5.1 - don't leave me

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3 Days Later

"Mum. I can walk on my own you know." I say frustrated.

Today I was let out of the hospital. I was given a prescription of pain killers, which reassured me a little.

Mum had drove us both home. Throughout the entire journey, Cameron had been following us from behind. He wanted to bring me home, but he knew he couldn't, because of my Mum. She knows he's a vampire, and has made me stop seeing him.

"I am not risking anything, Yasmin." Mum said, supporting my back.

"Mum! Please. I am fine."

She glared at me, before letting go.

"You can be so stubborn sometimes." She huffed, before storming towards the door.

I paced towards the front of the house, and watched as Mum tried unlocking the door. I turned around, to see Cameron parking his car on the drive. I turned back around, and finally, Mum has unlocked the door.

We both walked in, departing our separate ways. I headed towards the stairs, and slowly started walking up. Occasionally, I had the odd pain on the left side of my stomach, whenever I would lift my left leg up. Holding onto the banister, I continued making my way up, until I was finally on the landing. My feet paced towards my room. Once I entered my room, I let out a huge breath, feeling relieved to be home.

I leaped onto the bed, instantly regretting it. The pain in my stomach increased. I let out a groan.

"Well that wasn't a good idea, was it?" I heard a familiar voice.

I looked up to find Cameron standing by the window with a pained expression.

"Can you help me up please." I begged.

He rushed towards the door first, locking it, before helping me up.

"Thank you." I managed to let out.

He had sat me up right on my bed, and placed himself next to me, still holding both of my hands.

"Are you comfortable now?" He asked.

I nodded.

"I hope your intentions for the next two weeks is to rest and recover, and not to take any of those self defence classes." Cameron said, raising an eyebrow.

"Trust me, in this state, I wouldn't be any good at doing anything." I say, sighing afterwards.

"I wouldn't say 'anything'." I heard him say.

I turned to see him smirking.

He had other thoughts in mind.

"And why is that?" I asked, playfully.

His smirk grew, and he leaned closer towards me, cupping my right cheek in the process.

"You can easily place your kissable lips to mine. That's something, right?" He whispered seductively.

"Hmm. I believe that might be something." I responded back.

He made direct eye contact with me, maintaining his smirk, before closing the gap between us, with his lips on mine.

His lips moulded perfectly with mine, leaving me feeling both ecstatic and complete. His tongue grazed my lips, causing an automatic moan to escape my lips. Before this escalated, I had to pull away.

"I'm sorry." I said, feeling guilty.

I know he wanted more, but I just wasn't ready. Plus, I'm in no fit state to do anything like that.

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