sat in a white, cushioned chair at the medical bay of Admiral Statura's cruiser, the Raddus. She was severely injured from having her arm chopped off. There were eight bacta tanks in the white room, along with several medical droids and controls. Major Harter Kalonia was inside the room, inspecting Tenel's arm stump at her elbow.

The wound had been cauterized by the lightsaber, preventing the wound from bleeding. Charred, black flesh stood at the front of the wound, along with the burned sleeve of her green Jedi robe.

"Oh my. This is a bad wound. It happened in a lightsaber battle against the Knights of Ren, didn't it?" asked Major Kalonia.

"Yes, it did. I fought against a Knight of Ren named Cenzo Yamuri. After he cut my arm off, he was about to kill me, but Jedi Master Yutus Gall sacrificed himself to save my life. Over half of the Jed strike force was killed by the Knights of Ren, the Praetorian Guard and the stormtroopers" replied Tenel, her voice breaking.

Tenel then began to burst into tears as she remembered the loss of her friends. Major Kalonia put her hand on Tenel's shoulder.

"I'm sorry to hear that. But those Jedi died heroically. They will be remembered by the Resistance for helping us battle the First Order. For now, I will need to give you a prosthetic arm. The first part will be to attach the metal part of the arm. You should take an anesthetic first. Here, drink this vial" said Kalonia, handing a vial on a small metal sphere to Tenel.

Tenel grabbed the vial and drank it. She immediately fell asleep on the chair.

A DD-13 medical assistant droid began to attach a prosthetic arm to the stump of Tenel's arm. The droid attached the prosthetic to the organic tissue in her arm stump with a system of metal wires, which would provide Tenel to be able to control and sense the prosthetic.

After the metal arm was placed, the droid placed synthflesh over the metal arm in order to make the arm look like real flesh. The whole procedure of creating a new arm for Tenel took ten hours. Major Kalonia left the room for a short while, allowing the droid to do it's job.

After the procedure was finished, Major Kalonia returned to the room. Tenel had woken up, and she sat in her bed with her new arm. The droid closed the last patch of synthflesh on Tenel's wrist with it's two modular arms.

The droid then touched Tenel's fingers, and she responded by wiggling her fingers. She opened and closed her hand. Major Kalonia smiled.

"Good to see that your new arm works, Tenel" said Kalonia.

"Yes. Thank you for helping me, Major Kalonia" replied Tenel.

With her new cybernetic hand, Tenel shook Kalonia's hand.

"All Jedi and Resistance leaders, head to the bridge of Admiral Statura's cruiser for an important meeting!" ordered General Leia through the intercom.

"Well, lucky for us, we're already in Admiral Statura's cruiser! Let's head for the bridge now" said Kalonia.

Tenel and Kalonia left the medical room and headed through the cruiser's hallways to the bridge of Admiral Statura's cruiser.

Soon, the other Resistance leaders, such as General Leia, Vice Admiral Holdo, Major Ematt, and Lieutenant Connix were at the bridge along with Jedi Masters Luke, Mara, Zoltan and Ezra. They all stood surrounding the ship's holographic Star Map, with a viewport to space in front of them. The Resistance meeting was being broadcast via hologram to the Senate building on Coruscant, and three prominent Senators were being shown via hologram in the room: Thrace Solo of Corellia, Orlana Shamis of Naboo, and Matan Staparee of Abednedo. 

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