Seeking out DJ

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Finn and Rose headed to Cantonica on the unmarked Resistance freighter handed to them by General Leia. The planet was dark brown and filled with canyons and deserts. The planet's sole city of Canto Bight stood out as a bright spot among the rest of the planet.

"There. Let's go!" said Finn, pointing to Canto Bight on space.

They flew to the planet's surface and into Canto Bight. The darkness of knight loomed over the city. The casino city's building shapes were diverse: some of them were round with domed roofs, and others had triangular, rectangular roofs. However, most of the roofs were dark blue, and their window's bright orange lights stood out in the city's night scene. The city's streets were also filled with people, and music played in the background.

"Where do you think we are going to find this DJ? He could be anywhere here, and the general didn't give us enough details" said Rose.

"I don't know. Maybe we could check one of the city's casinos. There's bound to be plenty of gossip and knowledge in those places" replied Finn.

Finn flew the freighter to one of the city's landing pads, which was close to the casino. The landing pad was in front of one of the city's streets.

Finn got up from the pilot seat.

"We'll head to the casino and ask about DJ. There has to be someone who knows about this guy. We will have to blend in, though" he said.

Finn and Rose got off the freighter with BB-8. They headed to the city streets, where many of the wealthy citizens of the city walked as well. They were diverse, with many humans and non-humans, and they wore elegant black and white suits and dresses.

"Well, these people are pretty rich" remarked Finn.

Finn and Rose walked into the streets. Oval shaped doors bordered by orange lights stood on the street's two buildings. They had glass windows, and loud music played from inside them.

Finn saw a man with red clothes heading their way on the street mounted on a tall brown horse-like creature with long ears. He and Rose headed to the wall to allow them to pass.

"What is that creature?" asked Rose.

"I don't know" replied Finn.

They headed further down the street and up some steps before seeing a large half-circled door. Over it were bright blue words in Aurebesh saying "Tanight Casino". The building itself was huge and tall, and had a blue dome.

"That's the casino. Let's go inside. Come on BB-8" said Finn.

BB-8 beeped in response. Finn grabbed Rose's hand, and the three of them moved through the crowd of people and headed into the casino entrance.

In the entrance to the casino, a Chiss man with blue skin and red eyes wearing a purple suit stepped in front of them. He had his purple hair tied in a ponytail.

"Welcome. Would you like to enter the casino? Can I help you with something?" asked the man.

"Well, uh, I'm looking for a man named DJ? Do you know where to find him?" asked Finn.

"As a matter of fact, I have heard of a man named DJ. He went in the casino sometimes, and he is a shady and mysterious character. But he is currently in prison right now. It appears he did something here at the casino. Why do you ask? Were you looking to hire him?" replied the man.

Finn felt worried, as he was supposed to keep his mission undercover.

"No, it's just...Forget I ever said anything"

"Be careful what you meddle in, my friend. You don't want to end up in prison, now do you?" said the man.

Finn and Rose headed into the crowded casino. The interior was big and crowded with wealthy people. They all wore elegant clothes with colors ranging from black, white, blue, red and green. Tables with games such as sabacc and dejarik lined the room. White rectangular lights dangled from the top of the casino, along with other lights which were lines on the light brown ceiling. Loud music played.

Finn brought Rose and BB-8 aside to the left wall of the casino, away from the crowds of people.

"This is bad. If DJ is in prison, then how are we ever going to get to him? I knew this mission wouldn't work out!" muttered Finn.

"Finn! We could still find him. You can't give up on the mission" replied Rose.

"I can't do this. I never wanted to join this war. All it's brought me is pain. Look at what I have to wear on my back due to taking a wound from Kylo Ren. Worse things could happen to me. I just want to disappear from all this and head to a safe place. Look at this place , Rose. This is perfect for having fun and disappearing. Wouldn't you rather stay and enjoy the life here than fight this war?" said Finn.

Rose stared at Finn sternly, lowering her eyebrows.

"We have a job to do! You can't just walk away from all this. You're a hero. Everyone has heard about you, the former stormtrooper who helped destroy Starkiller Base. The Resistance is counting on us! The galaxy is counting on us!" whispered Rose.

"I'm sorry, Rose. I can't do it. I've endured enough from the Resistance and the First Order. Besides, the person we're looking for is in prison. It will be difficult to break in without help. The Resistance is losing the war badly. If the enemy has that kind of power..." said Finn.

Rose grumbled in anger.

"Fine! Walk away from the mission if you want. But I'm not giving up. I will do whatever it takes to find this man. Come on BB-8!"

Rose walked away from Finn along with BB-8 and headed past the crowds of people.

Finn walked over to one of the red tables, where eight people placed sabacc cards and began a game. They all were male and wore black and white tuxedos. Four of them were human, with the others composed of an alien with a horse shapad head, two Crolute twins with aquatic, hulking bodies, and one Chiss with blue skin. Finn stood looking at the table, watching the players exchange their cards.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his left shoulder. He turned around and saw a woman. The woman was old and wore a black dress with silver rings lining her necklace. She also wore an unusual circular hairstyle that looped her black hair over her head.

"Hello. Would you like to join our sabacc game?"

"Yes, sure" replied Finn.

"Okay then. Here are your cards" said the woman.

The woman handed two gold cards to Finn. The game was being presided over by a man with almond-shaped black eyes, black hair and a mustache. He placed his hands up.

"The rules of the game are as follows: you need to use your cards to bet, bluff and gain the upper hand. There is a deck of seventy-six cards, featuring sixty numbered cards divided into four suits and two copies of eight special cards. You must contribute some credits to the hand pot at the beginning of the game. To win the game and claim the whole pot, you must get an absolute value of negative or positive 23 with your cards. This will constitute a winning hand called Pure Sabacc. To beat that hand, you must have an Idiot's Array, which constitutes three cards with a 0, 2 and 3 on them. There are two different types of cards in the game. The Face Cards are the negative cards, while the other cards, such as Coins, Flasks, Sabres, Staves, are positive. Now that I've explained the rules, let us begin!"

Finn placed his cards on his deck. His cards composed of a 1 Queen, a 1 Ace and a 1 Sabre. He then took out a credit chip amounting to around 100 credits and put them at the center of the table. The game's other players also placed their bets.

After all the players had placed their cards, the game began. Two other players placed their cards on the center of the table before it became Finn's turn. He placed his Queen card onto the center of the table. The players around the table took turns placing their cards again, and Finn placed his Sabre onto the table, getting an Endurance face card in return.

Meanwhile, Rose and BB-8 continued through the vast room past the crowds of people. She bumped into an alien with reddish-brown skin and a long head wearing a black suit. The alien muttered before continuing past Rose.

Rose walked to the back of the casino, which had a stage simulating outer space with several stars. A tiny alien with orange skin and glasses and blue shirt with a sleeveless gray jacket walked over to Rose.

"Hello there. I know why you are here" said Maz.

Rose's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"A friend. But I understand your companion has walked away from this mission. I can see your confusion, young one. I know many things" whispered Maz.

"Finn's afraid of the First Order and what they can do. And we've hit a snag in the mission" replied Rose.

"But you have not given up. Good. I have a way to help you. Let's head backstage where we are safe" replied Maz.

Maz led Rose and BB-8 past the crowds of people into a door into a red hall to the right of the casino room. The hall had steps and was filled with various people walking up and down the steps. She then led them to a door in the right of the hallway, which led to a gray, dark room with metal poles holding up the stage in the casino room.

"Explain your whole mission" said Maz.

"It is secret, so no one else can know about it. Let me explain. We need to find out the First Order's secrets and how to combat them, and General Leia believes that a slicer named DJ, who apparently resides here in Canto Bight, might know some things about the First Order. So we came here to look for him and ask him to help us. But he's in jail. Do you know this man, and how we can break him out?" explained Rose.

"I know who you are looking for. Very well, in fact. And I can help you break this man out of prison. I have a friend here at the casino. He is a slicer like DJ. I will lead you to him" explained Maz.

Maz led Rose and Finn out of the room back to the red carpeted hallway, and they headed through a sliding door. They then returned to the casino room, where Maz led them to the sabacc table where Finn was playing.

The game was nearing it's final phase, with only four competitors left: Finn, a man, and the two Crolutes. The competitors of the game all placed their cards intensely.

Finn was doing well in the game, with a score of 15 in his card hand.

Maz tapped one of the men, who had black spiky hair and green eyes and wore a white tuxedo jacket under a black suit. The man put his left hand up, signalling at Maz to wait. He appeared to be winning the game, as he had a score of -20. Finally, Quinn collected a Queen of Air and Darkness card, giving him a winning score of 23.

"Quinn wins the game! He has collected a Pure Sabacc!" announced the judge.

"Yes! I win!" he yelled.

One of the Crolutes grumbled at the man's victory and smacked the table. The competitors walked around the table shaking each other's hands. Quinn grabbed the credits from the pot and placed them in his pocket.

He them approached Maz.

"Did you want something, Maz?" he said.

"Yes, but let's talk about this somewhere else" replied Maz.

Maz, Finn, Rose and Quinn began to walk away from the table, but Quinn bumped into one of the Crolutes from the game and fell on the floor. He wore a black suit. His accomplice walked beside him, wearing a white suit.

"You think you can cheat and get away with it?!?!" yelled the Crolute wearing the black suit.

Quinn got up from the floor.

"No, It wasn't cheating. I won fair and square" replied Quinn.

The black Crolute punched Quinn in the stomach, and Quinn fell on the floor with a grunt. The two Crolutes cornered him.

"You know what happens to sabacc cheaters?!?!" yelled the white Crolute.

Quinn kicked the white Crolute on the balls, and he groaned in pain.

"Don't make me do something that you'll regret!" yelled Quinn.

The casino goers who surrounded them gasped in fear of what was happening.

The black Crolute attempted to stomp on Quinn with his foot, but Quinn caught the alien's foot with his hands and sent him flying on the ground. He yelled in pain as he hit his head on the floor.

The white Crolute, having recovered from being kicked in the balls, swung his right arm at Quinn, but Quinn dodged his punch and hit him in the face with an uppercut. He screamed in pain and fell to the floor, clutching his broken nose.

By that time, six guards wearing blue suits and white gloves arrived with blasters in their hands.

"What is going on here?!?!" they demanded.

"It was these giant blobs here! I won a sabacc game fair and square, but they couldn't accept that, so they attacked me!" replied Quinn.

"Is this true?!?!" asked one of the guards to the Crolutes.

The white Crolute pointed at Quinn.

"He cheated!" he yelled.

"I did not. I can prove it! I played the game fair and square. Didn't I, Barth?" said Quinn.

Barth, the judge of the sabacc game, turned around and walked to the guards.

"Yes, he did" he said.

"All right. The two of you, come with us. You're leaving" ordered the guard to the Crolutes.

The guards escorted the Crolutes out of the casino. Finn looked at Rose and Maz with a confused expression, his eyebrows down.

"Maz?" he asked.

"Finn. I am here to help in your mission to find DJ. You cannot give up. You must complete this mission. The fate of the galaxy may depend on it" said Maz.

"Well, do you know how to do it? Do you have a plan?" asked Finn.

"Yes, we do. If you'll just join us, then I can explain to you the plan. You can't give up. You didn't give up in the sabacc game that you were playing, now did you? And look how well you did" replied Maz.

Finn gasped. Although he felt afraid, he couldn't ignore the mission and his friends when they needed him the most.

"Fine, but this had better work" he said.

Finn went with Maz, Rose and Quinn out of the casino and one of the alleyways adjacent to it. There, they huddled up on a stone wall.

"Listen, Quinn. These two here are on an important mission for the Resistance. They are looking for DJ, as he posesses important knowledge about the First Order. The Resistance needs information about the First Order. But DJ is in prison, so they will need your slicing skills to help free him. Can you do it?" explained Maz.

"Do you have money?" replied Quinn.

"How much do you want?" asked Finn.

"One thousand credits" replied Quinn.

"How skilled of a hacker are you?" asked Finn.

"Well, I've hacked into the computer networks here at Canto Bight countless times, and I've always managed to escape from the police. I'm one of the best slicers here" he said.

"All right" said Finn. Finn dug into his pocket and grabbed five credit chips. He handed them to Quinn, who took them eagerly.

"Thanks. Now, we have to formulate a plan to enter the prison. We could discuss the details at my house. Just let me take you there on my speeder" said Quinn.

Quinn led the four of them to his speeder at a parking lot in the front of the casino. The parking lot was circular and huge, and was filled with several speeders. Quinn's speeder was rectangular and gray with orange and blue markings.

Quinn got on the driver's seat of the speeder with Maz beside him, while Finn and Rose were at the back of the speeder. Quinn then drove the speeder through the streets of Canto Bight, past the city's lavish homes with blue roofs, before arriving at a house which was about two miles north of the casino.

The house was tall and rectangular with a blue roof. It had many windows. Quinn led Maz, Rose and Finn into the condo. The interior of the condo had tan walls and a large hall with red sofas. Six sliding doors lned the two walls in the hall, all leading to various rooms of the condo. A balcony facing the house's pool sat outside the far end of the room.

A floating silver slicer droid with a rectangular head and glowing blue eyes stood next to one of the doors, and it walked over to Quinn.

"Welcome home, Master Quinn. What can I do for you?" asked the droid.

"I need to do an important job for these three people here. I will sit down in the living room with them to discuss the details of the job. Listen in, A-4XO, for I will need you" replied Quinn.

The four of them took off their shoes, before sitting down in the living room couches. DJ grabbed a black controller from a gray table with a holoprojector and pressed it. A blue projection of a big circular building with rectangular walls running through its middle showed up on the holoprojector.

"All right, so this is the prison that DJ is being held in. It is high security, so it can be difficult to break into if you don't know what you are doing. But it does have some weaknesses that can be exploited" explained Quinn.

"What sort of weaknesses?" asked Finn.

"The prison has a computer system that is relatively easy to hack for a slicer like me, and the guards can also be incompetent sometimes. I have a great idea to break out DJ. I will bring you both to the prison and get you locked up in jail by telling the guards that you are criminals and that I have just caught you. After you are locked up in your cells, me and my droid will hack into the prison's mainframe system and open your cage doors, while your own droid, accompanied by Maz, will cut the lights in the prison in order to distract the guards from your intrusion and make your escape easier. After you are freed, you will locate DJ's cell, and the droid will open his cell door to break him out. Then you will all escape using one of the ventilators in the prison shown here and following its passageway. I will pick you up on my speeder, and we will head to DJ's ship which we will then use to leave the planet. Sound good?" explained Quinn.

"Yes. But we have our own ship with us. Can't we use that to escape instead of DJ's ship?" asked Rose.

"Perhaps you can use that. However, it would be easier for us to just go on DJ's ship. The police will definitely be chasing us after we break him out, so we will have to escape the planet fast. You don't intend to stay here, do you? " said Quinn.

"Well yeah, if we succeed. By the way, why was DJ thrown in jail?" asked Finn.

"Because he sliced one of the casino's mainframe systems to get money for a client here who lost his money in a sabaac due to a cheater. He successfully completed his job, but then he was caught by the police and put into prison. The gambling in Canto Bight can get quite corrupt, as there are many cheaters who are not penalized for their actions" explained Maz.

"Let's not change the subject. So you are ready to implement the plan. Good. We will head into the prison soon" said Quinn.

Suddenly, Rose's holoprojector beeped.

"Excuse me" she said.

Rose headed to one of the left doors of Quinn's house, with Finn following her. The room they headed in was a white bedroom with a elegant blue colored bed. Rose and Finn sat down on the bed, and she took the holoprojector from her pocket and activated it. General Leia's hologram popped up.

"Hello, Rose and Finn. How is the mission going?" she asked.

"Well, the man we're looking for is in the Canto Bight prison. He was arrested for doing some shady activities. But we are with Maz Kanata and a slicer named Quinn, and we have a plan to break out this DJ so that he can help us" explained Finn.

"Good. I hope your plan works. I am currently in the Hapes system with the rest of the Resistance leaders and a couple of New Republic Senators. We have just negotiated an alliance with the Hapes Consortium, and they will help us in this war. This is a pivotal moment, Finn. You must succeed in getting DJ" said Leia.

"I'll do my best, Leia" replied Finn.

Finn turned off his projector.

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