The First Order Army Amassed

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Rey woke up shackled to a restraint chair in a dark room, with red and white lights lining it's walls. She gasped. Kylo Ren stood looking at her.

"You're awake, sister" he said.

"Where am I?!?!" asked Rey.

"You are in Supreme Leader Snoke's capital ship. The last time I captured you, you escaped my grasp. Well, I can promise you, I won't let that happen here. I will keep my eye on you. I am now going to bring you to Supreme Leader Snoke" replied Kylo.

"Why, so that I can become a slave to the dark side like you?!?!" retorted Rey.

Kylo extended his hand, choking Rey.

"You are going to keep your mouth shut!" he yelled.

Kylo grabbed a metal mask from the table, placed it over Rey's mouth and activated it, preventing her from speaking.

A Colossal trooper walked into the room.

"Kylo, the Supreme Leader wants all of us to the ship's main hangar for a speech. The full Colossal force has arrived. You are to bring the prisoner" he said.

"Very well" replied Kylo.

Kylo unrestrained Rey from the table, before binding her hands with handcuffs.

Kylo, Rey and the Colossal army walked to the ship's primary hangar, where the entire First Order force was gathered. Stormtroopers stood in a square in the giant hangar, along with Colossal soldiers.

Outside the hangar, there were dozens upon dozens of Colossal warships, along with hundreds of smaller Colossal battlecruisers, Finalizer-class battlecruisers, First Order frigates, and thousands of TIE and Colossal fighters.

Supreme Leader Snoke stood on a metal balcony at the top of the hangar, with the other leaders of the First Order: General Hux, Captain Phasma, Warmaster Sakitus Lin and other First Order and Colossal officers. The Knights of Ren also sat there.

"Stay here with Rey. Make sure she does not escape" ordered Kylo.

"Yes, my Lord" replied the Colossal.

Kylo walked to the other side of the hangar and up to the metal balcony with his master Snoke, who wore grey robes.

"The First Order has never been stronger than it is today. My Colossals' pact with the remainder of the Empire has paid off, as the full extragalactic Colossal force is now in this galaxy, having arrived from the portals that we have built. Our armies are now amassed. Despite the loss of Starkiller Base, we have defeated the Resistance in two successive battles at the Javin sector and Sullust respectively, pushing them back to their base at D'Qar. The New Republic is too weak to help them, as their capital world of Hosnian Prime is no more, destroyed by our superweapon. Nothing can save the Resistance now! There is no hope for them!" said Snoke.

The stormtroopers and Colossals below cheered.

"After the Resistance is dealt with, we will move on to the Core Regions, and there, we will topple the remainder of the weak New Republic. We will proclaim a New Empire in its place! We will restore peace, justice, order and security to the galaxy!" added General Hux.

The stormtroopers and Colossals below raised their hands at Snoke in salute, as did the ones in the rest of the ships.

"Kylo, I see you are back with Rey. Come to my office right now with her" said Snoke.

"Yes, Master" replied Kylo.

Kylo went down from the balcony and grabbed Rey, then escorted her out of the hangar to the worldship's hallways. They walked to an elevator, which took them up to Snoke's throne room.

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