Battle of Crait

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So the Resistance and the Hapans waited for the First Order's attack, which happened within two days.

"General, we're detecting a fleet emerging from hyperspace!" said one of the Resistance commanders in the command starcruiser, the Home Two.

Suddenly, the First Order fleet emerged from hyperspace in full force. It was composed of dozens of battlecruisers, along with three worldships and many smaller frigates.

The Resistance and Hapan ships lined up in battle formation. They were split up into three contingents in order to be safe from the First Order. 

"Resistance pilots, get on your ships! Remember the plan! Activate the planetary shield and begin charging the Ortanium weapon!" ordered General Leia from the bridge of the Home Two.

The pilots down at the base began to get into their ships. Poe Dameron ran to his X-Wing at the base's hangar when he ran into Snap Wexley. They greeted each other and shook hands.

"Good luck, Poe" said Snap.

"Thanks, Snap. If we play our cards right, I know we can beat the First Order like we did at Starkiller" replied Poe.

Poe got into his X-Wing, as did Snap. They both flew their ships out of the hangar and to the atmosphere of Crait. The rest of the Starfighter Corps did the same, heading into space.

Meanwhile, the Resistance officers inside the base activated the planetary shield to protect the base.

Supreme Leader Snoke stood at his throne room watching the Resistance fleet. The Colossal commander Veedus stood below his throne.

"The Resistance fleet has come to the planet first, Supreme Leader. They have several ships." said Veedus

"Yes. Their fleet is larger than I would have expected, and they have built a giant Ortanium cannon on the planet's surface to combat our worldships. They are trying to protect their superweapon with their fleets and planetary shield so that it can charge and be used at the right time. They certainly have prepared. No matter. We will attack the Resistance with full force to open a path to attack their superweapon while we wait for our superweapon to charge in our worldships. We will have the worldships at the front to protect the rest of our ships and to deal with the Resistance swiftly. We will also land a garrison on the planet to deactivate the shield. Remember that we have another fleet pushing through the Core Worlds right now, and the Resistance seems to be unaware of that. Once we take Coruscant, the galaxy will be ours again" said Snoke.

"We have the Knights of Ren outside in space to help deal with the Resistance fleet. Are you ready, Kylo?"

"Yes, Master" said Kylo Ren. Kylo flew his TIE silencer beside two battlecruisers, along with his apprentice Rey and the other four Knights of Ren. They led a squadron of TIE fighters.

The TIE squadron made their way to the Hapan starfighters, who flew in front of two Nova-class battlecruisers. Kylo fired some torpedoes from his Silencer, and the torpedoes approached the Hapan starfighters, destroying two of them easily.

"Get into two flanks beside me!" ordered Kylo.

The TIE fighters all flew beside Kylo's silencer, and they all approached the Hapan starfighters. The Hapan starfighters all fired, along with the dragon. They managed to destroy two of the TIE fighters, but the TIEs fired back, destroying four Hapan starfighters.

Kylo unleashed another flurry of torpedoes, and they destroyed some turrets in a Nova battlecruiser, along with damaging it.

Kylo proceeded to fly close to the Nova battlecruiser while the rest of the TIE fighters exchanged their laser cannons. The Battle Dragon fired it's remaining turrets at Kylo, but his skillful flying prevented their fire from hitting him.

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