1.5 - the british clan

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Currently I'm sitting in the car, which I have parked at the college car park, staring at the bushes which are located directly in front of me. Instead of arriving with the girls, I was thankfully alone.

After what I did on Saturday, I really needed time to myself. I was angry at myself for getting wasted. I feel utterly embarrassed. Especially since several of my friends saw me in that state.

Knock, knock!

I jumped at the sudden sound. Turning to my left, I saw Kai standing by my car, smirking. I rolled my eyes at him, before getting out of the car.

"So, what good excuse have you planned, to try and reason as for why you weren't in for the rest of last week?" Kai asked immediately.

"Excuse me?" I said, taken back by his question.

I haven't spoken to him since his eyes freaked me out. Heck, I even forgot about him!

"I said, why weren't you in for the rest of last week?" He repeated.

Fuck you Kai.

"Personal reasons." I muttered silently.

"Hmm." Kai said.

"What?" I snapped at him.

I mentally scoffed. This bloodsucker doesn't need to know shit!

"Woah. Chill dude." Kai said, raising his hands in a surrendering stance.

Did he seriously just call me 'dude'.

"I'm not a dude and don't tell me to chill." I harshly snapped.

"Feisty. Just how I like it." He smirked, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Fuck off, pervert." I swore.

"No." He responded back, which made me shocked.

"Just shut the fuck up." I said in annoyance, as I made my way towards the main block.

"No." Kai whispers into my ear.

I sighed in annoyance.

"Let me just take you out." Kai said.

"You what?" I said in surprise.

Kai Salvatore wants to take me out. He's got to be kidding me.

Allahim yarabbim.

(Allahim yarabbim - my lord)

"Let me take you out. Clearly you don't like me, but I can change that." He said.

Manipulative bastard.

"No thanks." I responded.

"Stop being so hard to get. Just, let me show you the real me." Kai said as he stood in front of me, preventing me from going in. I noticed how his pupils had dilated.

"Kai, I said no. That's it. Can you just leave it." I huffed in annoyance.

"If you say so, baby." He said, walking away.

Did he just call me baby?

"What did you just say?!"

"Nothing." He yelled as he paced faster.

"Fucking perv." I muttered, as I headed towards the main entrance.


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