DJ's Identity and Information

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DJ had driven his ship out of the Canto Bight system, and they were now in deep space. DJ got off the cockpit and joined Maz, Finn and Rose in the large center of his ship. They sat on the blue couches.

"So what do you need me for? Why did you free me from Canto Bight?" asked DJ.

"You know about the First Order, don't you DJ? General Leia of the Resistance told us to seek you out. You're an old friend of hers, are you not?" replied Finn.

"And does she expect me to help you out? What is your name, anyway?" asked DJ.

"My name is Finn, and my comrade here is Rose. The Resistance is losing badly in the war against the First Order, as they possess very advanced technology that they are using devastatingly against us. They possess massive worldships which can destroy planets and entire fleets, and they had a weapon called Starkiller Base..."

"Yes. You don't have to explain. I do not really care for this war. The Resistance bombs the First Order one day, the First Order bombs the Resistance in another, and the cycle repeats itself. It's just an ongoing war that will never end" replied DJ.

"Yes, but there are good and bad sides in this war. The First Order wants to reestablish the Galactic Empire, and they have committed atrocities such as the destruction of the Hosnian system and the planet of Sullust. We are the only thing that stands between them taking over the galaxy" said Rose.

"And the New Republic brought this upon themselves by demilitarizing their fleet and army and not dealing with the First Order threat earlier. The Senate is corrupt, and some of the senators even collaborated with the First Order." replied DJ.

"Are you going to help us, or not?" asked Finn.

"I might be able to help you, but I don't work for free. I demand some compensation for my services" replied DJ.

"If you only care about money, then I'm sure the Resistance will be able to compensate you greatly for your services. However, as I said, the Resistance is faring badly in this war. We have even been forced to evacuate our base in D'Qar, and the New Republic has been in a state of disarray ever since the First Order used Starkiller Base to destroy Hosnian Prime. Since you possess important knowledge on the First Order, the Resistance will need you to help us. We need you to tell us who you are exactly, along with everything you know about the First Order" said Rose.

"My name is Darek Jaymess. That is what my initials stand for. I'm a slicer, andoperate in the Outer Rim and Unknown Regions. I am an old friend of Leia, as I used to do a couple of slicing jobs for her. While doing freelance slicing jobs, I have learned alot about the First Order and their structure"

"Well, Darek, tell us, how did the First Order create such advanced technology and weapons so quickly? They were in a remote part of the galaxy and they didn't have the resources the Empire had" asked Finn.

"When the Imperial Remnant escaped into the Unknown Regions, they encountered an technologically advanced alien group called the Colossals. They were from another galaxy which was apparently destroyed. The Imperial Remnant and the Colossals became allies, as they both hoped to establish a galaxy spanning empire. Their new faction was called the First Order, as they hoped to establish the most advanced Empire in the galaxy, better than all the ones before it. With help from the Colossals, the First Order built up their fleets and armies again, and they also built Starkiller Base. The Colossals have a habit of putting dark energy in their weapons, and this energy makes their weapons more devastating. And it was all done under the nose of the New Republic, which failed to see them as a problem. But Starkiller Base has effectively crippled the New Republic after the destruction of the Hosnian system, and even after the Resistance's did the same to the First Order, they continue to churn out new and devastating ships and armies" explained Darek.

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