Infiltrating the Worldship

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Leia looked at the Supremacy, Snoke's worldship. She then got ahold of Master Luke, who fought with six other Jedi in space against the First Order's fleet, including his wife Mara.

During the battle, they had fought in between the Resistance and Hapan fleets, protecting them from the approaching First Order starfighters. They had managed to destroy many of the enemy starfighters using both their Force reflexes and Ortanium torpedoes.

"Luke. I need you to head into the Bane and rescue our agents Finn and Rose. They are imprisoned inside the worldship" ordered Leia.

"I will, General. I must stop Supreme Leader Snoke once and for all" replied Luke.

Luke, who had been destroying Colossal fighters along with his wofe and the other eight Jedi starfighters, headed off to Supreme Leader Snoke's worldship after having destroyed another Colossal fighter. They were already close to the worldship.

They reached the side of the worldship, where one of the ships's hangars sat. It was protected by a large purple shield. Five more Colossal fighters came out of the hangar and fired at them.

Luke fired his torpedoes at the Colossal fighter, destroying it quickly. The rest of the Jedi starfighters were able to destroy two of the Colossal fighters.

The remaining two Colossal fighters flew behind the Jedi and fired at them. But the Jedi dodged them with their superior reflexes, and Master Mara managed to destroy the last two Colossal fighters.

"Now we need to get into the hangar!" said Master Mara.

"Yes, but it's shielded. We have to destroy the generator that is protecting the shield beside the hangar. However, only me and Mara have Ortanium torpedoes left. Mara, on my count, fire at the generator!" ordered Luke.

Luke targeted the shield generator with his ship, before firing a batch of Ortanium torpedoes at it. Mara also fired at it, and this destroyed the shield generator and opened up the hangar.

"Speed into the hangar!" ordered Luke.

Luke sped his fighter into the hangar, and Mara and the rest of the Jedi did the same. The Jedi got their ships inside the hangar.

A batch of stormtroopers and First Order pilots came with their blasters ready. However, Luke jumped out of his starfighter and ignited his lightsaber, with Mara beside him.

The three First Order pilots near their ship fired at them, but Luke and Mara blocked their shots and cut them down easily.

The other five Jedi on the strike team easily cut down the stormtroopers and First Order pilots, blocking their blasts with their lightsabers.

Luke then turned off his lightsaber along with Mara, Tenel, and the rest of the Jedi, who were Padawans. The four Jedi Padawans were all human, with two of them female. Their names were Dallian, Kira, Kaplara, and Steph.

Luke and Mara headed down the hangar for the door, and the five Jedi followed them.

"Supreme Leader, some Jedi have infiltrated our worldship!" said Veedus.

"And how did they get in?!?!" ordered Snoke.

"They destroyed one of the hangar's shield generators and sped their fighters into the deshielded hangar!" replied Veedus.

Snoke sat on his throne.

"Luke...He is here. He wants to confront me. Well, then he will. Veedus, go summon Sakitus and the Praetorian Guard" ordered Snoke.

"Yes, Supreme Leader!" replied Veedus.

Veedus headed to the red wall on the wall of the throne room and put up his hand. A few seconds later, Sakitus and the Praetorian Guard emerged with their red armor.

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