2.3 - unknown caller

392 11 5

Today is the day of the masquerade.

Yeah, already!

I stood in front of my full length mirror, and took in my appearance. There were three words that stood out to me.

Elegance, maturity and gold.

I felt too vulnerable in this dress. Like I don't deserve to be wearing it.

"Guzel kizim." Mum spoke as she stood behind me.

Guzel Kizim - My Beautiful Daughter

She may be British, but she was capable of learning another language. She's learnt enough Turkish to have a proper conversation. However, she always struggled with learning Kurdish.

"Don't start." I warned her.

She's gonna cry. I can see it coming.

"I won't, I won't!" She exclaimed, holding her hands up.

"Good." I said, and faced back at the mirror.

"I'll save my tears for your wedding day." She said, tapping my shoulders and walking off.

"Mum!" I yelled.

"For gods sake." I sighed, quietly.

I turned to my dressing table, and picked up a random bottle of perfume. Jean Paul Gaultier to be exact.

"Meh." I shrugged.

It smells nice, why not?

I took my phone and clutch bag, and headed downstairs.

"Who were you going with again?" Mum asked once I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"My friend, Cameron." I informed her.

"Are you wearing your necklace?" She asked, curiously.

"Yes, why?"

Does she know what this necklace does?

"No reason, sweetheart." She shook her head vigorously.


I head towards the shoe stand, and I start to slide my feet into my heels.

"You rarely talk about this boy, let alone introduce him to me." Mum said with a questioning tone.

"That's because I don't want you scaring my friends away with your interrogative questions." I responded.

"I never interrogate your friends." Mum defended herself.

"Maybe you've hit your head on a brick wall. I'll help you to remember. What did you do back in our house in London, when I had invited Tasha to come round for dinner?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She focused on me, constantly making facial expressions as if she's trying to remember. And finally, an expression of recognition was plastered on her face.

"Well, I've only done it once." She shrugged as if it was nothing.

"Well once is enough, Anne."

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