Attack on the Jedi Academy

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The First Order fleet, headed by Supreme Leader Snoke on his worldship The Supremacy, arrived at Tython's atmosphere. The First Order fleet was large, composed of three worldships, including the Supremacy, along with 20 Resurgent-class battecruisers and 25 frigates.

"Supreme Leader Snoke, do you want the cannon fired at the planet?" asked Sakitus.

"No. This planet is strong in the Force, and the findings from the Jedi Temple could really give us some great knowledge. But the Jedi must still be wiped out. I want an orbital bombardment directed at the planet immediately. I also want the Praetorian Guard and the Knights of Ren to head to the planet's surface and head into the temple to pillage the temple's databanks" ordered Snoke.

"Right away, my Lord" replied Sakitus.

Sakitus bowed down to Snoke before leaving the room along with his Praetorian Guard. They all walked to the Supremacy's training room, where the Knights of Ren stood ready under Kylo Ren. He wore his helmet.

"Kylo, we are to head to the planet of Tython and pillage the databanks" said Sakitus.

"Yes, I know. I am mobilizing the Knights. By destroying the Jedi once and for all, we will finish what Darth Vader started" said Kylo.

Beside Kylo stood Rey. She appeared to have turned to the dark side, as she wore a black suit with exposed shoulders. She still had Anakin's lightsaber on her pocket.As a result of turning to the dark side, she looked kind of paler than usual.

"I can see that the Jedi you captured has come to join us" noted Sakitus.

"Yes. She has finally seen the path of the dark side, and is now my apprentice" replied Kylo.

"The Jedi lied to me. They are only concerned for themselves. They abandoned me during my time of need. Now I shall gain vengeance on them" said Rey.

"Good, my apprentice. We shall head to the Jedi Academy now and make them pay for what they have done to you" said Kylo.

The Knights of Ren headed out to the training room and to one of the worldship's hangars, where a force of stormtroopers and Colossla troopers waited for them. There were six AAL transporters inside.

Kylo and the Knights headed inside one of the transports, while Sakitus and his Praetorian Guard headed into another. After the stormtroopers and Colosslas boarded their own transports, they left the Supremacy and headed to Tython.

Luke Skywalker and the rest of the Jedi Masters arrived in Tython on a GR-75 transport along with Prince Isolder and the rest of the Hapan fleet. The Hapan fleet was composed of more than 20 Hapan Battle Dragons and 30 Nova-class starcruisers, along with 30 GR-75 transports to evacuate the Jedi from the planet.

From the bridge of the Hapan Battle Dragon along with Masters Mara Jade, Zoltan and Ezra, Luke Skywalker saw the First Order fleet mobilized.

"Oh no, it appears the First Order has arrived first. They are about to orbitally bombard the planet. We must move quickly! All GR-75 transports, head over to Tython to evacuate the Jedi! Isolder, keep the First Order fleet occupied!" ordered Luke.

"Yes, Master Luke!" replied Isolder from the bridge of his Hapan Battle Dragon.

Isolder wore a long blue cloak with a coffee jacket. He saw the large array of Hapan starfighters mobilize outside. There were several hundred Hapan starfighters.

The Hapan starfighters began to battle the Colossal and TIE fighters. The ships flew around each other as they fired. The lead pilot of the Hapan starfighters flew past two TIE fighters as he shot them down.

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