Destroying the Worldship

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Meanwhile, at the Home Two, General Leia inspected the battle from the bridge of the ship along with Admiral Statura. The starcruiser stood at the center of the fleet, with many Resistance starcruisers on both sides of it.

"Incoming transmission from Major Ematt, General!" said Admiral Statura.

"Pitch him in" replied Leia.

Admiral Statura pressed some buttons on the holoprojector in front of Leia, and the blue hologram of Major Ematt came up.

"General, the First Order has begun their attack on the surface of Crait. They have brought AT-M6 walkers. However, we are counterattacking with ski speeders. The battle seems to be going both ways for the time being. We were having trouble with the TIE fighters which were coming from spcae to attack our snowspeeders, but a squadron of X-Wings came down from space to help us. We have downed and destroyed one of the walkers. Our ski speeders are able to extract the Ortanium for use in our weapons, and this aids us in the battle greatly" explained Major Ematt.

"Good, Major. Now I want you to continue your attack on the walkers. How is the Ortanium mining going?" asked Leia.

"Well, General. No attacks from the enemy yet. We are extracting the Ortanium from the mountain" replied Ematt.

"Glad to hear it, Major" replied Leia.

The hologram turned off, and Leia spoke to Poe Dameron next.

"Captain Poe. Where are you?" asked General Leia.

"I am near a First Order Battlecruiser that is attempting to push forward through our lines, and I am attempting to destroy it!" replied Poe.

"Good. I want you and the Starfighter Corps to continue preventing First Order ships to break through our line. Later, when our planetary cannon fires at one of the worldships, I want all of you to head inside and attempt to destroy it" ordered General Leia.

"Yes, General" replied Poe before turning his com off.

Poe flew his X-Wing over the First Order Battlecruiser. Six X-Wings flew beside him. He dodged the blasts from the battlecruiser's turrets as he flew past them.

"Torpedoes,!" ordered Poe.

Poe fired torpedoes at the battlecruiser, with the other X-Wings following suit. The torpedoes managed to hit a number of the battlecruiser's turrets and destroy them.

"Colossal fighters incoming!" yelled Jessika.

Eight Colossal fighters came from the front of the battlecruiser and fired at the X-Wings. Poe dodged the shots from the X-Wing, but two of his fellow pilots were not so lucky, being gunned down by the fire.

Poe targeted one of the Colossal fighters and shot it. The blast damaged the Colossal fighter and caused the pilot to lose control. Poe turned his fighter around and immediately fired again, destroying the Colossal fighter.

Poe, who was at the tip of the battlecruiser, flew his ship up to avoid the incoming fore from the turrets. His comrades fought the other Colossal fighters in dogfights over the battlecruiser. With the combined force from the battlecruiser and the Colossal fighters, many of the X-Wings were being gunned down.

"Red and Blue squadrons, get away from the battlecruiser!" ordered Poe.

"Yes, Commander!" replied Jessika Pava.

"Cobalt Squadron, I'm going to need support to take down this battlecruiser!" said Poe.

Nine B/SF-17 heavy bombers flew up beside Poe.

"We're here, Poe" said Paige Tico.

"Good. Let's go!" ordered Poe.

Poe flew his starfighter down the side of the battlecruiser, accompanied by the bombers. The bombers covered Poe by taking out the turrets on the top and sides of the ship. Poe fired torpedoes at two TIE fighters which flew out of the ship's hangar, destroying them.

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