Transmitting the First Order's Files

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Back at the data vault, DJ took out his rifle and fired at the window to the data vault, before using his rifle's zip line to shoot a rope at the data tower containing the file in the far right.

With the gun, he ziplined past the various data towers in the vault to the one in the far right. After reaching the tower, DJ took out the red light at the top of the tower, before grabbing a gray cylinder inside the tower. The cylinder contained the file. He placed the cylinder inside his pocket.

However, at that time, the door to the data vault opened, and the Colossal commander walked in with eight other Colossal troops. They fired at the data tower where DJ stood. DJ took out a grenade and threw it at the Colossals through the window, killing three of them and distracting the others. DJ then jumped off the tower and ran further down the array of towers.

The towers shielded DJ from the Colossals' fire as he continued to run down the hall. DJ ran past the giant cylinder to the other side of the room as the Colossals fired at him. He then fired another zip line from his gun at the top of the black cylinder. He ziplined up the cylinder with his gun, using the lights to aid him on his climb.

At the top of the ceiling there was a black circle which opened and closed quickly, leading to the vent. DJ continued to climb up the cylinder before reaching the circle. He waited until the circle was open until quickly climbing over the circle and into a vent.

The vent was dark, but DJ still climbed it. Reaching the end of the vent, DJ pushed a rectangular panel out and climbed up into a long gray room lit by red lights. The room was lined with computers, which six First Order operators worked on. They wore black helmets and black suits with the First Order symbol. There was a large rectangular door at the end of the room.

DJ got himself onto the ground of the room. The operators had noticed DJ, and they stared at him with serious expressions on their faces.

DJ looked at a Colossal woman and smiled. The woman smiled back, but she then stood up with a start.

"Alarm! We have an intruder!" she yelled.

The woman took out her blaster, but DJ shot her in the head, and her body slumped down on the computer. DJ then shot down three other operators before they could react.

The last two operators had taken out their blasters, and they fired at DJ. However, DJ was able to dodge their bullets, and in time, he shot down the other technicians.

DJ took out his comlink and contacted Leia at The Spike.

"General Leia, I've got the necessary files to aid you in this war. I don't know where Finn and Rose are. I suspect they may have been killed or captured"

"Oh, that's not good. I hope they are okay. But I'm glad that you managed to get the plans. Now you should find a computer to transmit them. We are currently engaged in battle against the First Order"

"I don't think I'll be able to transmit the files, Leia. The base's shield is currently up, preventing any files of the size that I have from getting through"

"Yeah, you're right. We need a way to disable the shield. Let me find out how to best tackle this. In the meantime, you should get yourself safe"

Leia turned down her comlink and gave an order to her star cruiser.

"Spike star cruiser, I want you to concentrate all your fire at the shield's gate, along with all the other star cruisers! I want every other ship to help protect us from the Frst Order!" ordered Leia.

"Got it, General Leia!" replied the cruiser's pilots.

The star cruiser's gunners fired the starcruiser's lasers at the shield. The other star cruisers immediately followed suit.

Meanwhile, the Resistance frigates fought off the First Order ships along with the Hapan Battle Dragons and the Resistance Starfighter Corps.

Poe Dameron led the squad in between two starcruisers at the fringe of the Resistance lines, close to the enemy base.

"Line up in a straight line in front of the starcruisers! We are trying to defend them so that they can concentrate their full fire on the shield gate!" ordered Poe.

"Right away, Poe!" replied the other Resistance pilots.

The Resistance pilots immediately flew into a straight line in front of the starcruiser. A couple of TIE fighters arrived and attacked the X-Wings.

Poe fired his torpedoes, destroying two of the TIEs. The other X-Wings fired their torpedoes, and they managed to destroy the rest of the TIEs.

The space battle was getting worse for the Resistance. More TIE fighters, Colossal fighters and Resurgent-class battle cruisers joined the First Order in the battle, and they did substantial damage to the Resistance ships in front.

Dozens of TIE and Colossal fighters flew past the Resistance Star Corps, precisely shooting down a large number of them. As they were taken by surprise and more of their X-Wings were destroyed, Poe Dameron and the rest of the X-Wings retreated close to one of the Corellian frigates.

The Corellian frigate's blasters held off the approaching Resistance fleet by shooting down a couple of the TIE fighters. Poe turned his X-Wing around and fired his torpedoes, destroying two of the approaching TIE fighters.

"Hold them off! Remember, we are trying to allow our friends to get the plans safely to the fleet!" said Poe.

Further down the area, a Resistance star cruiser and three Hapan Battle Dragons had been destroyed by the Resurgent-class battle cruisers.

The Resurgent-class cruiser, despite being partially damaged by the Resistance starcruiser, had powerful cannons and blasters, and that had allowed it to beat the cruiser in battle and destroy it.

The Resistance starcruiser gradually had it's cannons and lasers destroyed by the First Order's more powerful ones, leaving the cruiser defenseless.

Inside the cruiser, the alarms sounded, and the Resistance officers inside attempted to evacuate. However, the enemy battlecruiser fired all its blasters and cannons at the Resistance battlecruiser, damaging the ship further.

They soon hit the ship's bridge, blowing it up and killing all the Resistance officers inside. Explosions rocked the starcruiser as it tumbled down onto two Corellian frigates, destroying them as well.

The First Order, with more of their ships arriving in the area, caused more and more damage to the Resistance's fleet.

A squadron of TIE and Colossal fighters headed to one of the Hapan Battle Dragons, which was close to the Resistance's line and stood beside a Mon Cal starcruiser.

Dodging the ship's blasters and turbolasers, the TIE fighters hurled their torpedoes at the Battle Dragon, damaging it. A dozen Hapan starfighters then came to the Battle Dragon to orptect it. The Hapan starfighters shot down three of the TIE fighters and one of the Colossals using their laser cannons.

However, the Colossal and TIE fighters retaliated by shooting down seven of the Hapan starfighters with their own cannons, surrounding the ships so that they wouldn't be able to escape.

One Hapan fighter shot down a TIE fighter and sped out of the circle, but one of the TIEs fired a torpedo at it, destroying it. The Colossals and TIEs destroyed the last of the Hapan fighters using their torpedoes.

After dealing with the Hapan starfighters, the TIE and Colossal fighters flew to the ion engines on the back of the Battle Dragon. The engines were circular and orange. The TIEs and Colossals made short work of the engines with their torpedoes and several bombing runs.

With its engines destroyed, the Hapan Battle Dragon was unable to fly away from the area. The Hapan officers inside the ship panicked and ran out of the bridge and onto the ship's escape pods. Some of them were able to escape, but the TIE and Colossal fighters flew to the front of the ship and fired more torpedoes at the bridge, sealing the ship's destruction.

The Resistance lost three more starcruisers and eight Corellian frigates to the First Order's superior fleet.

Despite directing all their fire at the base's shield, the Resistance cruisers were unable to damage the shield. Near the shield, two of the Resistance battlecruisers were being greatly damaged by the base's turrets, along with a swarm of starfighters which destroyed the ship's turrets and comm tower.

Inside the ship's bridge, the captain gave a desperate order.

"Fly the starcruiser into the shield gate!" he said.

"Are you crazy?!?!" replied another Resistance officer.

"We need to destroy the base's shield, and the starcruiser will likely be able to do it! We'll evacuate the ship, but send the ship into the gate!"

The starcruiser's pilots complied with the captain's order, sending the ship into the shield gate. Meanwhile, the captain and the rest of the cruiser's officers left the bridge and ran to the escape pods. Several of the escape pods jettisoned into space, heading away from the area.

However, not all of the Resistance members in the cruiser were able to escape, and they were killed when the cruiser crashed into the gate at the edge of the shield.

The other Resistance cruiser made the decision to crash itself into the base's shield gate. The ship's officers ran out of the bridge to the escape pods as the ship crashed into the other area of the shield gate.

With the combined damage of the Resistance starcruiser's laser fire along with the impact of the two cruisers crashing into it, the base's shield eventually gave way. The blue shield flickered on and off before deactivating.

Meanwhile, inside the base, DJ stood in wait inside the air vent, having gone inside in order to hide from the dozen stormtroopers and three Colossals who had gone into the operator room. Above, they investigated the bodies of the technicians.

"It appears that one of the Resistance infiltrators is still at large in the base. The two that we captured have an accomplice" said one of the stormtroopers.

"What do you think they want, anyway?" asked one of the stormtroopers.

"They want our plans, obviously! This base is home to the First Order's most important plans. They cannot be allowed to get their hands on them! Search every corner of the room for the infiltrator now!" ordered one of the Colossal troopers.

DJ climbed further down the vent as his comlink beeped. He then picked it up.

"DJ, we've managed to destroy the base's shield gate, so you should be able to transmit the files to the fleet" said Leia.

"All right, General. I'll get to it immediately" replied DJ.

DJ turned off his comlink and climbed up the vent. He took out a grenade before opening the vent and tossing it up into the room at the stormtroopers. The resulting explosion took out four stormtroopers and two Colossals.

"The intruder's here! Prepare to fire!" yelled one of the Colossals.

DJ got up from the vent and shot a Colossal in the head. The Colossal stumbled back, and DJ killed him after two more shots. The other stormtroopers and Colossals fired, but were unable to hit DJ, who ran for cover behind a gray crate at the far end of the room.

From his cover, DJ shot down four stormtroopers in the head fast. DJ then butted one of the stormtroopers in the head and grabbed him as a human shield.

The other three stormtroopers at the end of the room attempted to hit DJ, but instead they shot their comrade, killing him. Using the human shield to protect him, DJ skillfully took out the last three stormtroopers.

With the stormtroopers dealt with, DJ headed to the still intact computer at the centre of the room. The room's other computers had been damaged by the firefight.

DJ immediately took out his data spike and put it into the computer's circular slot. He then transmitted the file to the Resistance fleet. On the computer's blue monitor, there was a white bar indicating the time for the file to transmit.

DJ clenched his fists.

"Come on! Come on!" he muttered.

After a few minutes, the file was successfully transmitted to the Resistance fleet. Inside the Spike's, one of the Resistance officers saw an image of a First Order worldship on his computer.

"General Leia, we've received the plans for the worldship!" he said.

"You did it, Darek" replied Leia.

Back at the operator room, DJ took out the silver data cylinder he had gotten from the data vaults and placed it into the computer's circular slot. He transmitted the file to the Resistance fleet as well.

DJ took out his comlink.

"Leia, I'm transmitting another file to you as well" he said.

"Good, Darek. Take care of yourself" replied Leia.

As the file was transmitting, stormtroopers and Colossals headed to the operator room to find out what was going on. The file had nearly transmitted to the Resistance fleet when they had made their way to the room.

DJ got up from his chair with his rifle ready, knowing that the First Order would be there any second. Sure enough, dozens of stormtroopers and Colossals made their way into the room, and DJ stood ready to face them. He managed to shoot down four stormtroopers, but a Colossal hurled a grenade at him.

DJ attempted to jump out of the way, but he was unable to as the grenade exploded near him, greatly wounding him.

The comink was still on, and General Leia had heard the entire fight which had transpired in the operator room.

"Darek?! Darek, are you all right?!" asked Leia.

As he lay on the ground with burns on his uniform, a Colossal commander with red armor walked up to him with his rifle ready.

"Darek Jaymess, also known as DJ. You are the slicer who betrayed us, are you not?" said the Colossal.

"Yes, it is me. But now I actually fight for a cause, rather than for myself or your First Order. And I have just transmitted the weaknesses of your precious worldships to the Resistance fleet. There's nothing you can do about it now" replied DJ.

The Colossal commander shot DJ in the head, killing him.

Back at the Spike, the Resistance operators received the next file on their computers. The file's image was of a red and white planet.

"General Leia, we've received another file from the Lumys Installation!" noted the operator.

"Darek got us not one, but two files to help us against the First Order. I am grateful for this. May the Force be with him. Now we must flee the area quickly" replied Leia.

Leia ordered the entire Resistance fleet to escape from the Lumys Installaton. Three of the Resistance starcruisers and five of the Corellian frigates attempted to flee the area into hyperspace, but they were intercepted by two First Order worldships and four Resurgent-class battlecruisers, destroying one of the starcruisers and three of the Corellian frigates. The other Resistance ships had avoided the worldships by evading it.

The worldships had come to aid the First Order, and squadrons of TIE and Colossal fighters left the worldship's hangars. General Hux sat on the bridge of the ship along with a Colossal commander named Fritarigus.

"General Hux, should we target the fleet?" asked Fritarigus.

"Yes. You must target the fleet now and make short work of it with the superweapon. But the Lumys Installation must be destroyed also. The Resistance slicers likely have compromised or destroyed the files in the facility, so the files there are no longer trustworthy. Plus, we have copies of the files elsewhere" said Hux.

"But General, remember that the cannons of every worldship are synchronized with each other, which means only one worldship cannon can be fired at a time"

"I know that! We will destroy the Installation later. The top priority is the Resistance. Prepare this worldship to fire against the Resistance fleet, and the others to fire against the Lumys Installation"

"You heard the General!"

The worldship's cannon prepared it's cannon to fire at the Resistance fleet, while the other ship aimed at the Lumys Installation.

More Resistance starcruisers and Hapan Battle Dragons jumped to hyperspace, but many of them were gunned down by the First Order worldships and battlecruisers.

The other worldship headed for the Lumys Installation.

A few TIE fighters, shuttles and transports had escaped from the base. One of the shuttles carried the unconscious bodies of Rose and Finn to be brought to the worldship.

The Resistance's ships gradually escaped the area and jumped into hyperspace as the worldship's superweapon began to fire. The Spike made a hyperspace jump away from the area together with two other starcruisers.

However, the superweapon fired,and the remaining Resistance and Hapan ships which did not jump into hyperspace were completely obliterated by the dark energy blast. These included three starcuisers, nine Hapan Battle dragons and 13 Hapan Nova-class battlecruisers, along with a couple of starfighters.

General Hux and Fritarigus watched the remains of the destroyed Resistance and Hapan fleets.

"General Hux, we destroyed a large portion of the Resistance fleet during this battle, but their capital ship escaped along with a couple others" said Fritarigus.

"Yes, and I strongly suspect that they still have some of our plans. They must be recovered. The Resistance must not uncover our secrets if we are to conquer the galaxy. We must chase them immediately" said General Hux.

"What of the attack on the Jedi Academy on Tython, General?" asked Fritarigus.

"The rest of our fleet has taken care of that, along with Kylo Ren and his Knights. Now let us go. We cannot waste any more time. I want the other worldship to stay here and deal with the Lumys Installation" ordered General Hux.

General Hux's worldship jumped into hyperspace in the direction of the Resistance fleet, along with the Resurgent-class battlecruisers.

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