Base on Crait

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The Resistance fleet, with the bulk of it made of Hapan ships, mae a hyperspace jump to the edge of the Transitory Mists. There, a fleet made up of dozens of Hapan Battle Dragons and Nova-class battlecruisers emerged from the mists along with several Hapan Battlecruisers.

"Wow" said Leia as she looked at the ships.

They assembled beside the rest of the Hapan fleet and ships. After the fleet was assembled, the Resistance fleet made a hyperspace jump for Crait.

The Resistance fleet arrived at the planet, finding it free of First Order interference.

"Well, it appears the First Order is nowhere to be seen. We have the planet all to ourselves" said Admiral Holdo.

"Well, everything may not be as it seems. It may be a trap" said Isolder.

"Now let's start mining the Ortanium and building our base. We need this mineral fast. But we will still keep some of the ships out here in order to watch out for the First Order. Prince Isolder, would you care to keep your ships here in case the First Order comes?" asked Leia.

"Yes, General" replied Isolder.

"We need to start by scanning the planet's surface for a suitable place to mine" said Admiral Holdo.

"Resistance starcruisers, begin scan of Crait's surface immediately!" ordered General Leia.

The Resistance starcruisers, began to scan the surface of Crait. After two hours, they found a good place for the Resistance to mine.

"General Leia!" said one of the Resistance officers in the bridge.

Leia walked over to the officer, who sat beside a computer.

"Yes, Officer Tan?" replied Leia.

"We've found a good place to start our mining operations. It is in a mountain at the north of the planet, and it possesses large reserves of Ortanium that can be exploited very quickly" explained the officer.

"Good. We must send a crew down there fast to mine the mineral" said General Leia.

Major Ematt had his cruiser fly down to the planet in order to mine the mineral. A number of Y-8 mining vessels also made their way down to the planet.

After the cruiser landed at the surface of the planet, Resistance personnel led by Major Ematt got onto the surface and began to supervise the area. They wore dark brown jackets with gloves, as the surface was cold.

The mountain where the cruiser had landed was large and rocky. It was covered in white salt. Below the mountain, the white, salty ground was rocky.

Mining droids also made their way out of the cruiser to begin mining the material.

Major Ematt walked over to the mountain with his personnel. The Major looked up at the mountain, putting his hand over his head to block out the sun.

"I want the mining of the Ortanium to start immediately" ordered Major Ematt.

"Yes, General!" replied one of the Resistance officers.

The mining droids were black and oval shaped, and hovered over the surface with six small legs. One of the mining droids flew over to the salty ground and activated its red laser, breaking the salty ground open and revealing the red mineral underneath. Major Ematt gazed at the mineral with amazement.

"Beautiful" he said.

The mining droid brought down a thin tube from it's bottom in order to extract the Ortanium. The droid extracted a bunch of the Ortanium from the ground, before bringing it back to the cruiser.

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