Evacuation of D'Qar

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The Resistance began to evacuate their base on D'Qar, knowing that the First Order would soon attack the planet.

"Code K-1-0. Attention, everyone, this is General Leia Organa. We must begin evacuations of this base immediately! The First Order will be here soon! All Resistance soldiers, prepare for a ground assault in order to buy us time to evacuate! Start getting inside the GR-75 transports and Resistance transports at the back of the base now! Resistance pilots, get on your starfighters and prepare to protect our transports from the First Order!" ordered Leia.

Resistance members began to make their way to the transports. In the meantime, General Leia summoned Rose Tico and Finn to the command room for an important task. Finn had just recovered from his back injury, although he would have to wear a metal implant on his back due to his damaged spine.

"Hello, Finn and Rose. I have an important task for you both. As you know, the First Order has very powerful weapons made from a sort of red dark energy. They also appear to have alien allies, who may be supplying them with this technology that allowed them to create Starkiller Base, along with the giant ships that managed to destroy our fleet and Sullust. I need you both to go on an undercover mission to find out the First Order's secrets and what allows them to create such devastating weapons, and how we could possibly counter them. You must not allow anyone to know that you are Resistance agents. Do not trust anyone. BB-8 will accompany you" explained Leia.

BB-8 rolled beside Rose and Finn.

"So where do we start?" asked Finn.

"Seek out a man named DJ, in the casino city of Canto Bight on the planet of Cantonica in the Mid Rim. He is a slicer, one of the best in the galaxy, and he is very knowledgeable. He must know something about the First Order, and even if he doesn't, he can help us find out by hacking into First Order files with his slicing skills. Now go! We are about to evacuate!" replied Leia.

Finn, Rose and BB-8 left the command room and headed for the base's hangar outside, where they took an unmarked Rebel ship. The ship was gray and rectangular, with four engines on its back and windows on it's sides. Finn and Rose then flew the ship off the ground and departed the planet.

The Resistance members continued to head to the transports, heading through the base's command room on their way.

"Quickly! Head to the transports!" yelled Lieutenant Connix. The lieutenant directed Resistance members outside to the transports with her arm. She soon joined the swarm of Resistance members to one of the transports.

Outside the base, Resistance members swarmed into the several dozen oval transports and the smaller rectangular transports as fast as they could. The GR-75 transports were gray and shaped like ovals with a sharp front and three engines on its back. Some of the transports had disembarked, along with X-Wings and A-Wings which flew beside them to protect them from the First Order.

They joined the Resistance fleet in outer space outside the planet. The fleet, made up of Mon Calamari starcruisers, stood ready to engage the First Order.

"Resistance starfleet! Prepare to engage the First Order fleet. Remember that we are not trying to win this battle, but we are trying to buy time for the Resistance to evacuate D'Qar!" ordered Admiral Ackbar from one of the battlecruisers.

Soon, the First Order fleet arrived from hyperspace. They were composed of several dozen Resurgent-class battlecruisers, including the Finalizer, General Hux's battlecruiser. They were joined by four Colossal worldships and several TIE fighters. The Colossal Hand, Snoke's lead warship, commanded the First Order fleet.

"It appears that the Resistance is attempting to evacuate their base here. Well, we must not allow them to do so! We must charge our superlasers to destroy the Resistance fleet! In the meantime, Captain Phasma , General Dalton and Captain Veedus will prepare our troops for a surface attack on the Resistance base" ordered Snoke.

"Yes, Supreme Leader! We will now begin the charge of the worldships' superweapons!" replied Sakitus.

"Supreme Leader, I shall head to land now!" said General Dalton. He had short brown hair with a moustache and green eyes.

"The First Order fleet is here! Prepare to battle!" ordered Admiral Holdo.

"Starfighter Corps, let's buy some time for our Resistance brothers to evacuate the planet! Engage the First Order fighters!" ordered Poe Dameron.

The X-Wings, A-Wings and Resistance bombers defending the transports stood in attack mode as they prepared to engage the First Order. The TIE and Colossal fighters flew at the Resistance fighters, and the two ships began to fire at each other.

Poe Dameron, defending the first transport, shot down three TIE fighters in a row, along with one Colossal fighter. The ten X-Wing fighters with him shot down a substantial number of enemy TIE and Colossal fighters, protecting the transport from being destroyed by the enemy.

"Wohoo!" yelled Jessika Pava.

However, the TIE fighters destroyed three X-Wings at Poe's transport with torpedoes.

"We've lost R5! Repeat, R5 has been hit!" yelled Jessika.

On the other dozens of transports, the X-Wings and A-Wings also fought the First Order fighters. During the fighting, they had to make swift maneuvers with their ships to dodge the blasts from the enemy fighters. Although they shot down some of the enemy fighters, two of the transports were hit critically by the Colossal fighters and the Resurgent-class battlecruisers' cannons. Alarms sounded inside the transports, and the ship shook from the fire.

"Red Squadron, Coalstreak Squadron, we must attack the battlecruisers to protect these transports! Let's go!" urged Nien Nunb.

Nien Nunb led a squadron of X-Wings along with Cobalt Squadron to one of the Resurgent class battlecruiser attacking the transports. There, Nien, along with the bombers at Cobalt Squadron, hurled torpedoes at some of the cannons, destroying them and giving the transports more time.

One of the transports managed to escape into hyperspace. Nien Nunb and Cobalt Squadron continued to push their way into the enemy battlecruiser, destroying more of the enemy laser cannons. However, the cannon, along with approaching TIE fighters still destroyed four X-Wings. They reached the ship's sensor tower near the bridge.

"Cobalt Squadron, we're at the sensor tower. Hit it now!" ordered Paige Tico.

The Resistance Bombers fired at the sensor relay, turning around whenever they got too close to it.

"Protect the bombers!" ordered Nien Nunb.

The X-Wings formed a circle around the bombers and shot down approaching TIE fighters and Colossals. With the X-Wings aiding them, the bombers soon destroyed the sensor relay.

A Resistance starcruiser flew close to the weakened First Order battlecruiser and fired at it with their cannons. The heavy fire sustained by the First Order battlecruiser caused the ship to shake, and the alarms to sound inside.

Nien Nunb led the Red, Coalstreak, and Cobalt Squadrons to the ship's bridge to damage it. They made further bombing runs at the bridge. Although three Resistance Bombers and one X-Wing were destroyed, the battlecruiser's bridge was still destroyed.

The Resistance starcruiser continued to fire at the damaged First Order battlecruiser. Inside the halls and hangars of the battlecruiser, stormtroopers and First Order officers ran in fear, and more TIE fighters disembarked along with shuttles.

Nien Nunb and his squadrons of X-Wings and Resistance Bombers aided the Mon Calamari starcuiser in it's attack of the battlecruiser, until the battlecruiser was destroyed and came crashing down to D'Qar. The destruction of the battlecruiser allowed four Resistance transports to escape D'Qar.

Meanwhile. as the Resistance members continued to evacuate on the surface of D'Qar, a Resistance army led by Major Brance stood on the plains outside of the Resistance Base waiting for the First Order army to arrive. Behind them was a large hill with the entrance to the base, along with some turrets. A circular shield generator to the base stood to the right of the base.

Major Ematt and Captain Cypress stood inside the base, ready to give information and orders to the Resistance.

The Resistance armies crouched beneath some trenches, with their rifles held out. Spherical turrets stood beside the trenches, ready to aid them in their defense.

Major Brance spotted a First Order army with Stormtroopers and Colossal troopers approaching from the forest, accompanied by five AT-4Xs and ten mobile walkers. The AT-4Xs looked like the Empire's former AT-ATs, but they were fatter and their blasters and defenses were better equipped. The mobile walkers were piloted by Colossal troops, and had blue holographic domes. The AT-4Xs tore down the forest's trees as they approached, and the pounding of their footsteps could be felt at the trench, even at the base.

The Stormtroopers and Colossals were led by Captains Phasma and Veedus. Veedus, who was a Colossal, wore red armor, different from the gray armor that the Colossal usually wore.

Major Brance took out his comlink.

"We have spotted the First Order army heading this way!"

The base at D'Qar received Brance's report.

"Prepare to fight! The ski speeders will help bring down the enemy walkers" ordered Cypress.

A squadron of T-75 airspeeders led by Snap Wexley disembarked from the Resistance base and headed for the AT-4X walkers, which now fired at the Resistance ground troops.

The Resistance ground troops dived into the trenches for cover as the red laser bolts from the walker hit them, causing dirt and grass to explode around the trenches. A couple of the Resistance troops were killed by the walker's fire, and their bodies were hurled into the air by the walker fire.

"Hold your ground! Return fire!" ordered Major Brance.

The Resistance troops returned fire at the approaching First Order and Colossal Stormtroopers. However, it was mostly ineffective, and most of the blaster fire failed to hit the First Order soldiers. The First Order soldiers fired another batch at the Resistance troops, who ducked into the trenches to dodge the fire.

General Dalton stood inside the cockpit of one of the walkers. He wore dark blue AT-AT pilot armor.

In the meantime, Brance's airspeeders fired down at the Stormtroopers and Colossals on the ground as they passed the walker, killing some of them.

"Use tow cables to bring down the walker, boys!" ordered Brance.

The airspeeders flew around the walkers, dodging their laser fire. One of the airspeeders launched a harpoon at the legs of the airspeeder and began to fly around the legs of the still moving walker. However, before it could complete its run around the walker, it was hit by one of the other walkers in the back, and it crashed onto the ground.

"Damn!" yelled Major Brance.

The walkers continued to fire at the Resistance trenches. Their fire destroyed two more Resistance turrets and killed a couple of Resistance soldiers beside it. The Resistance soldiers countered by firing at the approaching stormtroopers, shooting down some of them.

Aiming carefully with his rifle, Major Brance shot down three Colossal soldiers who had approached the trench.

One of the Resistance soldiers also destroyed an approaching mobile walker with his bazooka. A Colossal trooper's body went flying into the trench from the explosion.

Despite this, the walkers got closer and closer to the Resistance Base.

"How far until we get to the base's shield generator?" asked General Dalton.

"Just one point seven miles, General" replied one of the walker's pilots.

"When we get close enough to the shield generator, destroy it so that Captain Phasma and her troopers we can swarm into the base" ordered General Dalton.

"Yes, General" replied another walker captain.

Four airspeeders approached one of the First Order walkers, and one of them released its harpoon and began to wrap it around the walker's legs. The three other airspeeders covered them by firing at the other walkers, keeping their fire concentrated on them.

Finally, the Resistance airspeeder completed its run around the speeder, and the speeder fell to the ground. Snap Wexley and one other airspeeder destroyed the walker by hitting it in the neck as they flew past.

The Resistance troops' fighting allowed four more Resistance transports to evacuate the surface of D'Qar. They were protected by the X-Wings who disembarked from the base with them.

General Leia continued to run around the base's rooms and corridors along with Chewbacca and C-3PO, monitoring the evacuating workers.

She found General Connix in one of the computer rooms. She sat at one of the computers, looking at the First Order's readings.

"Why are you still here? We have to retreat!" demanded Leia.

"I just needed to get some things done, General. The First Order troops will be here soon" replied Connix.

"Time is running short. Help me find Captain Cypress!" said Leia.

Leia grabbed Connix's arm, and the lieutenant got up. She followed Leia, C-3PO and Chewbacca through the base's corridors. They headed into another of the base's wide rooms with a holographic projector and several computers. Captain Cypress ran up to them.

"Let's go!" ordered Leia.

The Stormtroopers and Colossals reached the trench, led by Captain Phasma. They were now very close to the base's main entrance, with the trench being the last line of defense between them. They shot down more Resistance soldiers at the trench and they were forced to retreat closer to the base.

"Fall back!" ordered Major Brance.

Brance and a couple other soldiers threw grenades at the Colossal soldiers, blowing some of them up. The other Resistance soldiers retreated to the dike close to the Resistance Base.

"Shoot them down!" ordered Captain Phasma. The captain shot down four retreating soldiers with her repeating cannon. The AT-4Xs also shot down more Resistance soldiers. With his laser rifle, Veedus shot through the trench, killing several retreating soldiers.

The remaining Resistance soldiers retreated to the dike, and continued to battle against the Stormtroopers there. But their blaster fire was mostly ineffective against the Stormtroopers and their Colossal allies, who continued to advance. The AT-4Xs destroyed two of the Resistance's laser turrets.

General Dalton's walker eventually reached the base's shield generator. Dalton took his binoculars from the top of the walker in order to get a better view of the disc-shaped generator.

"Maximum firepower at the shield generator!" he ordered.

The AT-4Xs walkers fired at the shield generator, destroying it swiftly. The shield generator's destruction caused the door to the base to open.

"Fire at the base!" ordered Dalton.

The AT-4Xs redirected their fire into the Resistance Base, killing more of the Resistance soldiers. They also destroyed the base's cylinder turrets.

"Retreat into the base!" ordered Major Brance.

Brance ran into the base along with the remaining 13 Resistance soldiers, but the AT-4X fired at them, killing him and nine other Resistance soldiers.

The other Resistance soldiers made it past the hangar into the base, heading for cover in the base's crates and computers and preparing to fight the approaching Stormtroopers.

Meanwhile, many of the Resistance airspeeders had been shot down by the First Order walkers. Only six, including Snap Wexley, still remained. Snap and the other airspeeders retreated to the Resistance base, but the AT-4X walkers opened fire, shooting down three of the airspeeders.

"Come on! We can make it!" yelled Snap.

They made it close to the base, but two other airspeeders were shot down, and Snap was alone. He got his airspeeder into the base's main hangar and leaped oout of the airspeeder fast. He took out his blaster and ran into the base's corridors.

Soon, stormtroopers swarmed past the hangar into the base, led by Phasma and Veedus. The alarm still rang as Resistance leaders and workers continued to evacuate on the GR-75 transports. The Stormtroopers fired at the few remaining Resistance workers and troopers.

Captain Phasma aimed at three Resistance workers who were attempting to flee into the corridors, shooting them down with her repeater cannon. The other First Order stormtroopers continued to fire at the Resistance soldiers in the base's main room.

The Resistance soldiers hid behind their cover to dodge the fire. Snap fired his blaster at one of the Stormtroopers, hitting him in the leg. He then ran out of the room into a corridor, narrowly escaping the grenades hurled by Veedus and the Colossal soldiers shortly after. A large number of the Resistance soldiers were killed by the grenades with a blaze of red energy that also destroyed a number of the computers nearby.

Veedus and the Colossal troopers walked further into the room and shot down the other Resistance soldiers. They then made their way further into the base's corridors, where they encountered more Resistance soldiers.

Snap Wexley ran through the base's corridors, being careful of the rubble that collapsed from the base's ceiling. He reached the outdoor hangar of the base, where his black X-Wing fighter waited for him.

Wasting no time, he boarded the fighter and disembarked into space.

Leia, Chewie, Threepio, Cypress and Connix ran through the corridors. Pieces of rubble collapsed from the base's ceiling, and the base shook as a result of the AT-4Xs' fire. Cypress pushed Connix out of the way as a large piece of rubble collapsed from the ceiling.

"Ahhh!" Connix yelled.

Three Colossal troopers swarmed into the corridor and fired. Leia, Chewie, Connix and Cypress shielded themselves from the fire in an alcove. They took out their weapons, and Chewie fired his bowcaster back at the Colossal troopers, shooting down two of them, before the four of them continued further down the collapsing corridor.

"Oh my, I have a bad feeling about this" said C-3PO.

Chewbacca growled and shot down two Stormtroopers approaching in front of them.

They headed through the corridor and turned right, before spotting the door to the hangar on their right. With the Stormtroopers and Colossal troopers storming into the corridor, they turned to the door and emerged in one of the base's indoor hangars.

The Millennium Falcon sat in the hangar, along with several metal crates.

Chewbacca roared.

"Let's not waste any time!" said C-3PO.

Connix, C-3PO and Chewbacca headed into the Falcon as Captain Phasma entered with a squadron of Colossal troopers. They fired at Captain Cypress, who was heading up the ramp into the ship, and shot him in the back, killing him.

The rest of them made it into the ship.

Chewbacca headed into the cockpit of the Falcon with Leia, and he closed the ship's doors, before disembarking from the ground and flying out of the hangar into D'Qar's atmosphere. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Connix headed to one of the Falcon's

"Stop! The TIE fighters will take care of them!" ordered Phasma.

Major Ematt walked around the base, making sure that the remaining Resistance workers evacuated.

"Retreat! Head to the transports! There is nothing you can do!"

Major Ematt led the Resistance troops past the base's corridors to the transports in the hangar outside.

There, Major Ematt ran to one of the Resistance transports with a batch of Resistance workers. However, the transport was destroyed by fire from approaching TIE fighters. Ematt and the rest of the workers were forced to stand back. They placed their hands up to shield from the smoke.

"Run! Head for that transport there!" ordered Ematt.

Ematt and the Resistance members ran for the Resistance transport that stood to their right. But a TIE fighter unleashed its fire on the group, killing eight Resistance workers. Ematt dodged the blaster fire from the ships by jumping forward.

One of the TIE fighters in the sky was shot down by the Millennium Falcon from behind. Two other TIE fighters chased the Falcon from behind and attempted to fire at it. But Chewbacca and Connix flew the Falcon very well, dodging the rest of the TIE fighters.

The distraction allowed Ematt and his three remaining comrades to head into the Resistance transport. The transport disembarked into space.

"General Leia, this is Major Ematt. We have disembarked from D'Qar. However, the First Order has reached the Resistance Base, and Major Brance and Captain Cypress are dead. TIE fighters have come down from space and destroyed the last GR-75 transport. I am heading to the rendezvous point at the Kallida Nebula" said Ematt to Leia through the intercom.

"Good, Major. See you there soon" replied Leia.

The Resistance transport made its way into hyperspace and left the system. The Millennium Falcon escaped along with it.

Chewbacca turned the ship around and roared at Connix to fire. Using the ship's laser, Connix carefully aimed at one of the fighters. After getting a clear shot, she shot down the ship.

"Woohoo!" she yelled.

The remaining TIE fighter fired at the Falcon, but missed it. Chewbacca flew the Falcon over D'Qar's forested hills, with the TIE fighter in pursuit. Chewbacca made a sharp turn to avoid hitting one of the hills. He continued to fly the Falcon past the forested hills of D'Qar.

The TIE fighter continued to fire at the Falcon, but were unable to hit the ship. Chewbacca then turned around as he approached another hill. Connix got a clear shot and destroyed the TIE fighter.

"Yes!" she yelled, putting her hands up.

Chewbacca flew the ship up into space.

"Now let us evacuate the system and head to the Kallida Nebula" ordered Leia.

Chewbacca set a course for the nebula on the Falcon's computer, before heading into hyperspace.

Captain Phasma stood in one of the Resistance base's hangars as her fellow Stormtroopers swarmed the area. Veedus stood beside her. Her portable holoprojector beeped, and she took it out, seeing the hologram of Supreme Leader Snoke.

"Supreme Leader. My forces have taken the Resistance Base"

"Good, Captain Phasma. I want you to leave the planet now. We are going to blow this base soon" replied Snoke.

Phasma turned off the hologram and put it back into her belt.

"Let's go1" Phasmma ordered, gesturing at the tropers with her arm.

The Resistance took a number of losses in space, with three of their own cruisers already having been destroyed.

One of them had been destroyed by the Finalizer, with the help of a TIE fighter squadron.

"Finalizer, attack that Mon Cal cruiser with your cannons!" ordered Hux.

The Finalizer steered near the Mon Calamari starcruiser, firing at it with it's cannons and turbolasers and attempting to destroy it's shields. Meanwhile, a TIE fighter squadron made it's way out of the Finalizer into the Mon Calamari starcruiser.

"Destroy their cannons!" ordered the squadron's leader.

As they flew past the starcruiser's cannons, the TIE fighters swiftly destroyed them with their shots and torpedoes. They also shot down the chasing X-Wings with extraordinary skill, although one TIE fighter was shot down, crashing down on the starcruiser.

They made their way to the shield generator at the top of the cruiser near the ship, destroying it by making bombing runs. Other TIE fighters fired down approaching X-Wings. After about three runs, the shield generator was destroyed.

"Fire!" ordered Hux, raising his gloved hand.

The Finalizer fired its cannons and turbolasers at the starcruiser, greatly damaging the ship. The bridge was soon destroyed, killing all the Resistance troops inside. In no time, the entire ship exploded.

General Leia Organa and the rest of the Resistance base's leadership stood inside one of the transports, which was already disembarking from the surface of D'Qar. The ship, escorted by a squadron of X-Wing fighters, arrived in space with the other transports. However, a dark energy blast from a Colossal worldship destroyed three transports in front of it, and Leia's transport was forced to stop to steer clear from the blast.

"Admiral Ackbar, how is the evacuation going?" asked Leia.

"It could be going better. We've evacuated five transports, but have lost seven to the enemy" replied Ackbar.

"We need to fight harder! All we need is time to evacuate the planet!" replied Admiral Statura from one of the Mon Calamari starcruisers.

Suddenly, the Machinima arrived from hyperspace with dozens of Jedi starfighters.

"This is Mara Jade of the New Jedi Order. We have arrived to aid the Resistance in their evacuation of D'Qar. Prepare to engage the enemy!"

"Jedi starfighter Squadron, this is Luke Skywalker. Our top priority is to protect the Resistance transports. The Resistance leadership must evacuate D'Qar safely"

Leia smiled as she watched the arrival of the Jedi from her transport.

"The Jedi. They have come to aid us" she said.

Snoke took notice of the Jedi's arrival along with his apprentice Kylo.

"My apprentice, the Jedi have arrived. You must lead the Knights of Ren and go to attack the Jedi in their transport. I will also send Sakitus and his Praetorian guard along with some other Colossals to aid you"

Kylo Ren bowed to Snoke.

"Yes, Supreme Leader" he replied.

Kylo left the throne room. Ten Praetorian guards, clad in red armor and wearing red capes left their camouflaged position in the throne room's red wall and joined Kylo.

Kylo went to the worldship's black training room, where the Knights of Ren stood ready for his orders. Clad in their black armor, they wielded red lightsabers, which were sheathed in their pockets. They had trained in the dark side of the Force and in lightsaber combat for months, and had improved their skills significantly.

Kylo had his new helmet on a table, similar to his old one. He put it on.

"Let us go, Knights of Ren" he said.

The Knights of Ren left the room and joined with Sakitus Lin and his Pretorian guard. They all headed to one of the ship's large hallway, where a contigent of twelve Colossal soldiers wielding vibroswords waited for them, led by Captain Phasma.

"Our ship will draw in the Machinima with a tractor beam. Then, we will swarm inside and attack the Jedi. It is time to finish off the Jedi Order" said Sakitus.

"And to complete what Darth Vader started" added Kylo.

Outside, the Machinima and the Jedi starfighters helped the Resistance to evacuate more of their transports and leaders from the D'Qar system. The Jedi starfighter squadron, led by Master Luke Skywalker, flew around the Resistance transports and shot down the TIE fighters and Colossal fighters attacking them.

During the fight, Luke was chased by five TIE fighters. They fired at him, but Luke swerved his ship to dodge their bullets. When Luke got near a Resistance frigate, he turned his ship around and shot down three of the TIE fighters with great precision.

The other two TIE fighters fired torpedoes at him. As the torpedoes approached his ship, Luke turned again and sped his ship forward, before turning again and firing torpedoes of his own at the enemy torpedoes, creating a small explosion that destroyed the two TIE fighters as they tried to fly forward.

With the help of the Resistance and the Jedi, four more GR-75 transports and seven Resistance transports evacuated from D'Qar. However, one more GR-75 transport and five more Resistance ones had still not evacuated from D'Qar.

The fighting continued against the Resistance and the First Order outside of D'Qar, and the blue and red fire from the starfighters of both sides, along with the explosions from their starfighters, could be seen on the sky.

The Resurgent class battlecruisers destroyed two of the GR-75 transports and four of the Resistance ones with their cannons. A Colossal worldship also managed to destroy a Mon Calamari starcruiser with it's dark energy cannons.

Supreme Leader Snoke's worldship steered to the Machinima. On the way, it ran into two Mon Calamari starcruisers who fired their cannons at it. The cannons did some damage to the worldship's sides, but the worldship regenerated.

"Get those starcruisers out of our way!" ordered Snoke.

The worldship began to fire it's cannons at the Dane starcruiser, where Admiral Ackbar stood. The cannons damaged the starcruiser.

"Steer the cruisers away from the worldship!" ordered Admiral Ackbar in one of the cruisers.

The two cruisers attempted to steer away from the worldship, while continuing to fire at it for protection. But the worldship still caused heavy damage to the two starcruisers, particularly Admiral Ackbar's. The ship shook from the force of the worldship's cannons, and the Resistance officers inside panicked.

"You must evacuate the Dane fast! Repeat, evacuate the Dane!" ordered Admiral Ackbar from the bridge of the starcruiser.

Admiral Ackbar ran out of the bridge along with the other Resistance officers. He went past the white hallways into the escape pod room, where Resistance officers and workers evacuated the ship with the pods.

He then swarmed into one of the escape pods along with six other Resistance officers. However, before they could depart the ship, it exploded, having been destroyed by a blast from Snoke's worldship.

"We've lost Admiral Ackbar" said Leia.

"General?" asked a Resistance officer.

"I sensed it through the Force" Leia replied.

Snoke's worldship got close to the Machinima.

"Release the tractor beam!" ordered Snoke.

The tractor beam was activated, and it began to reel in the cruiser. The Colossal fighters next to Snoke's worldship shot down a number of the Jedi starfighters.

"The worldship! It's dragging us inside!" yelled Mara.

Luke watched with concern as the Machinima was reeled into the worldship.

"Jedi Squadron, we must go in and defend our Jedi brothers! I suspect the First Order want to battle with us" ordered Luke.

Luke flew to the GR-75 transport's hangar at it's bottom along with the rest of the Jedi starfighters. They landed on the bay of the ship just before it was reeled into Snoke's worldship.  

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