A Broken Man

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Luke walked down the mountain on the stone steps. Rey followed Luke down the steps.

"Wait. Why can't you train me?!?!"

"Because I am not ready" replied Luke.

With Rey following him, Luke walked down to an array of stone huts on the island, where three short amphibious aliens wearing white robes stood waiting for him. The aliens spoke to Luke in a blubbery alien tongue.

"What are those creatures?" asked Rey.

"They are the Caretakers, a race of aliens that take care of the ancient Jedi Temple on these islands. They are aiding me in my journey here in finding the ancient traditions of the Jedi" replied Luke.

Luke walked to the entrance to one of the stone huts, turned around and looked at Rey.

"Why can't you train me as a Jedi?" pleaded Rey.

Luke sighed.

"I am not ready to train another apprentice, especially since I failed to sense the darkness within my first one. I cannot risk the same darkness growing in another apprentice. Besides, there are no more Jedi. We were nearly destroyed by Kylo Ren and the First Order" replied Luke.

"But what about you and the other Jedi you mentioned?" asked Rey.

"We are no longer Jedi, Rey. At least not in the sense that you believe. In hiding, I have searched for knowledge from the early Jedi. And from my discoveries, I only know one truth. It's time for the Jedi to end. We must be revitalized as the pure order that we once were, untouched by arrogance and blindness" said Luke.

"What about the Luke Skywalker that I've heard about? Weren't you the best pilot in the galaxy who helped destroy the Death Star? The Jedi who destroyed the Empire and helped rebuild the Order? asked Rey.

"That Luke is dead, Rey. I am responsible for the near destruction of the Jedi Order, since I failed to sense the darkness within my own apprentice, and I failed to stop him from destroying us! I am a failure!" exclaimed Luke.

Rey walked up to Luke and put a hand on his chest.

"No, Luke. It is not your fault that Kylo turned to the dark side. It was his own failure, and he and Snoke are responsible for destroying the Jedi. But the galaxy needs you, Luke. There is a war going on between the Resistance, led by your sister Leia, and the First Order. They had a weapon, Starkiller Base, which destroyed the capital of the New Republic, Hosnian Prime. We managed to destroy it, but the galaxy needs a symbol of hope now more than ever. Why did you exile yourself here, rather than continuing to battle your former apprentice? Why didn't you help the Resistance? I have never perceived you as a coward, Luke Skywalker" said Rey.

"I told you, I came here to discover the ancient secrets of the Jedi. Only through these secrets will I be able to defeat the enemy of the galaxy. Plus, I was almost killed by the Knights of Ren" said Luke.

"So why can't you help teach me the ancient secrets of the Jedi?!?!" pleaded Rey.

"I'm sorry, Rey.  I cannot help you. I must follow my own path here on this planet and continue to uncover the secrets of the ancient Jedi. I cannot take on another apprentice" said Luke.

Rey sighed angrily.

"Then I guess that's it, then. I come all this way to find my uncle, the legendary Luke Skywalker, but I do not find him as I expected. Instead, I get a rejection" replied Rey.

Rey began to walk back down the island's stone steps to the Millennium Falcon. It was now evening in the planet, and the red sunset could be seen on the sky.

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