Battle of Sullust

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In the meantime, the Resistance fleet surrounded the planet in attack mode, prepared to engage the First Order fleet upon their arrival. Admiral Statura and Nien Nunb had headed back up to the Resistance fleet. Leia and the rest of the Resistance leaders stood in the Home One bridge, waiting for the First Order.

"Be ready, everyone! The First Order will be here soon!" ordered Leia.

"Noted" replied the other Resistance ships.

Outside in space, Poe led the Resistance Starfighter Corps.

"All right boys, we're going to fight hard today, and we won't let the First Order win this battle. Everyone with me?" asked Poe.

"Yes, Black Leader!" replied the other X-Wing pilots.

A few minutes later, the First Order fleet arrived at Sullust, with Resurgent-class Battlecruisers, TIE fighters, Colossal fighters and two worldships, including Snoke's flagship.

"The First Order battle group just arrived from hyperspace, General Leia" said one of the Resistance commanders.

"Supreme Leader, we have arrived at Sullust. The superweapon is nearly charged. What do you want us to do with the planet?" asked General Hux.

"I can see the pathetic defense that the Resistance has stationed in the planet. It disgusts me" replied Snoke.

"I agree. So what do you want us to do?" asked Hux.

"Let them see what such a defense deserves, Hux. When the weapon is charged, target it at the planet. Let Sullust burn. Meanwhile, fight the Resistance fleet and keep them distracted to our true motives" ordered Snoke.

"Yes, Supreme Leader" replied Hux.

At the same time from the Home One, the Resistance commanders gave orders to both the navy and the ground troops.

"Starfighter Corps, prepare to engage the First Order fleet, and search for a weak spot in the First Order ships. If possible, also send a strike team inside the ship to find a weakness" ordered Leia.

"Major Ematt, activate the missile defense systems, and prepare to evacuate the population on the transports should the worst happen" ordered Vice Admiral Holdo.

On the surface of Sullust, the alarm began to sound at the Resistance camps. Major Ematt and Admiral Statura surveyed the space battle above at one of the camps. Ematt took out his comlink.

"The First Order fleet has just arrived from hyperspace! Turn on the missiles and the anti aircraft turrets! Also, begin having the Sullustans move into our transports" ordered Major Ematt.

The Resistance soldiers at the camp turned on its missile system along with the anti-aircraft turrets. The Sullustan population entered the Resistance transports.

Poe and the rest of the X-Wings, A-Wings and Resistance bombers in the Starfighter Corps prepared to engage the First Order fleet in battle. They flew over to a squadron of First Order TIE fighters and six Colossal fighters, and they began to fire at each other and engage in battle.

Poe managed to shoot down two TIE fighters in a row with missiles. In the meantime, Snap Wexley shot down one TIE fighter.

However, one of the Colossal fighters shot down five X-Wings in a row, dodging all the shots fired at it with swift moves. The other five Colossal fighters shot down many X-Wings and A-Wings.

"Surround the Resistance starfighters!" ordered the Colossal commander in one of the fighters.

The TIE and Colossal fighters surrounded the Resistance fighters in a circle, preventing them from leaving as they continued to shoot them down. The X-Wings and A-Wing dodged the shots from the First Order starfighters as they tried to find a gap out of the circle

"We see a gap in the circle! Cover us!" yelled Joph Seastriker, a Resistance pilot.

Joph flew his X-Wing to the gap along with five other Resistance fighters.

"No, Joph!" yelled Poe.

Poe tried to cover Joph by shooting down two TIE fighters with his missles, but he was unable to stop Joph and the other five X-Wings from being shot down by the other TIE and Colossal fighters.

Poe had to make many evasive maneuvers with his X-Wing to dodge the TIE and Colossal fighters firing at him. As the First Order fighters continued to surround Poe and his fighters, three more A-Wings were shot down.

"This is Poe Dameron, Black Leader of Starfighter Corps! We're surrounded by First Order fighters! Is anyone out there?!?!" said Poe through the intercom.

Nien Nunb, having shot down one Colossal fighter with eight missiles, flew his X-Wing beside Poe.

Suddenly, one Colossal fighter and five TIE fighters were shot down. Poe turned his ship around, and he caught sight of the Millennium Falcon along with a squadron of Resistance Bombers.

"Hell yeah!" yelled Poe.

Chewbacca, who piloted the Millennium Falcon from its side cockpit along with Rose Tico, roared in response. Chewbacca shot down two more TIE fighters while the Resistance pilot manned the ship.

"Paige Tico of Cobalt Squadron! Escape the circle, and we will cover you and your comrades!" ordered one of the pilots.

"Thanks alot" replied Poe.

"That's my sister!" exclaimed Rose.

The Resistance Bombers in the Cobalt Squadron covered Poe and his X-Wings by firing at the TIE fighters, destroying four more along with one Colossal fighter. This allowed Poe and the rest of his X-Wings and A-Wings to get out of the First Order's circle and escape the ships.

"Follow me!" yelled Poe to the Starfighter Corps.

Poe sped up further away from the enemy fighters, with the X-Wings following him. In the meantime, the Millenium Falcon and Cobalt Squadron shot down five X-Wings and two Colossal fighters with their torpedoes, although they lost one Resistance Bomber.

Poe and the Starfighter Corps made a stand near a Mon Calamari starcruiser, continuing to battle the First Order fighters. The Millenium Falcon and Cobalt Squadron instantly joined them.

The Resistance and First Order warships simultaneously battled it out, firing their cannons at each other. The Home One battled against two First Order battlecruisers surrounding it. As the First Order battlecruiser fired, the Home One shook.

"Leia, do we continue firing at the cruisers?" asked one of the Resistance commanders.

"Yes, but steer the ship away from this spot" ordered Leia.

On the viewport, Leia watched as one of the Mon Calamari battlecruisers was blown in half by a squadron of TIE and Colossal fighters.

The Home One began to steer forward, away from the two enemy battlecruisers.

"The worldship's superweapon is now charged. Fire it at Sullust, and show the Resistance the dishonor of their tactics!" ordered Hux.

The Colossal technicians at the bridge prepared the superweapon, charging it up. Soon after, the blast of dark energy came out of the worldship's circular side cannon and headed for the planet, passing through the Resistance fleet in the process.

The Resistance leaders at Home One believed the blast was heading for them.

"General Leia, the First Order just fired a ray of dark energy at us" said Admiral Ackbar.

"Oh no, that isn't good. Where is it heading?" replied Leia.

"The dark energy blast is heading around Home One! Repeat, around Home One! It wasn't aimed at the fleet, but at Sullust" yelled one of the Resistance commanders.

On the surface of Sullust, the transports were ready to evacuate.

"The First Order just unleashed a ray of dark energy at Sullust! Evacuate now!!!!" ordered Ematt.

The troop transports at the Resistance camps disembarked from the ground as quickly as they could and left the planet just before the energy ray hit it. However, when the energy blast hit Sullust, many of the transports were destroyed.

"Oh no, we've lost Sullust!" exclaimed Holdo.

"What...What are the First Order ships doing?" asked Admiral Statura.

"Not moving, Admiral. They're waiting to see...what we are" replied a Resistance commander.

"There has been significant damage in the planet's populated areas. They appear to have been wiped clean away. The planet's surface is burning from the combination of the blast and the lava, and the core is becoming heavily unstable. It may explode soon" said the Resistance commander.

"And our transports and ships leaving the surface?!?! What happened to them?!?" yelled Statura.

"Twelve vessels escaped sir. Four of them are military vessels with our troops, and eight of them are big civilian transports carrying large numbers of Sullustans" replied another commander.

"Major Ematt. Did he escape?" asked Leia.

Vice Admiral Holdo took a look at the main screen, showing the escape of the ten vessels.

"I think i can see Major Ematt's transport, the Bilius on the screen. It looks like he escaped safely" said the commmander.

"Oh, thank the good galaxy" replied Leia.

"Leia, we really should leave! The planet could explode soon!" said one of the commanders.

"Very well" replied Leia.

"We'll marshal our forces and pull back to find a place to attack the First Order. It is dangerous to stay here any longer" said Leia.

Leia turned on the intercom and ordered the rest of the Resistance navy to turn back.

Obeying Leia's commands, the rest of the Resistance battlecruisers, along with the Starfighter Corps, joined the Home One in retreating away from the destroyed planet.

General Hux and Sakitus Lin examined the retreat of the Resistance navy and transports.

"Supreme Leader, the Resistance is retreating" said Sakitus.

"Well, chase them! This planet will explode soon!" replied Snoke.

"Yes, Supreme Leader" replied Sakitus.

Snoke's worldship began to chase the Resistance fleet in hyperspace. Without delay, Sakitus' worldship chased the Resistance fleet along with the other First Order battlecruisers and starfighters. A few moments after the last ships from the First Order fleet had left Sullust, the planet's core finally gave way and it exploded in a orange blaze.

As the Home One continued to escape on deep space along with the rest of the Resistance fleet, the First Order fighters pursued them, firing at their ships. The two worldships, along with their squadrons of Colossal fighters, shot down four Mon Calamari starcruisers and six Corellian frigates during the chase.

The Resistance fleet stopped running and finally made a stand.

"Stop running! We will make a stand here! We will not let the First Order go without a fight!" ordered Leia.

The Resistance ships stopped and turned around, battling the First Order fleet. The two fleets fired at each other, however, the Resistance's shock over losing Sullust caused them to lose their confidence, and the First Order fought with a strong feeling of dominance.

The Resistance and First Order starfighters continued to battle each other in a dogfight.

Poe Dameron was forced to use evasive maneuvers with his X-Wing to dodge the shots from the enemy Colossal and TIE fighters . However, he still shot down two TIE fighters when he turned around.

The Millennium Falcon and the Resistance Bombers did their best to cover the other Resistance starfighters, managing to shoot down two TIE fighters with torpedoes. However, the Millennium Falcon was shot twice on it's top by a TIE fighter.

Chewbacca growled as the interior of the ship shook and the alarm sounded.

"Cobalt Squadron, we have just been shot by a TIE fighter! It is not safe for us here! We must retreat!" said Rose.

Paige flew her Resistance Bomber next to the Falcon.

"Very well sister, let's retreat!" replied Paige.

The Millennium Falcon, along with all the Resistance Bombers in Cobalt Squadron, began to retreat. Poe Dameron also turned around and retreated to the Home One along with the rest of the Starfighter Corps.

The battle was not going well for the Resistance. Along with many of their starfighters, they were having a number of their frigates and starcruisers shot down. The Home One was being surrounded by TIE and Colossal fighters, who easily shot down many of the Resistance X-Wings and A-Wings. In addition, the two Colossal worldships surrounded the starcruiser, firing rounds at it and damaging

"Board the Resistance starcruiser and kill everyone inside!" ordered Snoke.

"Yes, Supreme Leader" replied Sakitus.

The two worldships attached a tunnel to the Home One, allowing First Order stormtroopers and Colossal troopers to enter it.

The Colossal troops wore gray armor and helmets with orange visors, and they wielded red rifles that fired red energy. Along with the stormtroopers, they effectively shot down many Resistance troopers in the white hallways of the starcruiser, heading further to the ship's bridge.

"This is General Leia! The Home One is under attack by the First Order! All non-essentials, head to the lifepods immediately! All remaining hands, stand by to help push back the boarders! I repeat, the First Order has boarded the ship! All..."

A stormtrooper fired at the comm system, destroying it. The stormtroopers and Colossals had made their way to the bridge.

Leia took out her blaster, along with Admiral Statura, Ackbar, Brance and Holdo. They all fired at the approaching stormtroopers and Colossals.

"There goes the comm system" said Statura.

"First Order boarders on three decks, General Leia...and we've lost our escort! What do we do?" asked Major Brance.

"The only thing we can do...scuttle the ship!" replied Leia as she shot her blaster against the First Order troopers.

"Scuttle?!" replied Statura.

"Yes! Don't take too long deciding on whether to save your career or life, Statura! Now move!" yelled Leia as she fired three more rounds.

Leia and the rest of the Resistance leaders sprinted to the door while firing their blasters at the stormtroopers and Colossal troopers. Major Brance took a glimpse at the Colossal troopers.

"General! Those uniforms..." yelled Brance.

"Yes! They are unlike anything we have ever seen before! We have a mysterious enemy here! Now move!" ordered Leia.

Leia shot down two more stormtroopers as she headed past the side door to a hallway.

Resistance troopers attempted to hold back the First Order troopers at the hallway. However, their efforts proved futile as many of them were mowed down.

"Gah!" yelled a Resistance trooper as he was shot down.

"Hold em back!"

As Leia ran past the hallway into a crossroads with the rest of the Resistance leaders, she was grabbed by a Colossal trooper.

"Ah!" she yelled.

"Leia!" yelled Holdo.

Leia struggled against the trooper, attempting to get out of his grab. However, the trooper only tightened his grip.

Suddenly, Poe Dameron came out of a side hallway and tackled the trooper off Leia. Crouching, Poe and Leia fired their blasters at the trooper and killed him.

"That's one I owe you, Dameron" said Leia as she got up.

"The First Order has the fighter decks, but they've overlooked the cargo bay. And the brig's a dead end" said Poe.

Leia and the other Resistance troopers ran to the end of the hallway, where the door to the ship's bridge stood along with two Resistance troopers.

"Then now is the time to make a last stand. We don't have the numbers to hold more than one door, anyway" replied Leia.

"You there! Gove us a hand!" ordered Admiral Ackbar to one of the Resistance troopers.

"I never thought I'd be locking myself in the brig" replied the Resistance trooper.

"The brig won't hold them for long. The hangar bay with Major Ematt's transport is nearby, and I know where it is. We should go there instead" said Poe.

"Okay, Poe. We'll do as you say" said Leia.

Poe led Leia and the other Resistance leaders back to the hallway's crossroads and to one of the hallway's dead ends, where Poe shot a hole through a rectangular metal plate on the wall. Past the grate was a hangar with a rectangular Resistance transport.

"It's the cargo bay!" said Statura.

"And the Bilius, Major Ematt's transport!" added Ackbar.

"Now let's move it! We don't have much time!" ordered Leia.

Leia, Poe and the rest of the Resistance leaders slid down the slope into the hangar. They sprinted towards the transport, which put down it's bridge to allow them to enter.

The gray interior of the transport was filled with several dozen Resistance troopers and officers sitting down on chairs. Major Ematt greeted them as the transport disembarked from the hangar and headed into hyperspace. Leia shook his hand.

"Major Ematt, it is good to see you are safe. How many Sullustans did you manage to save from the cataclysm?" asked Leia.

"Not sure. I'm guessing maybe a couple million. But what the First Order did, now that was pretty bad and unexpected" replied Ematt.

"Well, we must be heading back to D'Qar now, and start evacuating the planet. The First Order will be there soon. In the meantime, I must contact my brother" said Leia.

The transport headed back to D'Qar on hyperspace, along with the six still remaining Corellian frigates, the Millenium Falcon, and the few hundred remaining ships in the Starfighter Corps.

Captain Phasma, watched the fleeing Resistance fleet from the bridge of the captured Home One.

"Supreme Leader, we have taken the Home One. The Resistance leaders and their remaining ships have escaped" she said.

"Good. Now we will pursue them to their base at D'Qar. There, we will destroy the Resistance once and for all. Return to Sakitus' worldship" ordered Snoke.

"Yes, my Lord" she replied.

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