Duel aboard the Machinima

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Inside the hangar of the cruiser, Luke, Rivan and the rest of the Jedi left their ships and ran through the grey hallways to find Mara, Zoltan, Yutus, Ezra and the rest of the Jedi at the black training room. There were 20 Jedi in the room, including Rivan and Tenel Ka. The training room was large and rectangular, and it had a banner with the symbol of a new Jedi. It also had several stacks of training sabers along with metal dummies, and it had a bottom level. They stood ready with their lightsabers ignited.

A few minutes later, a door from the hallway opened, and Kylo Ren walked inside along with Sakitus, and the rest of the Knights of Ren and Praetorian guards. Kylo had his red lightsaber ignited, and his Knights of Ren had their weapons ready. Sakitus and the rest of the Praetorian guard wielded white crossguard sabers.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Jedi. However, you will not escape alive. Now, you die!" taunted Sakitus.

Sakitus and Kylo walked forward, while Mara Jade and Luke walked forward. They eyed each other with focus.

Kylo swung first at Luke, but the Jedi Master blocked it, and the two locked their lightsabers. Sakitus forced Mara back with a Force Push, but she got right up and jumped at Sakitus.

The duel had now begun, and the Jedi ran at the Knights of Ren and the Pretorian guard with their lightsabers. About four Jedi were cut down during the charge, three by the Knights of Ren and the other by a Pretorian guard. Rivan began to duel three knights of Ren with his blue lightsaber.

"Know, Padawan, that I am Untus Quramas, your death!" taunted one of the Knights of Ren who fought Rivan. He wore a cylinder-shaped helmet and wielded a red lightsaber

Zoltan, Ezra and Tenel also clashed against Knights of Ren.

Luke Skywalker continued to clash against his former apprentice. Luke hurled a metal training dummy beside him at Kylo, but he cut it in half. Kylo then slashed at Luke, but the Jedi Master dodged the attack and brought his lightsaber up to defend himself. The two continued to exchange blows with their lightsabers. A Knight of Ren rushed at Luke from beside him, but Luke turned around and Force pushed him back. He turned and blocked a blow from above by Kylo.

Mara and Sakitus continued to clash. Sakitus swung his lightsaber at Mara, but she dodged his blow, and she got back up and hit Sakitus' lightsaber with an upper slash from her purple one. Sakitus used the Force to hurl training sabers at Mara, but she stuck out her hand, stopping the sabers from hitting her. Mara hurled the sabers at the upper wall, before jumping on one of the training room's platforms at the top.

Sakitus stared at her, before hurling his lightsaber at one of the platform's metal cables, causing the platform to fall. Sakitus jumped at Mara with the Force and slashed at her, but Mara blocked the blow and sent Sakitus flying to the side on the ground.

Zoltan clashed beside Ezra against two Knights of Ren. Zoltan, being very skilled in lightsaber combat, forced one of the Knights of Ren back during a lightsaber clash. He then kicked the Knight of Ren back. The Knight of Ren got up and attempted to hurl Force lightning at Zoltan, but the Jedi Master blocked the lightning with his green lightsaber, and the lightning was forced back on the Knight, injuring him. He cried in pain. Zoltan then threw his lightsaber at the Knight, decapitating him.

Zoltan then turned around and helped Ezra fight the other Knight of Ren. However, beside them, a Pretorian guard disarmed and killed a male Twil'ek Jedi Padawan, and he joined the fight to help the Knight of Ren. As they continued to clash against Zoltan and Ezra, the Knights of Ren began to move back closer to the hallway door. Swinging against a Knight of Ren, Ezra slashed the training room's black wall, causing an orange mark to appear on the wall. They soon ended up on the hallway.

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