Freeing DJ

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Finn and Rose slept in Quinn's house and spent the next day walking around Canto Bight and playing around in the casinos. Meanwhile, Maz and Quinn made preparations for the plan to break into the prison, such as coming up with a good cover story and creating fake profiles for Fin and Rose.

Finally, at nighttime, the four of them implemented the plan to break out DJ from the prison.

They headed to Quinn's speeder with their two droids. Quinn handed Finn and Rose two pairs of metal handcuffs.

"Wear these. They have to believe that you are criminals. I've also made up a cover story. You guys are named Mallus and Cora, and you are supposed to be hitmen from a world close to Canto Bight, and I took a bounty job in order to catch you guys and prevent you from killing a New Republic senator. And after I caught you, I decided to bring you here as the reward would be greater for me. Sound like a good cover story?" said Quinn.

"Yes" replied Finn and Rose.

"Good. Because I've already made fake files for you" replied Quinn.

They put on their handcuffs, and Quinn began to drive the speeder through the streets of Canto Bight. They drove past the many people who walked the streets and the several casino clubs, which had glowing doors with glowing orange borders.

After driving for half an hour, they reached a large circular building with a blue dome and rectangular walls running through it's middle. Several towers with police speeders surrounded the building.

Quinn parked his speeder in the front door of the building. The door was wide and rectangular, with a control panel beside it. Quinn and Maz got off the speeder along with A-4XO and BB-8.

"All right, guys. Stay behind me" said Quinn.

They walked over to the front door, and Quinn pressed a white control panel beside it. Suddenly, a black camera stuck out from a panel over the wall. The camera looked at the six of them.

"What is your business in the Canto Bight prison?" asked the camera's robotic voice.

"My name is Spiker, and this is my companion Ranta. We are bounty hunters, and we have just caught two criminals. Their names are Mallus and Cora, and they are from the planet of Karlo in this system. They tried to kill a New Republic senator, but I saved him by catching them first. I have brought them here as I know that this is a secure prison" explained Quinn.

"Very well. Come in and show us their records" said the voice.

The door opened, revealing a hallway with tan walls. Quinn headed inside with Maz, Finn and Rose. The hallway led down and to a small hall with several benches and a stand protected by glass. At the stand stood a man with blond hair wearing a blue suit and a hat.

Quinn took out a datapad with forged files bearing images of Rose and Finn. He handed the datapad to the officer through the stand. The officer took the files and read them.

"So it says here that they are from the planet of Karlo. It says here that they have committed numerous crimes in the planet, and are wanted there because of it. They tried to kill Andlor Eardle, a New Republic senator, but you and your companion Ranta saved the Senator and captured them both" said the officer.

"Yes. We trust the Canto Bight prison, and that's why we have brought them here" said Maz.

"Thank you for bringing these criminals here. I'm sure the people of Karlo will be grateful. We will take them from here" said the officer.

Suddenly, two guards with rifles entered the room. They searched Finn and Rose's pockets using a small scanning device, however the two of them had made sure to remove everything in their pockets before arriving in the prison.

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