Training with the Last Jedi

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Rey began her training with the Last Jedi in Tython. The Academy's students were divided into four classes of five students each, and Rey was placed into one of them. Along with Rey, the class was composed of three humans, and two Zabrak twins. One other human was female. The rest were male, and one of the humans in Rey's class was Rivan. Luke also began to teach at the Academy.

They trained first in lightsaber combat under Master Ezra Bridger in a dueling ring at the Academy courtyard. The dueling ring was circular and sealed off with a metal fence.

"All right, students, take out your training lightsabers. You are going to spar each other using them. Line up in front of the fence. I am going to pair you with another student. To score a point on your opponent, you have to hit them in the upper body with the lightsaber" said Ezra.

The students took out their training lightsabers and lined up in front of the fence. Master Ezra began pairing up the students.

"Rey, you will be sparring with Rivan here" said Master Ezra.

Rey and Rivan shook hands and bowed to each other.

"Now begin!" said Master Ezra.

Rey and Rivan began to spar. Rivan was aggressive with his attacks, while Rey was on the defensive, dodging Rivan's attacks and trying to defend herself. Rey was calculating and focused with her moves, and she hit Rivan a few times with her lightsaber after she dodged some of his moves. Since they were only training lightsabers, they didn't do any damage, they only stung the person who got hit. Rivan continued to charge at Rey, finally hitting her in the neck after breaking her block.

Master Ezra walked around the ring, seeing how the students fought. When he got to Rey, he was impressed.

"That is some amazing fighting, Rey. You calculate your moves carefully and are focused on your opponent. You wait until he strikes and leaves himself vulnerable" said Master Ezra.

"Thank you, Master" replied Rey.

"Rivan, don't always be on the offensive and charge at your opponent. Sometimes you must also be on the defensive and calculate your moves carefully" said Ezra.

"I'll keep that in mind, Master" said Rivan.

Rey and Rivan continued to spar. Rey continued to calculate her moves carefully. When they clashed lightsabers, she occasionally managed to break Rivan's lightsaber block and hit him in the head. However, Rivan now fought better. He blocked many of Rey's moves, and he also hit her in the chest a few times.

The students sparred each other for half an hour.

"Students! Line up at the fence again! We are going to have duels!" said Master Ezra.

Rey, Rivan and the rest of the students lined up at the fence.

"Rey and Rivan, you will fight each other in the first duel. Whoever gets five points first wins the match" said Ezra.

Rey and Rivan walked to the centre of the duelling ring facing each other. Ezra pressed a button in front of the ring, and a circular metal fence sprang up from the ground, enveloping the ring.

"Begin!" yelled Ezra.

Rey and Rivan swung their training lightsabers at each other before clashing. Rey broke Rivan's block and hit him in the shoulder.

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